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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Michelle Bachman's campaign manager just endorsed Ron Paul.

There are rumors going around that some of Romney's workers are switching over to Ron Paul too, just rumors at this point though.



Ron Paul was a very kind doctor who delivered over 4,000 babies before he was a politician.

the racisim accusations hold no water,he's gonna answer the same way every time ,and the media can either stop asking or risk losing what little credibility they have left.

he even gave minorities free health care, but not many will get to hear that.

That is the truth!


James Williams of Matagorda County, Texas recounts a touching true story. Living in a still prejudice Texas In 1972, his wife had a complication with her pregnancy. No doctors would care for her or deliver their bi-racial child. In fact one of the hospital nurses called the police on James. Dr. Ron Paul was notified and took her in, delivering their stillborn baby. Because of the compassion of Dr. Ron Paul, the Williams' never received a hospital bill for the delivery. Ron Paul views every human being as an unique individual, afforded the rights endowed by our creator and codified in the Bill of Rights.


Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Ron Paul was on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno; Wed. 28 Dec.

Jay asked him the BIG question!

Do you support legal marijuana?


EDIT: later Joe Rogan came out with a Ron Paul sweat shirt...:jump:
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Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
this is it. i want this event recorded in the history books as the most....

Id like to submit these two posts and see if anyone notices anything funny or hypocritical or ironic.

stonedstoner said:
also, he's a racist. he's not down with immigrationl.

and if we let states decide on everything...we are going to have some fucked up laws in some states and then we are going to have way too many fucking people coming to cali. cali is overpopulated as it is. we can't afford to take refugees from states that have super fucked up racist laws.

what good does it do for the economy to send back illegal immigrants?


Freedom Fighter
where do you guys get your news? lew rockwell? alex jones? zeitgeist?

I get mine from all the regular places...Facebook, The Onion....(LMAO!!!)
No, really man...I search into everything I hear...no matter where from-- I like to go to whoever or whatever is getting reported on...and take it back as close to them as possible--
As I said before...all the shit being written about RP...I go and I watch him speak...see his vids...and they sound nothing like what is said about him-- If you prefer to take other ppls opinions over the actual context and spoken word of who it is being said about...then you will be destined to only parrot other ppls opinions-- Think about the Yin-Yang :ying: ....it is all about Balance--


Well-known member
Id like to submit these two posts and see if anyone notices anything funny or hypocritical or ironic.
LOL he's so brainwashed, I'm mad blazed right now this shits too funny. Ron Paul is going to win Iowa. Once that happens we will see all of the trolls come out of the wood work.
It amazes me how fucking corrupt the system is and how everyone (not the folks here that are awake) is either ok with it, or they are just in denial, oblivious to reality, being swept through life blissfully ignorant to the horrors and corruption this government has been involved in. The moral values of society have been broken down so much people think that corruption is acceptable. Private banks get bailed out on the blood and sweat of the American people. These sheep like stonedstoner don't think there is anything wrong with that and want to know when the free healthcare is kicking in! LOL! We were just robbed and that's just the beggining! If your eyes are open you know what I'm talking about. A nation of sheep, innocent victims of brainwashing most of them are good people who need to be lead by the good not the evil. We are living in some exciting times.The momentum is starting to build, the idea of freedom from an out of control government controlled by a banking oligarch is becoming popular again.
no way ron paul is going to be up against obama...just wait and see! it may be premature but i might as well say it now....told you so!


It would be amazing if he won Iowa then pulled out a win in NH. because then VA would be him vs Romney again as nachman and newt failed to get on the ballot....I don't doubt he will get Iowa at the least.
let me ask you guys this....are there any policies of ron pauls that you don't agree with? there are things i don't agree with obama on and i can say that, but you guys defend ron paul's views on every single fucking issue. i mean come on, if that's not sheepish, then what the fuck is?

nonpaul supporters, can i get an amen?


Freedom Fighter
let me ask you guys this....are there any policies of ron pauls that you don't agree with? there are things i don't agree with obama on and i can say that, but you guys defend ron paul's views on every single fucking issue. i mean come on, if that's not sheepish, then what the fuck is?

nonpaul supporters, can i get an amen?

I don't agree with his views on Abortion...I don't agree with dropping the Dept of Education (at least not without a very valid back up plan)...I don't see things from his Religious views--
But I admire a man that can see through his own beliefs...and still push for what is Constitutionally valid...no matter what--:tiphat:
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