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Roman Polanski arrested in Switzerland over sex with underage girl


Active member
If humans went through puberty quickly like animals then maybe it wouldn't be so creepy but until that happens theres always gonna be pedobears out there..lol @ yummybud thread :laughing:


Let's get the facts straight here. He got a 13 year old drunk, slipped her a Qualude, then fucked her mouth, vagina and anus as she said "No!". Then slipped out of the country. Years later he paid her money.

What the fuck is wrong with the French? Any one who in any way tries to depend this creep, ask yourself, would you let him look after your teen daughter for the night?

I hope he does the time he deserves, which is decades. The hard nutters inside love rich creeps like him, it will cost him all he has just to keep breathing each day. Now that's justice!

Guest 26753

I fully agree with you Chamba. Celebrities think they are above the law.


Green Mujaheed
he was living in france the past 31 years. they dont extradite here.

He's been living in Switzerland for more than 10 years, but they choose to get him now, so they can throw a bone to the US & make them go easier on all that tax haven & money laundering stuff. This is all political crap & nothing else.

I'm just wondering what a 13 year old girl was doing at a party at Jack Nicholson's house in the first place?

Her parents sent her there and wanted her to get picture-shot.

I'm glad to see justice finally prevailing.

It's more about revenge than justice actually.

Irie !


It's more about revenge than justice actually.

No, it's more about preventing the borderline freaks from crossing the line from drooling over internet teen porn into doing what Polanski did and taking a girl's innocence ...they all know that what happens to grown men who rape 13 year olds when they go to jail. those who prey on young kids have zero sympathy from me. What amazes me is how many French cry out at the injustice, but fall just short of inviting Roman back home to meet their daughters, maybe babysit for the weekend..

I bet French prisoners hold a special place for those who rape 13 year olds too.
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Joe Hawkins

Active member
It was OK for Woody Allen to marry his daughter though, imagine how many times he raped her before she became of age


It was OK for Woody Allen to marry his daughter though

was it? I thought he was a freak and a creep.

imagine how many times he raped her before she became of age

who knows? (only him, his daughter and his therapist, I guess)..... he did take nude photos of her, that his wife eventually found.


just read in a swiss newspaper, The major of gstad( the mountain town famous for it's jetset clientele) where Polanski was living said the only comment he's going to give is that he's happy that Polanski was not arrested there, because his town lives of the discretion.
The Police chief of the Canton( State ) said he didn't know that Polanski was living there(right) and that he knew of the arrest warrant.
i used to work in the media and and know some of the Swiss film makers actors who now have spoken out against the arrest, nobody commented on the Crime he had committed, only statements like he's a artistic genius, as if it's ok to be a pedo if you're an artist. wtf
Switzerland once again has proven that it possess no moral values.
Damn I'm happy not to life there anymore
I completely agree with Chamba that it's good for all the borderline internet pedos to see that even after 30 years you can get thrown in jail for having sex with a child.


Let's get the facts straight here. He got a 13 year old drunk, slipped her a Qualude, then fucked her mouth, vagina and anus as she said "No!". Then slipped out of the country. Years later he paid her money.

What the fuck is wrong with the French? Any one who in any way tries to depend this creep, ask yourself, would you let him look after your teen daughter for the night?

I hope he does the time he deserves, which is decades. The hard nutters inside love rich creeps like him, it will cost him all he has just to keep breathing each day. Now that's justice!

too well said. if that doesnt deserve time, than what does? it wasnt consentual/borderline mild thing at all. he deserves the clink but $ talks and shit walks, he'll be treated special. morally bankrupt french gov & hollywierd has already basically said its ok. If some ordinary Joe did this they would be truly fucked.

I also find it appaulling how many people socially embrace him and support him, what if their 13 year old daughter was drugged and sodomized while saying "no"? I guess this is all ok because he is prestigious.

Last night, the idiot national canadian news gave the impression it was for "having sex with a 13 year old girl" there was no mention of drugging her, her saying no, sodomizing her, etc; yet they blathered on about the whole thing for 10 minutes and neglected the most important points.

The Uncola

Wow- Just Wow!

Raping a 13 year old girl is just Wrong. They call it state rape since the girl doesn't always know what is right or wrong. I think he needs to pay for this crime. I've never violated a woman in this way. I recently read a book about the Fundamentalists Mormons in the Colorado City area of Arizona who did this kind of shit for more than 50 years from 1953 to 2006. Their hero Warren Jeffs got busted in 2008- New Book! "When Men Become Gods" - Stephen Singular

Damn good read!!!!! Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffs, His Cult of Fear, And the Women who Fought Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
What a moron the mother is. Who the fuck sends their 13 year old daughter to Jack Nicholsons house in the late 70's. If u'r gonna shoot for the French vogue, do it in a studio, with people present. I bet she was just a star struck moron, and her daughter paid the price. I also think it's BS they only arrested him now, i mean c'mon, the guy is a celeb who hasn't been hiding, and who prolly goes thru customs and airports every week.. And has been wanted since 1978, internationally since 2005... So why now? Mike Jackson is dead so he can't molest a child.. Maybe they will turn Polanski in to the new patsy, like when ever something they don't want us to talk about.. Holy shit, Polanski raped another kid!

Dave said it best:D


Chat Mod
the way i see it, his original plea deal should be thrown out, and he be sentanced under the original charges. debra winger saying its such a shame he got arrested, i wonder how she would feel if i got her drunk and gave her ludes and proceeded to violate every orifice of her body? i hope he gets sent to folsom, san quentin, or corcoran and is sodomized every day for the rest of his life. there is no way conceivable way to justify such an action, which was obviously pre-meditated, against an innocent child. remember why they stopped making methyl-qualone it was extremely synergistic with alcohol. he could easily have o.d.'ed her. send him to prison, let him see what its like to be sodomized in a bathroom. just my opinion.

peace -fb


I also think it's BS they only arrested him now, i mean c'mon, the guy is a celeb who hasn't been hiding, and who prolly goes thru customs and airports every week..

its quite possible some higher up in the states gov or person of influence had been protecting him and has lost power or just recently expired

stuff that makes you go hmmm

h^2 O

this thread keeps getting less about Roman Polanski and more about incest/molestation survivor meatings

PS I'd do Debrah Winger in the pooper


anyone who knows the case knows why he ran, he was gonna get fucked by an over zealous judge.

I feel for the guy, to be honest.

And I have a daughter.
What the fuck is wrong with the French? Any one who in any way tries to depend this creep, ask yourself, would you let him look after your teen daughter for the night?

Actually french people are very divided on this subject.
A lot of ppl in France are angry and disgusted that ministers defended him saying that rich and famous are not above the law.

Personnally i don't like to join the caravan of haters ready to lapidate a man.

Polanski is 76 year's old now and 32 years have passed since this story.
The victim don't want this story to be open back, she said she doesn't consider him like a menace to society.
The judge wanted to fuck him up that's why he fled.

Better he pay a big money to be given to association who help abused children.

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