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Romney says he will Destroy Medical Marijuana "Tooth and Nail"..


Game Bred
When you are referring to Mitt. Are you talking about jobs in America or the ones he outsourced to China?
since your citation references the ideology that government can not create jobs im talking about the few domestically.
obviously a single job would be more than his counterpart and gov. johnson has actually started and grown a successful business...
by the reasoning of YOUR citation Gov. Johnson has the "best job creation record"


Well-known member
just hurry up and build that temple all ready.....then it's 7 years of death weeding out all parasites sucking off the worlds teats and shtting on the rest of it.

a great many needs to die for the few to live forever


Active member
mitts said that? vowed to destroy marijuana?

boy is he dense.

i allready knew he was denser than a brickwall on steroids but
if he were a weatherwane, he´d be inside a rich boy´s nuclear shelter and that much useful.

obama, probably got quite alot of his votes from hopeful marijuana activists and apparently lost none from his campaign thoughts on mj.
anyone against mj is a dying dinosaur.

anyone against mj has show quite clearly.
that they either have no brains, or no heart.

mitts rommel, the strawmonkeylion.


sure they are
GJ, keep playing right into their hands, as long as you keep believing D good R bad they can continue to line their pockets and pillage and rape the economy. Yeah but as long as they have a D in front of their name as they do it, it's ok.


May your race always be in your favor
The way I see it, is that if your not registered with a card then they have no record by which to hunt you down. Thats if Romney gets elected, if Obama gets in it'll probably be much the same except the states that legalize,will have more smokers than they have DEA agents to bust people with. My two cents


First of all, they arent trying to bust smokers. They are going after the people getting rich off of this. Theyre after the money.
Sorry if Im way out of line here... I dont think either presidential candidate offers us a choice for MMJ as we see it.
It seems to me like the money would be coming from the drug companies who plan to sell us pills and shit, so they are going to shut down the pot shops.
As much as I would prefer them to keep their hands off of my marijuana, I dont like pot shops at all. Ive never been to one that was looking out for the patient. In fact, Ive been to a lot where they dont treat the patients very well. Lets not even talk about the prices.


Active member
found it rather interesting , that these shops are officially for the relief of sick people, yet the prices are basically black market (as in, "we have the prices so high, because we are taking a risk. not because we are scalping invalids.")

but, if you need it, there is always someone willing to scalp you for it.
Dont worry obama will win. It would be to dangerous for them to elect Romney. This will push more Americans to wake up. It would create more Independents and Libertarians. The Government can not afford this at this time. They are to close. Obama will get another 4 years, then we will elect another Repub. Then the cycle continues of so called change.


Dont underestimate the situation, dude
Even if Obama wins the shit is going to hit the fan
They dont care if they have to destroy the planet to make the other side look bad and to take care of their sugar daddies.
There is no real choice to be made here. You kinda just gotta sit back and let it crumble and make the best of your own life in this system.
Youre the one whos gonna get fucked when its time no matter what. If you werent you wouldnt be on ICmag, youd be paying someone else to grow your weed for you while youre banging hotties at the beach home in the Caribbean out on your yacht.
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For those of you who still think this is a real election, take a look at the numbers.

Obama and Romney both raised huge amounts of money with which to buy ads lampooning one another.

In the vast majority of markets, Obama has outspent Romney not just by a percentage, but by factors of 2 and larger. One of the few markets where Romney has outspent the Obama campaign on ads? Las Vegas.

If Romney is actually trying to win, then where exactly is he spending this money? Answer: He isn't, like many before him, he plans to grin to the guys across the aisle, take a dive, and collect a huge payday while looking like his party's he-man for a few months.

If some fluke happened and Romney were elected, what would change? Nothing. Obama told us there was change coming four years ago, where is it? He was supposed to work towards weakening the power of lobbyists, he was supposed to take corruption out of our legislature in order to recover billions of dollars of taxpayer money (instead he packed his healthcare bill with more pork than any other piece of legislature in history).

tldr: You have nothing to worry about, even if Romney were trying to win, the big money controlling him wouldn't allow any kind of radical changes to the way this country plods along, the same way the money controlling Obama didn't allow him to enact "CHANGE!"


Screw bringing religion into this, yes it's there the right wing is really banging the gong, too bad they have so many vocal people & so many idiots believing their drivel ! It's all about CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


found it rather interesting , that these shops are officially for the relief of sick people, yet the prices are basically black market (as in, "we have the prices so high, because we are taking a risk. not because we are scalping invalids.")

but, if you need it, there is always someone willing to scalp you for it.

Prices are going to be black market prices until the herb is free , still Federally a felony to grow & sell , so what do you expect & I think the present administration is more worried about the cartels etc. making profit , so change the schedule cannabis & do more tests if you want, I don't need tests done , helps me! NufF said!


Word. It's beyond me how peeps can try to blame the prez, when its obvious, the problem is with Congress and the lobbyist, they have the true power, never set term limits, never take a pay cut, get insider trading info before anyone else, better health care,etc. As a figurehead, you can blame the prez, but in all reality, I see nothing ever changing until we change Congress and their cronies. The system is corrupt and it corrupts anyone that enters into it. The power of the vote has basically been vetoed. I bet dollars to donuts, just like in 2000, Romney may, hehe, win the popular vote, but the electoral college will pick Obama. They will try to appease the masses that way. IMHO, just a guess, not givin odds yet, :biggrin:

Dont underestimate the situation, dude
Even if Obama wins the shit is going to hit the fan
They dont care if they have to destroy the planet to make the other side look bad and to take care of their sugar daddies.
There is no real choice to be made here. You kinda just gotta sit back and let it crumble and make the best of your own life in this system.
Youre the one whos gonna get fucked when its time no matter what. If you werent you wouldnt be on ICmag, youd be paying someone else to grow your weed for you while youre banging hotties at the beach home in the Carribean out on your yacht.


president richard nixon and fbi director j. edgar hoover got marijuana placed on the narcotics list. nixon's vice president, agnew, was impeached, and nixon resigned in disgrace (rather than be impeached). hoover was very corrupt.

present marijuana laws in the united states were enacted by corrupt officials. to enforce present marijuana laws in the united states is to support the corrupt officials who brought them about.

anyone with any sense at all knows that legalizing marijuana in the usa would be the best way to disable the violent drug cartels. makes me wonder if they actually want to disable them (?)....

the 2 "gateway" drugs are alcohol and tobacco, usually administered by family members at the kitchen table: "hey, uncle harry, give little mikey a puff from your cigar"..that's so cute..."hey, aunt jill, give nancy a sip of your wine. after all it is thanksgiving"...so cute.



I'm not an American, so it's not my election, but just by body language and general vibe romney looks like a complete 'Douche'.
Hopefully he doesn't become president.... but how in the world George. W. Bush made it to be president is beyond me even further.... sheesh