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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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I agree that if you throw everybody in one group and label them something you are going to be wrong.....Like the US calling some of those defending their own lives, terrorist.

Jews are not all bad but some in power are making information and monetary manipulation, just like some Christians and others.

I think labeling people who are ignorant to facts because they work 40 plus hours a week and are lied to by the Main Stream Media on a daily bases stupid shows others ignorance. How about you educate people and not belittle them, we will all be better off!


Jewish do not necessarily mean zionist.

Some are against a "Jewish homeland", as that is one of the steps towards the Apocalypse (and one of the basis of these 'radical' sephardic jews viewpoint).

Ron Paul only cares about spending the money. I dont believe he is hoping Jebus comes back to earth sooner (which is the basis behind the 'born again' and other US christian groups support of zionism).


On another tangent, you can go to jail for worshiping god in (communist) Vietman, and go to jail for being an atheist in the Indonesia. Pretty sure they share a marine border...


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then look at the racist responses to him. Sad. Hopefully Paul can figure out how to distance himself from this wacko base.

You just did the very thing you are accusing Alex Jones of doing! You took one persons or a small sample size of Ron Paul supporter comments and called the base of Ron Paul's Support WACKO!!!

I agree that some are not valid comments and are slanderous but not all of them. Some even bring up The Holodomor which seems like a valid point to me. I think that was awful just like the Holocaust. Lots of people on this site love to call anybody the believes in religion a wacko, so your defense/belief in any religion would lead them to label you "WACKO" too.

The entire reason America rose to become a Super Power was the fact that people tolerate other peoples religious freedoms and it removed a class system. Our Constitution set us free from Gov't and Religious tyrannical rule.

I think NEWT calls himself a Christian but he is just as ready to wage war as anybody! He don't respect other peoples Constitutional Rights and wants to impose his demands on everybody else....Which is exactly why I LOVE RON PAUL!

Somebody who criticizes Israel for certain of our actions cannot be accused of anti-Semitism for that. But somebody who hates Israel because it is a Jewish state, like the Hungarian in the joke, is an anti-Semite.

Can a person be an anti-Zionist without being an anti Semite?

Absolutely yes. Zionism is a political creed and must be treated like any other. One can be anti-Communist without being anti-Chinese, anti- Capitalist without being anti American,

http://www.rense.com/general48/zntiz.htm Thanks to Dr Shroom for helping explain where I/others may be getting it confused.

I WANT RON PAUL MAINLY BECAUSE I FEEL OUR WARS ARE 'A LIVING HELL" ON THE CIVILIANS IN THOSE LANDS.......Much like DRUG WAR! He gets more cash from the troops than everybody else combined, which symbolizes to me that many of our soldiers feel the same way.

All 3 of the others Mitt Mormon, Catholic Rick, Christian hehe NEWT wish to wage war and call....RON PAUL DANGEROUS!!! The American public seem to blindly agree.

That scares the living shit out of me and the most Politically ignorant American will argue we gotta defend Israel while ignoring what the Israeli Leadership says.....Ron Paul is the only American Leader that took up for Israel when all other American Leaders condemned them for certain attacks.
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You just did the very thing you are accusing Alex Jones of doing! You took one persons or a small sample size of Ron Paul supporter comments and called the base of Ron Paul's Support WACKO!!!

I agree that some are not valid comments and are slanderous but not all of them. Some even bring up The Holodomor which seems like a valid point to me. I think that was awful just like the Holocaust. Lots of people on this site love to call anybody the believes in religion a wacko, so your defense/belief in any religion would lead them to label you "WACKO" too.

The entire reason America rose to become a Super Power was the fact that people tolerate other peoples religious freedoms and it removed a class system. Our Constitution set us free from Gov't and Religious tyrannical rule.

Stalins Atheism certainly helps prolong/cause the Holomdor.

It was also a major grab of power, Ukraine was the only sub national entity other than Russia, that could have split the USSR.

Allow only exports, ZERO imports, starve the people, and they will worry about food, not freedom.

The entire reason America rose to become a Super Power was the fact that OUR people historically dont tolerate other peoples tyrannical rule. Mitt and Newt are hoping we will finally submit.

What point were you trying to make with the Holomdor/Holocaust talk, other than 'they were both awful'?

sac beh

I got your message. No worries. I wasn't thinking that.

You just did the very thing you are accusing Alex Jones of doing! You took one persons or a small sample size of Ron Paul supporter comments and called the base of Ron Paul's Support WACKO!!!

I think of Ron Paul has having several unique bases of support. So when I say wacko base, I don't mean to say that his whole base is wacko. I mean to say that the wacko base is the one I don't relate to and one I'd rather he distance himself from.


That is the part of Ron Paul I like.....

That is the part of Ron Paul I like.....

You may be a "Wacko", mainstream, religious, non-religious, racist, non-racist, or all those things combined..... He believes in FREEDOM. He doesn't believe in Freedom for only those people he agrees with and that is where people get confused.

You can not advocate for freedom and then say except...... "those I don't agree with".

You have to protect a person's right to be a Satanist or you limit the other person's right to be a Baptist. The only limiting authority is the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free market principles, and lastly laws based on the aforementioned. (or at least should be) The only limits should be your rights end only when they infringe on those of another.

I doubt he would use heroin or Cannabis but he will defend your right to do so.

I know someone will make up some absurd example of why this does not work but this is exactly what the intention of the writers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights intended.



Well that is why i think this 'one issue guy' has the possibility to break down many 'social norms'.

If heroin were legal to buy at pharmacy tomorrow, im still not going to get any.

Many of the problems associated with drugs are due to their impurities. From the impure chemicals reeking havoc inside someones body, to the potency variations leading a heroin addict to overdose.

If your gonna do heroin, your gonna do heroin whether its legal or not.

It should be a persons responsibility to convince their child these are potentially soul stealing chemicals that should be limited to the old and enfeebled, not just reliance on the nanny state.

On a tangent, anyone know where heroin came from?

It was Bayer's miracle cure for morphine addiction!


The "eye of Newt" is in deep do-do.
I suspect tonight's debate is not going to help him in amy way. For him,,, best if he just doesn't show.
Romney will play Romulin with his as$! :dance013:

Could be ugly as well as entertaining! (Friggin Ya-Hoooooo!) ... and another one bites the dust, Oh yeah!


Game Bred
Pharmaceutical companies are cooking up a prescription painkiller that’s far more powerful than Vicodin, the Associated Press reports.

Treatment for prescription painkiller abuse has skyrocketed 430% over the last ten years, federal statistics show, and addiction experts and drug control advocates are concerned the proposed mega-dose opiate will make things worse.

Vicodin and OxyContin both contain hydrocodone as their potent ingredient, but Vicodin is mixed with acetominophen.

"I have a big concern that this could be the next OxyContin," April Rovero, president of the National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse told the AP. "We just don't need this on the market."
Four drug companies have begun patient testing. The San Diego based pharmaceutical firm Zogenix plans to begin marketing its product, Zohyadro, in early 2013. The companies Perdue Pharma, Cephalon, and Egalet are developing their own versions of the super-powered painkiller, the AP reported.

Critics are especially concerned that even though Zohyadro will be manufactured in a time-release form, the pills could be easily crushed for an instantaneous high - or a deadly overdose.

According to data from the Drug Enforcement Administration, emergency room visits related to hydrocodone spiked from 19,221 in 2000 to 86,258 in 2009.

"You've got a person on your product for life, and a doctor's got a patient who's never going to miss an appointment, because if they did and they didn't get their prescription, they would feel very sick," Andrew Kolodny, president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing said.

"It's a terrific business model, and that's what these companies want to get in on," he added.

Zogenix chief executive Roger Hawley said at a conference with investors in New York last week that Zohydro would actually be a safer painkiller than Vicodin because acetaminophen can be dangerous to the liver.

zohydro is awesome no tylonol whatsoever!


FWIW this debate is on a college campus.

There will be a shit ton of students.

Here we go!

what are you smoking?, about to light up some lemong

Newt should go for blood!



Active member
What point were you trying to make with the Holomdor/Holocaust talk, other than 'they were both awful'?

When sac_beh mentioned the one guys post and pointed to him as being a racist....I was just trying to show that some of the replies were very informative and was only showing some of the info.....and my absolute disgust with them both as I am not a hating person nor do I wish harm on anybody for reason of religion, race, age, sex., etc

If you fuck with me then I fuck with you.....You violate any persons/animals rights in front of me I will not be the one to sit on my hands and watch......I saw a gang of 4 or 5 blacks beating a guy on the sidewalk I almost ran over the ones in the street to get to the guy stomping on a downed mans face........My two dogs come from the pound.....I am no Saint but I do what I can, when I can....I know many others of every race, color and creed do the same.


Active member
Time to watch a game of hide the skinny Dr. Paul....I mean watch the debate.

How about Cavuto calling Dr. Paul a skinny Rodney Dangerfield and then disconnecting him 2 minutes later mid sentence??? You all see that?

I got your message. No worries. I wasn't thinking that.
Thanks bro because that was by no means my intent.


Active member
It is getting good! Dr. Paul slipped in some good shit when they threw him that terd of a question.

Romney hammered Newt for owning the exact same fund he was calling Mitt out on...the typical Newt, comparing my stack to your bigger stack.......It isn't about the size of the stack it is about how both of you got it
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