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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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i watched the democrat debates in the last election but i haven't watched any of the republican debates cause i'm voting democrat anyways. what am i going to learn from watching a bunch of republicans debating?


i watched the democrat debates in the last election but i haven't watched any of the republican debates cause i'm voting democrat anyways. what am i going to learn from watching a bunch of republicans debating?

Because not only do one of these people have the potential to run the country, 3 outta 4 have had their hand in running the country since the 90's.

i find true life reality much more compelling than fake reality tv.

Flavor Flav is a joke not a role model. Kim K is famous for getting fucked by a 90's pop stars brother...

Mitt Romney is a Ken Doll who is literally running a script. He is also trying to buy the election (Again). 'I will make america strong', 'restore american greatness' What do these things actually mean? ZERO. But if youre an asshole, and as shallow as Mitt, they are great talking points. Who is going to campaign on ' i will make america weak!'? His mouth moves, he makes noise, but he says nothing.

Gingrich is a master orator. He can literally turn a question on a dime. His biggest asset is also his biggest weakness. He is a blowhard, he loves himself too much, and he thinks very highly of himself and his abilities. Love him or hate him, you are watching an artful presentation. If he met an equal he would fall like Liston, but that hasnt happened yet.

Santorm is dead in the water. The man is against abortion in the case of incest or rape. This shit was settled close to 40 years ago.
Im 95% sure he is against any form of contraception. ANY FORM. The man has ZERO chance of winning women voters.

And Dr Paul is treated like the the the GOP's old ass uncle who says crazy shit at the holidays. They ignore him the best they can. At
least he is not Buddy Roemer.

Did Snooki get drunk and make a fool of herself again?


meh, i don't watch jersey shore or flavor flav. but i really do think that watching the republican debates is about as much of a waste of time as watching mtv/vh1. instead of watching any of that shit, i'd rather just watch the daily show and get the funny highlights of the debates, much more entertaining. really though, i wouldn't learn anything that i didn't know already from watching the debates. like i said, i watched the democrat debates during the democrat primaries in 07/08 because it was interesting and there were some smart people debating. but who wants to watch these dumbass republican asswipes debate? who cares? i know i'm not voting for any of those racist conservative fucks. i'll wait til the actual presidential race debates; i will watch those for sure. but for now i would rather watch and catch up on artistic, well made shows like boardwalk empire, breaking bad, and such.


Sun Tzu said:
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
what i'm saying though is i already know what i need to know about the republican candidates. i already know my enemy. watching the debates won't teach me anything i don't know. i'd rather spend the time watching good tv shows such as boardwalk empire or breaking bad, or spend my time watching hilarious tv shows such as workaholics or it's always sunny. does not mean that i am not interested in politics. i just prefer not to watch republicans debate issues that i already know their stance on.


They tear themselves apart. I think i posted it earlier, but if James Carvel is estatic about what is going on, you know shit is fuXX0r.

A great example, and a very pertinant one, was the SOPA question asked thrusday. The first person asked was Newt.

Newt says something like, 'anything for the left leaning hollywood is inherently bad'.
(The crowd goes nuts, [AGAIN])
So... do you expect Romney to go against this? OF course he is for SOPA, why the fuck wouldnt he be?, but he says, 'no, it is written wrong'.
Santorm says the same only goes further to explain the need for protection (cause Romney doesnt want define anything).

They jig, softshoe, and tapdance to every whim.

Its like a real life novel to me. Mitt has the money to buy the thing, Newt will do anything to be the most powerful man in the world (including potentially destroying the GOP's chances in 2012), and Santorm knows he cant win, but sticks to his guns. Uncle Ron says crazy shit that the kids love.

There is a nuance to their madness, im sure Sun Tzu would appreciate.

SOPA is not dead. FUCK HARRY REID. He should have put that shit to vote, and killed it. The bill was shelved, it can be be brought up any time, including the late 2012 lame duck session.



Active member
Lets all stand for some thing! The vote will come! Washington, DC in February! Anyone! Look to & listen to the vets! monkey5
The dems are sending this country down the drain just like the republicans. We are in deep debt, would you run your household finances like that? The prez, someone who has smoked the herb we love, is o.k. with you going to jail for it. How could you possibly support him for re-election? The only one talking real solutions is Ron Paul. I dont believe he is a racist, but even if he were, he still is fighting for real freedom for all people. The rest are selling you into slavery.


I'm keeping a eye on this; https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/
Since Thursday night it's slowed drasticly. Can read what one wants into that.

Watched SC yesterday and have decided people must really like the way things are and the course plotted,, because they're voting for more of the same.

They should but a sign on the Whitehouse lawn - Open for bids, 1 more than slightly screwed up country complete with "Make War, not Peace" agendas. Inquire within.

This is all so sad. I'm ashamed to admit I'm part of that side of America.


Active member
I'm keeping a eye on this; https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/
Since Thursday night it's slowed drasticly. Can read what one wants into that.

Watch the CAUCUS STATES more....That is where the RP focus is, we want delegates because they chose the Nominee. SIGN UP TO BE A DELEGATE!

Paul jumps rivals with ads in Nevada, Minnesota
Ron Paul is getting ahead of his rivals with a "substantial" TV ad buy in Nevada and Minnesota, part of his strategy to prolong the GOP race and gain influence.

As voters go to the polls today in South Carolina, the Texas congressman's campaign announced he will start running his "Big Dog" ad in Nevada and Minnesota, which don't hold their caucuses until next month.

The 30-second spot, which was widely played in Iowa and New Hampshire, seeks to portray Paul as the "big dog" when it comes to cutting federal spending. The ad notes all other politicians are "whimpering like little Shih Tzus" on this issue.

What's important here is the Paul campaign's focus on caucuses. Jesse Benton, Paul's national campaign chairman, told The Wall Street Journal earlier this month that the campaign's goal is "to have a sizable chunk of delegates, enough to influence the platform and stop these big-government conservatives."

Here's why the Paul strategy matters: Caucuses tend to favor the candidate who is the best organized. Unlike primaries, voters don't go into a polling booth and cast a ballot. Supporters of the candidates have to publicly get people to rally behind them at caucuses.

This is how Barack Obama was able to score caucus victories over Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2008 Democratic nomination battle.

Benton said in a news release that the Nevada and Minnesota ads are part of the campaign's long-term strategy. "Both states present opportunities for a strong top-three showing in their upcoming caucuses," he said. "Ours is the only campaign with the resources, organization and stamina to defeat establishment candidate Mitt Romney in a 50-state race."

The Nevada caucus is Feb. 4, and Minnesota's is on Feb. 7.

Submitted by hammersoo on Sat, 01/21/2012 - 21:00
Ron Paul 2012
(564 delegates is a direct quote from Doug Wead who is an advisor to Ron Paul in his campaign. The quote of 564 can be heard at the 3:02 min mark on the link below.)

The strategy the campaign is implementing is on track to collect a boatload of delegates.

This is a two man race between Romney and Paul. Santorum and Gingrich are not on the ballot for 500 delegates worth of states. They are not, and will not be on the ballot in other states besides just Virginia. They have no grassroots support and virtually "zero" ground game. They cannot win the nomination.


All this MSM Propaganda pushing either Santorum or Gingrich is a joke. Anyway you work the numbers, they are out.

We are in this for the long haul! Go RP2012!!!


Keep an eye out for how much better we do in both caucus states and states that use paper ballots :)


The cornerstones of Jefferson's interest in education and the f

The cornerstones of Jefferson's interest in education and the f

The cornerstones of Jefferson's interest in education and the franchise. He placed education as the foundation of democracy and a prerequisite to vote.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." (as cited in Padover, 1939, p. 89)

". . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right." (as cited in Padover, 1939, p. 88)




weed fiend
South Carolina Election Results: GOP Campaign Will Last Forever, Or At Least Until May

First Posted: 1/21/12 07:35 PM ET Updated: 1/21/12 08:03 PM ET

TAMPA, Fla. -- Mitt Romney's campaign has the best lawyers and delegate counters in the business, and it's a good thing: He's going to need every one of them.

Once he had hoped for an early-state clean sweep, after "winning" on caucus night in Iowa. Now Romney and his campaign are hunkering down for a months-long battle to accumulate the 1,144 delegates needed to win the Republican presidential nomination.

The GOP calendar this year is more spread out than it was four years ago, which means that the contest was going to last until at least late April even if Romney had buried Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul long ago. But now that South Carolina has given a boost to Gingrich -- and a small but important cache of delegates -- it's clear how long the campaign will last.

"It would have been nice to run the table, but we never really expected that," said Romney campaign legal counsel Benjamin Ginsberg. "We're ready for the long haul."

That is true not only because there seems to be a genuine three-way race in the offing (or at least two-and-a-half-way) involving Gingrich, Romney and Paul, but because of the GOP's primary calendar and state-by-state rules for choosing delegates.

Four years ago, nearly 60 percent of all delegates had been chosen by the end of February. Republican officials wanted to correct for that this time around, but they may have overdone it.

This year a mere 15 percent of all delegates will have been chosen by the end of February -- and even if there were a prohibitive frontrunner (which there is not), no one could mathematically wrap up the nomination before April 24.

In reaching the party's final selection, the details of the various states' delegate rules also matter For example, Iowa selects delegates by a complex convention system; the final split could take months to determine. New Hampshire is a proportional representation state (with a 10 percent minimum threshold), which reduced the impact of Romney's victory there.

South Carolina, by contrast, is winner-take-all, statewide and by congressional district, which means that Gingrich's victory in the Palmetto State will probably give him the delegate lead.

And now a fight is brewing over Florida. Like South Carolina, Florida was penalized with a drastic loss of delegates for moving its primary up to January. There has been talk that Florida might be punished further by forcing the state to distribute its delegates by proportional representation.

If that happens, there could be a floor fight at the Republication National Convention. And it's only January, folks.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Jersery shore got something like 18 million viewers Thurs at 10pm

The Cnn debate got 5 million...

People should be interested in politics like they are in wanna be italian skanks, but until they are, the "American Karaoke" voting block can stay just where they are. There are plenty of people who do ZERO investigation, hear a blurb like 'i will restore america to greatness', and end up voting against their best interest. It is pathetic really.

it's sickening to me and they can vote...

for example, during the santorum speech last night a family member of mine actually said, his wife would make the best first lady.... when i asked why, the response was 'she's the prettiest'....

are you fucking kidding me? you want santorum to win, because he has a pretty wife... my fellow country men and family members for that matter, are a HUGE let down... these complacent, uneducated on the topic, assholes are allowed to vote and can't even think for themselves...

unless you consider thinking deciding who is prettiest...

ICMAG really needs a FACEPALM emoticon, i had to go get my own...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Because not only do one of these people have the potential to run the country, 3 outta 4 have had their hand in running the country since the 90's.

i find true life reality much more compelling than fake reality tv.

Flavor Flav is a joke not a role model. Kim K is famous for getting fucked by a 90's pop stars brother...

Mitt Romney is a Ken Doll who is literally running a script. He is also trying to buy the election (Again). 'I will make america strong', 'restore american greatness' What do these things actually mean? ZERO. But if youre an asshole, and as shallow as Mitt, they are great talking points. Who is going to campaign on ' i will make america weak!'? His mouth moves, he makes noise, but he says nothing.

Gingrich is a master orator. He can literally turn a question on a dime. His biggest asset is also his biggest weakness. He is a blowhard, he loves himself too much, and he thinks very highly of himself and his abilities. Love him or hate him, you are watching an artful presentation. If he met an equal he would fall like Liston, but that hasnt happened yet.

Santorm is dead in the water. The man is against abortion in the case of incest or rape. This shit was settled close to 40 years ago.
Im 95% sure he is against any form of contraception. ANY FORM. The man has ZERO chance of winning women voters.

And Dr Paul is treated like the the the GOP's old ass uncle who says crazy shit at the holidays. They ignore him the best they can. At
least he is not Buddy Roemer.

Did Snooki get drunk and make a fool of herself again?



Santorum is against birth control...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
The cornerstones of Jefferson's interest in education and the franchise. He placed education as the foundation of democracy and a prerequisite to vote.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." (as cited in Padover, 1939, p. 89)

". . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right." (as cited in Padover, 1939, p. 88)



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SacredBreh again.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
They tear themselves apart. I think i posted it earlier, but if James Carvel is estatic about what is going on, you know shit is fuXX0r.

A great example, and a very pertinant one, was the SOPA question asked thrusday. The first person asked was Newt.

Newt says something like, 'anything for the left leaning hollywood is inherently bad'.
(The crowd goes nuts, [AGAIN])
So... do you expect Romney to go against this? OF course he is for SOPA, why the fuck wouldnt he be?, but he says, 'no, it is written wrong'.
Santorm says the same only goes further to explain the need for protection (cause Romney doesnt want define anything).

They jig, softshoe, and tapdance to every whim.

Its like a real life novel to me. Mitt has the money to buy the thing, Newt will do anything to be the most powerful man in the world (including potentially destroying the GOP's chances in 2012), and Santorm knows he cant win, but sticks to his guns. Uncle Ron says crazy shit that the kids love.

There is a nuance to their madness, im sure Sun Tzu would appreciate.

SOPA is not dead. FUCK HARRY REID. He should have put that shit to vote, and killed it. The bill was shelved, it can be be brought up any time, including the late 2012 lame duck session.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ShroomDr again.


Enormous Member
Santorum is against birth control...

I'm curious, and couldn't find a consensus on the interweb about Santorum's wife and whether or not she had a life saving abortion. If that's the case, and Santorum is pushing to make abortion illegal all cases, including for rape and incest, wouldn't that be hypocritical?


I'm curious, and couldn't find a consensus on the interweb about Santorum's wife and whether or not she had a life saving abortion. If that's the case, and Santorum is pushing to make abortion illegal all cases, including for rape and incest, wouldn't that be hypocritical?

Someone called for a "Pro-life survey"...
... Said I was pro choice no matter who says what....
They hung-up! :)


Rubbing my glands together
I'm curious, and couldn't find a consensus on the interweb about Santorum's wife and whether or not she had a life saving abortion. If that's the case, and Santorum is pushing to make abortion illegal all cases, including for rape and incest, wouldn't that be hypocritical?

Only when it happens to someone else.I seriously doubt he'd want his daughter carrying full term the baby of a guy who raped, beat, and impregnated her. That shit always sounds good until it happens to one of your own family members. He's totally against birth control due to his RC religion. But in either case, for or against abortion or birth control, fuck him. He's a pos established part of the problem.
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