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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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weed fiend
Gotta love how because DB says Ron can't do it that makes it so

Ron can't dictate anything that requires Congressional support. I'll put your habitual sarcastic responses on ignore. Made up arguments aren't worth paying attention to.


Active member
RP is the only candidate that doesn't pander and speak out of both sides of his mouth. He clearly states that he wants to end the drug war. He is consistent on that issue and doesn't talk around it.

O laughed when asked if he was for legalizing weed.

Whether RP could get it done or not at least we would have someone outspoken on the issue in the White House. He would bring the issue to light in a clear and concise manner. It would open up intellectual debate. He's not scared to speak his mind.

O is only interested in saying pre-polled responses to get people to vote for him. He serves corporate interests which are directly at conflict with our cause.

RP is clearly the best candidate for our cause, if only as start towards ending the drug war.

Right on bro! He is the first person to straight up say it is a violation of our rights!


Active member
Ron can't dictate anything that requires Congressional support. I'll put your habitual sarcastic responses on ignore. Made up arguments aren't worth paying attention to.

So you back who?

Your views are?

You ideology is?

Your principles are?

See you offer nothing!

Only thing you care about is newsletters from 20 plus years ago and the blasted war that is at the top of everybody's list, "the war on Christmas baloney " Spreading slander and a partridge in a pair tree.

You say, "Unfortunately Ron has some jerk fans. You happen to be one of em." I say your the one who has nobody to pull for and only attacking somebody to slander them. That makes you the jerk. I have asked you over and over for your opinions and who you back and you refuse to say......That makes your objective of slander very clear to see for us all!
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Game Bred
The AG who is appointed and serves under the chief executive has the power to remove a substance or reschedule a substance without the hhs director's input.

The chief executive has the power through XO to abolish the DEA just as an XO created.

The commander in chief needs no approval from congress to remove troops he does however need congress to declared war and for appropriations.

DB has a public school knowledge of civics.

At least he finally acknowledges the DEA was created by XO wish he would have delete bet me on that one but alas he knew he was lying and didn't wanna loose his turbo handle...


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
What will 500% look like when he rolls $74 trillion into less than $20 billion? How do you expect to be an influence in global trade with a gold standard?

Actually he doesn't plan to roll $74 trillion into less then 20 billion. It's obvious that paper currency cannot be done away with. Ron's proposing to give citizens a right to choose to live by the gold standard if they see fit.

The paper currency would still be used and I'm sure global trades would carry on as usual.

Right now we have no choice but to live off and get by on I owe you slips, If the government slips into default and ends up in a depression all that paper your holding onto won't be worth a fuck you know why, it's not real currency even though we do live off of it.

I'd rather have currency that I can take to the bank and get exchanged for gold so I know my money is real and if we slip into a depression I will have something of trade value. Cause all these paper I owe you slips your holding onto will become toilet paper.

Bring on those silver certificates I need em :)

This is all in line with creating sound money. Something the government seems to care less about at this point.

Before you put your eggs in one basket, it would behoove you to better understand your president isn't a dictator. no matter who's elected. Arguing with me doesn't change that fact. Maybe if you better understood how things work you wouldn't blow your load on guys who promise shit they can't deliver (unless they have what it takes to lead.)

You are right our president isn't a dictator, however he can and would be able to pardon all federally imprisoned non violent drug offenders.

Once that happens perhaps many states would pick up on it and follow suit, then all these people who are incarcerated that certainly don't deserve to be will be free.

Ron Paul IMO is really the starting point for getting America back on track.

Liberty, Freedom, & Justice For All

Means something to ron paul and it should to each and every American citizen in this country.

Currently our liberty and freedom is not being given to us, it's being taken away more and more every dam year and that my friend is not justice for all.:tiphat:



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
But does he actually have a chance this year? looks better than years past

Well your guess is as good as mine. But hope is something people are entitled to, so might as well promote, vote and hope for the best!


weed fiend
Actually he doesn't plan to roll $74 trillion into less then 20 billion. It's obvious that paper currency cannot be done away with. Ron's proposing to give citizens a right to choose to live by the gold standard if they see fit.

The paper currency would still be used and I'm sure global trades would carry on as usual.

Right now we have no choice but to live off and get by on I owe you slips, If the government slips into default and ends up in a depression all that paper your holding onto won't be worth a fuck you know why, it's not real currency even though we do live off of it.

I'd rather have currency that I can take to the bank and get exchanged for gold so I know my money is real and if we slip into a depression I will have something of trade value. Cause all these paper I owe you slips your holding onto will become toilet paper.

Bring on those silver certificates I need em :)

This is all in line with creating sound money. Something the government seems to care less about at this point.

You are right our president isn't a dictator, however he can and would be able to pardon all federally imprisoned non violent drug offenders.

Once that happens perhaps many states would pick up on it and follow suit, then all these people who are incarcerated that certainly don't deserve to be will be free.

Ron Paul IMO is really the starting point for getting America back on track.

Liberty, Freedom, & Justice For All

Means something to ron paul and it should to each and every American citizen in this country.

Currently our liberty and freedom is not being given to us, it's being taken away more and more every dam year and that my friend is not justice for all.:tiphat:


Thanks for taking on the issues instead of those you disagree.

That said, Ron doesn't advocate fractional reserve when he touts gold standard. It doesn't matter whether fractional reserve is backed by gold or some other value of worth (such as GDP) - it's still fractional reserve.

Ron doesn't say he wants to do away with fractional reserve as much as he says he wants a gold standard and no fed. If Ron's gold standard deviates from standard, it deserves enough of his attention to explain what he's talking about.

The most I've personally heard Ron say was a very brief, "We may have to consider fractional backing". He'll have to offer more details that deviate from the gold standard we abandoned decades ago. Otherwise the folks too young to have experienced the setbacks love it yet economists ignore it. If Ron doesn't want to be ignored by the general electorate because they're being told Ron's economics are whacked, he'll have to manage to articulate his vision well enough to convince others of the potential risks vs gains.

We can already choose to buy gold if we want. Are you saying Ron would have two money standards? Not so sure about that one.

Its' not the paper currency, it's the disparity between gold reserves and national wealth. Gold reserves aren't even pennies on the dollar when compared to $74 trillion.

If everything carries on as usual, including folks normal-right to purchase normal gold, Ron has one less plank in his platform. All that gold standard stuff ought to read more like, 'You can buy gold now but you can also buy gold when I'm president.

I know the gloom and doom story, been going on since 1912. Ron was there to make the inaugural argument. Just kidding. Remember, you have to accept the idea that the current system will blow up so bad you'll opt for something w/o as much as a questioning what we'll get. Makes campaigning much easier when you don't have to sweat the technique.

If Ron's going to give you the option to buy gold, why are you waiting? You already have the opportunity.

Have you checked the potential restrictions on presidential pardons or are you going on a campaign promise? I happen to draw distinction between stump pump and Q&A sessions where candidates aren't necessarily campaigning for what they're answering. But if Ron says he'll release all non-violent weed offenders, how many prisoners are we talking? I don't recall a precedent setting situation where a past president wholesale released prisoners. And please don't offer Lincoln. Slaves and prisoners aren't the same thing and Lincoln had to fight a war before he could manage anything else.

If Ron could manage to lead instead of campaigning like he'll change anything he wants, he'd get more attention from non-base voters. But Ron's not blessed with the charisma to lead as much as he makes what appear to be oversimplified promises of unilateral? design.


Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

Please everyone take a look at the title of this post and the title of the thread!

House keeping first-- Johnnyblazin--ok so you are in the forums going through threads, then you come across one you don't like so you state your position and leave. That I can understand and even appreciate. However, your return to the thread I started and second time requesting it be "locked" is unacceptable. Are you familiar with the terms "flaming" and "Troll"? Leave and stay gone if don't like the thread. We and am sure many Moderators here at IC heard you the first time.

This was truly meant to be a discussion of the candidates position and issue on "our cause". I am a RP supporter but always keep my mind open and was wanting others views on the candidates. (RP but not exclusively) While I expected some focus on Ron Paul both negative or positive, it was intended to solicit alternatives and why those alternatives would be better, compare and contrast if you will.

A candidates electability, positions on other issues, and past behavior would definitely be pertinent to our discussions for obvious reasons I won't go into. However, just posting over and over the same points without offering alternatives in my opinion does nothing to increase our understanding of who of those available would best fit the position of "our cause". An example: stating over and over how a candidate may have electability issues and then offering a candidate that has even greater issues in the same view seems like rhetoric. In my experience many formally educated religious folks do the same.... criticize and chastise extremely eloquently but when asked specifics or rationales... again just spew forth the same rhetoric since even though educated highly in dogma only know it from a single denomination. (This is no offense to anyone's religion) Only used as an example to illustrate.

Yes if states get to decide on MMJ or full legalization, some will chose none, but 16 have chosen MMJ. Others want to but have been threatened by who????? It is my humble opinion a great many would choose "YES" if the Feds were out of it.

No RP can not do everything by himself but look what effect one memo by one Attorney General had for quite awhile. A memo is just that... a memo.... and some think that who we elect as the next President will have little affect???? Are you serious???? What if the next one got in there and instead of having the Attorney General write a memo, he brought the head of the DEA, IRS, and ATF into his office and said, "Sic'm boys". Just some thoughts.



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Thanks for taking on the issues instead of those you disagree.

That said, Ron doesn't advocate fractional reserve when he touts gold standard. It doesn't matter whether fractional reserve is backed by gold or some other value of worth (such as GDP) - it's still fractional reserve.

Ron doesn't say he wants to do away with fractional reserve as much as he says he wants a gold standard and no fed. If Ron's gold standard deviates from standard, it deserves enough of his attention to explain what he's talking about.

The most I've personally heard Ron say was a very brief, "We may have to consider fractional backing". He'll have to offer more details that deviate from the gold standard we abandoned decades ago. Otherwise the folks too young to have experienced the setbacks love it yet economists ignore it. If Ron doesn't want to be ignored by the general electorate because they're being told Ron's economics are whacked, he'll have to manage to articulate his vision well enough to convince others of the potential risks vs gains.

We can already choose to buy gold if we want. Are you saying Ron would have two money standards? Not so sure about that one.

Its' not the paper currency, it's the disparity between gold reserves and national wealth. Gold reserves aren't even pennies on the dollar when compared to $74 trillion.

If everything carries on as usual, including folks normal-right to purchase normal gold, Ron has one less plank in his platform. All that gold standard stuff ought to read more like, 'You can buy gold now but you can also buy gold when I'm president.

I know the gloom and doom story, been going on since 1912. Ron was there to make the inaugural argument. Just kidding. Remember, you have to accept the idea that the current system will blow up so bad you'll opt for something w/o as much as a questioning what we'll get. Makes campaigning much easier when you don't have to sweat the technique.

If Ron's going to give you the option to buy gold, why are you waiting? You already have the opportunity.

Have you checked the potential restrictions on presidential pardons or are you going on a campaign promise? I happen to draw distinction between stump pump and Q&A sessions where candidates aren't necessarily campaigning for what they're answering. But if Ron says he'll release all non-violent weed offenders, how many prisoners are we talking? I don't recall a precedent setting situation where a past president wholesale released prisoners. And please don't offer Lincoln. Slaves and prisoners aren't the same thing and Lincoln had to fight a war before he could manage anything else.

If Ron could manage to lead instead of campaigning like he'll change anything he wants, he'd get more attention from non-base voters. But Ron's not blessed with the charisma to lead as much as he makes what appear to be oversimplified promises of unilateral? design.

I appreciate the well thought out post, I'm not here for any argumentative postings just to share my opinion and views with the community.

Yes you are again correct citizens can purchase gold right now, the problem with purchasing gold is that you have to sell it before you can actually buy commodities.

The paper money that is currently in circulation is worthless if a depression were to happen that money would be worthless. So unless you privately purchased and saved gold or have equity in property or other assets worth value other then paper money your pretty much broke as a joke.

The gold standard means you would get paper that can be redeemed basically for face value in metal.

For example a silver certificate may look a lot like a standard us dollar but read the fine print. It's actually quite different and is backed by silver. What that means is that if a depression were to hit that silver certificate would still be legal tender and worth its weight it in silver. The I OWE YOU SLIPS WE ALL HOLD IN OUR POCKETS AND BANKS WOULD BECOME TOILET PAPER THOUGH.

If you ask me the only thing our money is backed by currently is our governments word that its legal tender. If a depression takes place our governments word won't keep that paper legal tender.

That's the difference in the gold standard and the current paper trail floating around the entire world.

Again this is merely the opinion of myself.:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
Ron can't dictate anything that requires Congressional support. I'll put your habitual sarcastic responses on ignore. Made up arguments aren't worth paying attention to.

Keep in mind bro...War requires Congressional support...and it didn't get it--:)


weed fiend
I appreciate the well thought out post, I'm not here for any argumentative postings just to share my opinion and views with the community.

Yes you are again correct citizens can purchase gold right now, the problem with purchasing gold is that you have to sell it before you can actually buy commodities.

Ok. I see what you're saying.

The paper money that is currently in circulation is worthless if a depression were to happen that money would be worthless. So unless you privately purchased and saved gold or have equity in property or other assets worth value other then paper money your pretty much broke as a joke.
The only way our money would be worthless is if we ceased the commerce that backs it. GDP isn't measured wealth like gold or any other commodity. GDP is a number. It's the numeric count of commerce transactions in a given period. In a fractional reserve system, your money grows as it's released into the transaction process. Every dollar we spend on consumables returns approximately .68 cents to the local economy.

We're basically incapable of mining enough precious metals to back even a fraction of our GDP.

The gold standard means you would get paper that can be redeemed basically for face value in metal.

For example a silver certificate may look a lot like a standard us dollar but read the fine print. It's actually quite different and is backed by silver. What that means is that if a depression were to hit that silver certificate would still be legal tender and worth its weight it in silver. The I OWE YOU SLIPS WE ALL HOLD IN OUR POCKETS AND BANKS WOULD BECOME TOILET PAPER THOUGH.

If you ask me the only thing our money is backed by currently is our governments word that its legal tender.

That's the difference in the gold standard and the current paper trail floating around the entire world.

Again this is merely the opinion of myself.:tiphat:
IMO, Ron gets the concept yet he seems to miss the dynamic. In less than one century we've drop tested the dollar in multiple ways and multiple times.

recession - economic contraction

depression - sustained contraction

inflation - when properly managed, interest pays more than it costs.

deflation - the fed has the authority to retract excess money to mitigate deflation of currency value.

FDIC - keeps panicky people from crippling banks in time frames the banks weren't designed to sustain.

stagflation - basically two energy embargoes and two recessions culminated to raise commodity costs without raising the corresponding revenue rates. We need a national energy policy but it's politicized to the point of inaction.

Long story short, Ron compares visions of the Holy Roman Empire and pre depression-era deregulated markets to our actual system. IMO, not apples to apples by a long shot.

We have to fix some things that were broken in the last 30 years and we'll have to continue to manage, ie potentially regulate new commerce as it threatens to destabilize markets.


The President has the ability to pardon all non violent drug offenders in Federal prison (and it would make no sense for a state to continue to waste money incarcerating them if the Feds wont).

The President CANNOT end the Controlled Substances Act, but he can instruct the DEA to change/remove marijuana from the list of regulated substances. Thus ending its federal prohibition.

Both of these things would solve many problems (including the US/Mexican boarder), and the could be easily fixed by THE CURRENT PRESIDENT.

Ron Paul is the only candidate on either side that would potentially do these two things.
(If he doesnt get Guiteau'ed first. Garfield campaigned on shrinking govt too.)




You seem to have an excellent knowledge of many subjects and are very articulate.

Economically speaking, what happens when you pump 700 trillion dollars into the economic system of a country? What does that do to the value of the dollars already in circulation? Where did that money come from... was it a loan? Who bought the T bonds? What two Presidents pushed with all their might to get it through? I get very leary when the government says the sky is falling just trust me and hurry sign this blank check.

Which candidate has the fortitude to ask that we find out where that 700 trillion went? Which candidate wants to audit our private company that controls the monetary system of our country and to a large extent or indirectly the worlds?

Do you really think this is a recession? Could it be we have all lived in a fish tank and have had the majority of water on our side and now the water is spreading out to places like China, India, and other quickly developing countries that are rapidly gaining or passing us economically?

We are being herded in the same direction whether it be from the angle of the left or the angle of the right. We are still moving closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

At this point who do you support and why? I have been in many business meetings with "devil's" advocates.... it is easy to sit back and punch holes in plans or ideas, it is much more difficult to formulate solutions.

You have been straight out asked numerous times for constructive input.... not saying it all has not been constructive. Numerous times you have been asked who you support at this time and you have artfully side stepped the question. Not beating on you brother but what I am saying is what I have read for page after page for close to 40 pages. Without committing to any candidate preference, any subject you pick out, you are able to pick out the best aspect of any candidate and disregard the debatable negative thus comfortably only tearing down one candidate.

You say not to vote for Ron Paul because as one of your argument points of his ineluctability. Then when cornered multitude of times you mention a candidate who is vastly more unknown than Ron Paul. I say you mention.... because you have yet to tell us who you support or are leaning to at this time. You know like if you were to vote at a caucus tomorrow. Are you hearing me?



gonna do this short and sweet


you cant like the guy who can't solve the rubic's cube that the stickers have been moved around on over the last two generations .......

think about it


Active member
Still waiting on DB to tell us who he supports!!! If you not voting then why you so worried who we gone vote for? If your voting give us your candidate, one in the running. I have mentioned many issues and seen no actual response to any of them by you and I have not seen any actual fixes you have offered.

I just see you making anecdotal analysis while you declare Dr. Paul incapable of doing what he says he will. Just vague ambiguous attacks for ideas you call radical....Like ending the drug war, Audit and rein in the FED, Stopping unjust and undeclared wars, Don't say I am being sarcastic a I mean this shit bro!

He can't free anybody you say. The US is already freeing some innocent prisoners by order of the US SUPREME COURT! They are only treating the symptom and not the cause though. Ron would end the drug war and fix the problem. However the US Supreme Court ordered 40,000-50,000 be freed from a prison for over crowding a year ago, yet all you are doing is in here claiming he is a racist and can't do anything he proposes. The entire country is realizing the drug war is doomed and a war against Americans. How many of the 40,000-50,000 prisoners that were ordered free were Rapist or child molesters??? How many you think were victims of the drug war??? I guarantee they didn't consider freeing the rapist or child molesters and they are aware of over crowding in all the prisons. Ron Paul will free the innocent! That is a very big issue in my book.

Like I said, where is your thoughts, ideas, CANDIDATES, etc.............You see I know you don't want to offer that because your candidate don't stack up the RON PAUL. We would dismantle your opponent with facts not biased rethoric filled attacks.

Who you back??? Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"? Don't act like this is only a Ron Paul thread the title is right there! WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO?
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weed fiend
The President has the ability to pardon all non violent drug offenders in Federal prison (and it would make no sense for a state to continue to waste money incarcerating them if the Feds wont).

Who would argue that states would continue to incarcerate?

The President CANNOT end the Controlled Substances Act, but he can instruct the DEA to change/remove marijuana from the list of regulated substances. Thus ending its federal prohibition.

Even your link does not say what you just did.

Both of these things would solve many problems (including the US/Mexican boarder), and the could be easily fixed by THE CURRENT PRESIDENT.

If you're going on that wiki link, best wishes.

Ron Paul is the only candidate on either side that would potentially do these two things.
(If he doesnt get Guiteau'ed first. Garfield campaigned on shrinking govt too.)

I like the way you added potentially. Gives the sense that things aren't as certain as you suggested.


Active member
Here are some facts, links, and opinions about Ron Paul and why I feel every individual that has a vote in America should cast if for our most honorable politician, Ron Paul.

Why Dr. Paul is so worried about the FED?
The FED had never been audited and they fought against one tooth and nail. Ron Paul being a man of action was able to get a partial audit of the FED.

What did this audit uncover that Americans should know?
The partial audit revealed, Partial Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts — $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and FOREIGN banks everywhere from France to Scotland. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion? Reference (1)

Who got all that money?
The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places

Who contributes to Ron Paul?
US Army$24,503
US Air Force$23,335
US Navy$17,432
Mason Capital Management $14,000
Microsoft Corp $13,398
Boeing Co$10,620
Google Inc$10,390
Overland Sheepskin$10,350
IBM Corp$8,294
US Government$7,756
DUNN Capital Management$7,500
Corriente Advisors$7,500
Greenstreet Co$7,500
Northrop Grumman$7,272
Lockheed Martin$7,208
Intel Corp$6,855
US Dept of Defense$6,524
United Technologies$6,316
Federal Express Corp$6,255

Who contributes to Mitt Romney?
Goldman Sachs$367,200 stole Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse Group$203,750 stole Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley$199,800 stole Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000
HIG Capital$186,500
Barclays$157,750 stole Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Kirkland & Ellis$132,100
Bank of America$126,500 stole Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
EMC Corp$117,300
JPMorgan Chase & Co$112,250 stole JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
The Villages$97,500
Vivint Inc$80,750
Marriott International$79,837
Sullivan & Cromwell$79,250
Bain Capital$74,500
UBS AG$73,750
Wells Fargo$61,500
Blackstone Group$59,800
Citigroup Inc$57,050 stole Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Bain & Co$52,500

Do a quick comparison for yourself. Which person do you think big banks want in power?
Campaign contributors of $16 TRILLON thieves for Ron Paul equals? ZERO.
Campaign contributors of $16 TRILLON thieves for Mitt Romney equals? It looks like the same list of contributors that stole our money from the FED are backing Mitt Romney……..

I hope this at least helps some people understand why we need Dr. Paul as President. I tried to focus mainly on the FED for this one. There are many more reason to vote for Dr. Paul though so get educated, informed, and ready to change the world!

Vote RON PUAL 2012!

Entire Articles Here
Reference 1 http://tobefree.wordpress.com/2011/...porations-and-foreign-banks-everywhere-from/\
Below is the direct link to page 131 where the FED was exposed. GOVERNMENT AUDIT OF THE FED. Not biased rhetoric
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Active member
Which candidate wants to audit our private company that controls the monetary system of our country and to a large extent or indirectly the worlds?

At this point who do you support and why? I have been in many business meetings with "devil's" advocates.... it is easy to sit back and punch holes in plans or ideas, it is much more difficult to formulate solutions.

You have been straight out asked numerous times for constructive input.... not saying it all has not been constructive. Numerous times you have been asked who you support at this time and you have artfully side stepped the question.


Very well said :D Thanks for the help. I get pissed off when it is so obvious what they are doing and continue to do the same thing over and over and over I feel like I will never be sober.... pack the pipe pack the pipe, just pack the pipe - Sorry broke into some Pharcyde!

Anybody smell a commie? As I read between the lines :D Sorry guys but he aint that smart. He is just coached and experienced in what he is doing in here, hence the almost 12,000 posts! If he were smart he would give us his views, ideals, a candidate or something. Him hiding all that makes it clear he has an agenda. He is a God hater too, further fitting the bill of a commie and their grand scheme. He does the same bullshit in every religious thread, as I read further between the lines. COMMIE! Seriously.
Folks don't feel the same way when it comes to car insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, etc. .

Unfortunately, heath considerations are dire enough that we have players who don't pay. No candidate would turn away indigents so the answer lies in the lowest cost.

Most folks get it that we can pay now or we can pay later. Leaving indigents to emergency rooms leaves us with higher premiums and co-pays. Even the industry itself acknowledges that health maintenance plans are cheaper than blowing your gourd before going to the doctor.

And then we have an ideology that struggles with the realities of practical applications and their associated costs.
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Active member
DB i think you should move along, you may be intelligent but your also an ass.....

playing devils advocate is one thing, but when you tell people to post relevantly youy being extremely hypocritical, as i dont believe you have made any relevent posts as it pertains to the title of the thread...

had you posted relevantly to the title of the thread you would support RP as he is the only canidate, who has for well over a decade, made ending hemp and cannabis prohibition a serious priority...
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