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Romney says he will Destroy Medical Marijuana "Tooth and Nail"..


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
which are you talking about though. I was talking about the OTHERS who were killed along with him. For some reason I think you thought that the drone strike killed ONE person... Not the case.

"google this stuff" and let me know what google tells you.

Here is a bit from the above link
"The killing of three US citizens, one a 16-year-old boy, in targeted drone strikes last year were unlawful and violated their constitutional rights by not affording them due process, according to a lawsuit filed by their relatives on Wednesday."

I don't need to google anything about reasoning behind killing Americans WITHOUT a trial no matter what the PUBLIC accuses them of.

We should have a trial and be judged THEN put to death if need be. There are a ton of evil people all over the world but the one thing America USED TO HAVE was the right to have your day in court.

Anyone remember the INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty? If you believe everything you watch on fox, msnbc and anything for that matter on that "color box" in your living room then there really isn't a point in arguing anything.

Sorry but your analogy doesn't fit.

Do you know who they killed and why??? He was no American and devoted his life to destroy ours. He was a leader in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) "who served as a top AQAP ideologue and planner for external operations against the US".

I can go on but you can google Awlaki yourself...then try to defend him.

Like I said earlier, I don't think it's ok to strike in the US...but some known terrorist running around Yemen yelling jihad against the US and planning attacks....yeah kill em.


The Tri Guy
That's a diff format than I've seen, and states 9 rather than the less than 8, I've previously seen, but step 2, category 4 :
Lesser role

Starting Point: Band C fine
Category Range: Discharge- Medium level community order
The sentencing starting point is adjusted up or down by a list of additional aggravating and mitigating factors set out in the guideline.

mitigating factors:
included on the list is:
Serious medical conditions requiring urgent, intensive or long term treatment

thereby reducing the minimum sentence from discharge to ..... well what's a lower sentence than discharge?

In step 4, it says you can reduce sentence even further if you plead guilty.


Game Bred
I don't think it's ok to strike in the US...but some known terrorist running around Yemen yelling jihad against the US and planning attacks....yeah kill em.
i disagree.
if as a society we believe due process in a capital case is a human right we must extend that right to even the most repugnant.
further; if we take the amerocentric approach and say that due process is only for us citizens it still holds that someone born in new mexico is entitled to due process of law.
the republicans even recognized this when they tried to get the O to revoke his citizenship.
we are only exceptional if we are exceptional.


Game Bred
mitigating factors:
included on the list is:
Serious medical conditions requiring urgent, intensive or long term treatment

that means you have an illness that would exacerbate due to incarceration not an affirmative defense.


Active member
Any other time...and I would agree with you guys...but, we are at war with al Qaeda. Shoot to kill. They want to destroy our way of life and if you look around...they are winning. Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA grabbing your "junk". It's all because of al Qaeda.

I said your analogy didn't fit...here is one that does. An American during WW2 'defects' to Nazi Germany and works his way to a top spot in the SS, designated spokesman. He broadcasts messages specifically about the demise and destruction of USA. So were at war...we get intel that there are several top SS meeting somewhere...we bomb it. Oh, that defector is in there??..good. The name of the game is the same. This guy was the enemy...

I look at it from the perspective that were at war with these people...and they started it. al Qaeda is al Qaeda..a Nazi was a Nazi...both enemies of the USA.

The reason I even posted in the first place MM420, is because I felt your post gave the impression that the USA will just drone strike any American. That is false...I know of two...and they joined forces with the enemy...an enemy that we are at war with...big difference....to me anyway.

Have a Super Saturday guys! And God Bless America! :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I still think he should have gotten a trial. It is part of being civilized. It is part of gathering facts for history. The execution was done because they do not care about facts. Drone strikes on anyone go to far in my opinion. As I grow older I don't even like the idea of execution. It's all just barbaric. Even as a firm believer in the second amendment I think everyone should be given the chance to be captured or run. the only reason to execute is at the exact time they are directly trying to kill you.


every state would tell his bat shit crazy ass to fuck off

there is a reason why there is a federal government and a state government


Active member
Romney says he will Destroy Medical Marijuana "Tooth and Nail"..

What an asshole .
If he's elected his wife will probably follow right in Nancy Reagans shoes.
I'd rather the war on obesity versus another war on drugs .


The Tri Guy
He's also declared war on medicare, and unemployment benefits. If you aren't rich, worry.


Active member
Hello all,

Firstly I am not a fan of Mittens.

But, should the US loose its sanity and Mittens is elected, Do you really think he would go out of his way to push the federal over states rights issues with regard to mmj. Or is he just blowing smoke?

I mean, how can the president and the federal government actually reverse state's laws that are on the books?

Well, I don't think there is a mechanism in the government to over-ride state law such that it is removed from the books?

Anyway, I think Mittens and his cronies have other fish to fry than mmj and states rights.

As to the DEA and DOJ, I do not think they have the funds to go after the small personal med growers now so I am dubious that there will be an attack on the personal med grower down the line. Just too many med growers and not enough funds or manpower to make any significant headway on mj & mmj eradication.

They can have my plants when they can pry them from my cold dead fingers.



The status quo all of a sudden doesn't sound all that bad now, huh?

Fuck Romney, no way should anyone vote for this asshat if they smoke pot or make under 250K...trickle down economics just ain't gunna cut it!

Good luck, Peace


Active member
The video said nothing about medical cannabis. He said he wouldn't legalize it, said nothing about fighting it tooth and nail. OP has some major problems, needs to learn to listen to what he is watching.

You really expect a presidential candidate to say, "legalize it"? I guess you don't spend much time outside the house.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
no, it doesnt depend on how much money you've got, unless you opt to pay for private healthcare.

as for MMJ, the government's own scientific body was in favor of softening the laws on cannabis, but tptb basically made a political decision to keep the law as it is and please the tabloid newspapers.


Hummmm that sounds just like CANABUMMBER LOL GEE I WONDER where your getting your info from the really sick ppl in your country? ffs you really want to know what's going on in your country try talking to them and not your puppet master "Murdoch" I hear he has his fist so far up your politictions arses they don't make a move without his say so lol.. Yeah our scientists are doing the same don't hold your breath it's all going to big pharma headband 707:woohoo:


take a look at Michigan before Attorny General Shuettee (1 of mittens possible AG picks) and
after and you should get a glimmer of how they plan to treat us. Medical does not matter to them we are still evil..

This may be the first year I don't vote in the presidential
just write in Ron P maybe


Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
Romney is nothing more than a sales rep for the pharmaceutical companies. They want to keep charging 12,000 plus dollars a month for their keep you alive to keep making money cancer drugs.


I think that anarchy and revolution is well on the way. Maybe not violent as much as apathetic. As far as my views on politics, read my sig.