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Roman Polanski arrested in Switzerland over sex with underage girl


Active member
I personally wouldn't want to go out with (or have sex with a girl under 19) because I'd feel like a pervert or feel like its socially unacceptable and people would look down on me so I wouldn't do it.

theres a girl I know thats 17 at my work and I think she likes me but I try to stay away from her at work because I feel embarrassed looking like i'm hitting on a 17 year old when i'm 24 (even worse if you're 40). Still she keeps on following me around at work and she made some sexual remarks to me a couple of times which made me feel really creepy even though she said it. Like I was eating a bannana and she is sitting next to me and she says " I really like big bannanas" I was like wtf??? and this other time I was eating a popsicle and she says " I like to suck on creamy things" I'm not making this up she said that and I was like shit I got to get away from her she's making me feel like a creep. I think she's just saying that shit because I ignore her and she's trying to ge my attention.

like I said I may think a 16-17 year old is 'hot' but I wouldn't sleep with them or go out them because even if its not really "wrong" its not really socially acceptable and people would look at me like i'm a perv and talk shit about me behind my back.

I don't see anything wrong with 18+ though.

you should give her your popsicle when she turns 18. :laughing:


I think the title of this post need work, He fed her pharmaceuticals and champagne then raped her. Oh and she was 13 years old.

No excuse for doing that to a child. None. Ever.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.

seriously though, thats good to hear.


The victim doesn't want this prosecution to proceed. To her it's been "over with" a long time now. There was an out of court settlement (payoff) for an undisclosed sum years ago. Reminds me of Michael Jacksons scrapes (but hetero, in this case) with the law.


ICMag Donor
None of the facts of the original case really matters now.

Like a car chase that starts with the innocuos running of a red light the evasion of police and avoidance of penalty is now the bigger crime that must be addressed.

Should we allow him complete freedom just because he had the money and opportunity to live as a free man in another country for all these years?

Should we allow him lesser penalties for his crimes just because he is a famous well-paid creative person?


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yummy I wouldn't feel like a creep... that girl has had more escapades than you methinks... she might be trying to do you the favor you so desperately seek... how long till she's 18?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

once a person is indicted on a legal charge here in the US there
is no statute of limitations allowing the crime or justice process
to expire, you've been caught & will have to answer eventually.......


Big D

I think the title of this post need work, He fed her pharmaceuticals and champagne then raped her. Oh and she was 13 years old.

No excuse for doing that to a child. None. Ever.

I don't WRITE the news, I just deliver it. It is the same "title" of the story in the link provided.

And it wouldn't matter if the girl took him by the hand and led him to a room , lap danced for him and then begged him to have sex with her, it is still illegal and very sick!

And there is NO statute of limitations on sex crimes against CHILDREN. Thankfully!


Active member
Yummy I wouldn't feel like a creep... that girl has had more escapades than you methinks... she might be trying to do you the favor you so desperately seek... how long till she's 18?

lol no if she was close to 18 i'd consider it but she is way too young and makes me feel creepy so I avoid her at work. she just turned 17 so she's not even close to 18 she's in grade 11 so she still hae 2 years of highschool so way too young for me to be near. theres a guy at my work that is 21 and always hitting on her and hanging around her but she's always trying to get my attention.

plus when she is out of highschool she'll probably won't care anymore and will be like oh i'm too good for yummybud now lol.

she always comes up to me and stands really close to me and I try not to be around her because if people at work see me they'll think that i'm the one going around her and I'll look like a creep lol. plus underage girls making sexual remarks to me makes me feel uncomfortable like its my fault or is something lol. its not just a legal thing, as it is not illegal here in Canda, its a social thing and also a 17 year old girl has nothing in common with a 24 year old guy. i'm in my last semester of university and will be starting lawschool when she is still in highschool and thinking about highschool parties.

anyways just because I can get this 17 year old girl if I wanted to doesn't mean I should because it wouldn't be good for me. People will look at me differently and see me as some perv and I don't want that.


Listen to me jerky
She wants you and can't have you since you're so stand-offish. She's only gonna keep coming on stronger and stronger. Better watch your six.
It gets bad chasing that! Not finding that one is difficult, to talk without words~

Kinda some nice music around, some trucks, some wind, some train (no people on board) some other random things organized!

Some big bitch hammering something, seems that we all fucked mom at a young age...laying down on things like a rock!

Probably putting in posts, even a truck stop sign, probably some rails and death camps...getting ready for battle after the long night of sex.


Active member
lol yeah right. she's no gointg to stay interested that long especially with me pretty much ignoring her.

she always asks me if I smoke weed also, I don't tell anyone at work that I smoke pot but she alwasy assumes I toke for some reason, and I look like some nerdy guy with glasses I don't look like a hippy or anything lol. I told her I don't smoke weed because I don't want people at work finding out I toke, because I need to use my managers for future references and don't want them thinking i'm a pot head and coming to work stoned or whatever.

my theory is that the only reason she seems to like me is because i'm older, have a niceish car and can get her booze or whatever highschool girls like to do. she asked me if I can buy her a pack of smokes once and I said no. she also always tries to look through my phone and keeps on asking me if I have a girlfriend.

seriously hate how the only time I get a girl interested in me its some underage girl that I can't have.

I liked this other girl at my work that was like 17 and when she turned 18 i asked her out and she gave me a number and never picked up then deleted me from facebook lol.

anyways yeah best to stay away from underage girls, not worth it. you wreck your reputation with friends, coworkers etc. and if you're a sicko like this old guy who sleeps with 13 year old you might end up in prison when you are 70.


sadly, its male human nature to think super young (post puberty) is super sexy,

they say its an instinct do to fertility or something, left over from when humans had a 25-30 year lifespan, in a million year perspective, its been very very recent since we have gone from cave to now

its a bad left over instict that doesnt go well today, just as caveman like aggression doesnt help society either, just makes our high tech abilities more of a threat to each other

human trafficking psychopaths are taking advantage of this secret liking many men have buy entrapping teenaged girls and smuggling them to 1st world coutries for a horrid fate as a sex slave

there are currently 700,000 missing women and children believed o be entrapped as sex slaves worldwide. its becoming the new cocaine - huge $$$$ - becuase you can sell a bag of coke once but a young teenager many many times

very bad. they are so happy to blow terrorists apart with 30mm machine guns a mile away in an apache helicopter (while lockheed martin's cach register rings everytime they pul the trigger) but there isnt much interest in human traffickers and the penalties are lame. they are terrorists. someone who holds kidnapped 13 year olds in a shoddy building kept high on heroin while men line up should be not recieve some lame mild sentence or virtually nothing becuase the local leo/gov is in on the cash cow

leo should drop all its recources on weed and refocus it on stuff like this that matters

oops i guess i went a little off topic


Domesticator of Cannabis
I wonder if this guy has kids. how would he like it if some 40 year old guy had sex with his 13 year old daughter. kids shouldn't be sex objects for grown men.

He is also known for his turbulent and controversial personal life.[6] In 1969, his pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered by the Manson Family

Polanski was initially charged[38] with rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a controlled substance (methaqualone) to a minor. These charges were dismissed under the terms of his plea bargain, and he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.[39]

Following the plea agreement, according to the documentary Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired, the court ordered Polanski to report to a state prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation, but granted a stay of ninety days to allow him to complete his current project. Under the terms set by the court, he was permitted to travel abroad. Polanski returned to California and reported to Chino State Prison for the evaluation period, and was released after 42 days. On February 1, 1978, Polanski fled to London, where he maintained residency. A day later he traveled on to France, where he held citizenship, avoiding the risk of extradition to the U.S. by Britain. Consistent with its extradition treaty with the United States, France can refuse to extradite its own citizens. An extradition request later filed by U.S. officials was denied. The United States government could have requested that Polanski be prosecuted on the California charges by the French authorities.[40]

Polanski has never returned to England, and later sold his home there. The United States could still request the arrest and extradition of Polanski from other countries should he visit them, and Polanski avoided visits to countries (such as the UK) that were likely to extradite him and mostly travels and works in France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland.

In a 2003 interview,[41] Samantha Geimer said, "Straight up, what he did to me was wrong. But I wish he would return to America so the whole ordeal can be put to rest for both of us." Furthermore, "I'm sure if he could go back, he wouldn't do it again. He made a terrible mistake but he's paid for it". In 2008, Geimer stated in an interview that she wishes Polanski would be forgiven, "I think he's sorry, I think he knows it was wrong. I don't think he's a danger to society. I don't think he needs to be locked up forever and no one has ever come out ever - besides me - and accused him of anything. It was 30 years ago now. It's an unpleasant memory ... (but) I can live with it."[42]

Emmanuelle Seigner married the Polish film director Roman Polanski on 30 August 1989. They have two children: daughter Morgane and son Elvis.


Active member
lots of sickos around. last week I read in the paper about a 69 year old ceo of a big bank in my city got arrested at his work and consequently lost his job as a ceo making 600,000 a year because he had 1200 pictures and videos of childporn on his computer. you would never expect this from a 69 year old grandpa.

also about the child slaves. I was watching a documentry about Thailand and how all these old mostly white middle class and rich businessmen going to thailand to have sex with minors its pretty sick.

the world is fked up thats all I can say.

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