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~~!!Rollable aeroponic 840Watt Megawattatron blueberry grow!!~~


Active member
Shit bro ya tap is 500 ppms i never realised it was so hard,super hard. I wouldent use it in future. You only got 100 ppm of feed in there, bound to cause probs.
They look quite good considering all that then, but yeah that is why you got the yellowing so soon without doubt, i think you know this anyway.
G'Luck Buddy'...................Scrog'


Active member
The alternative is a whole lot of trips to Walmart and lugging 5 gallon jugs up to my 2nd floor,.. which sucks. This is my first grow using straight tap, all and all not too bad but i think the best thing to do would be to mix 1/2 tap 1/2 RO from Walmart, then id have a premix before nutes of 200-250ppm. Actually i think the yellowing isn't all that bad this grow, nor was the onset too very fast as some of the hairs on all 4 plants are browning up nice, so it wont be long now and ill have lost less leaves by the end of this then i did last grow in soil when i over fed. But in the name of understanding all i do wonder why the yellowing this grow. Only thing i can find to explain yellowing is N deficiency and i don't really see why that would be the case this grow and not others since i use the same nutes for all,.. definitely less nutes over all this grow though so maybe that's why? Maybe previous grows when i burned them the added nutes kept them from yellowing,.. and i used RO before also? Ah i don't know im high and rambling :)


Active member
You said this is ya first hydro run yeah./Before they would of been getting the 'N' from the soil. 500 ppm tap well you got Mg & Ca there but it needs cleating if im not mistaken and mostly cant be used by the plant. 100ppm of added feed is nothing but minimal to say the least bro. Its clear why the leaves are this way, lacking N amoungst other Stuff!
Its well worth the trip to walmart & a couple a flights o stairs for the sake of having good health. I would do it bro. Buy an RO unit-problem solved!
Peace & be lucky.................Scrog'


Active member
i do believe its about chopping time!

i do believe its about chopping time!

I don't think these are gonna get much better, maybe im wrong but i see all the yellow leaves and i think there near the end of there life. look damn good to me, well kinda, I mean I have never grown any buds that turned out to have purple in them, and I am going to have a lot of it as well so I'm pretty happy. The reservoir is really starting to stink something fierce, I really don't get how some people add sugar to their res, I mean maybe I'll taste it and think wow im glad I did that but the two times I've added it it's been nothing but a big hassle. I put 2 tablespoons per gallon of res water about a week ago and it took two days for it to gum up and clog my sprayers, and the same thing happened last grow when I tried it. I might try it again earlier this time when the plants are really stretching, because as of right now it doesn't much seem like they're doing anything but drinking water. maybe I waited too long, maybe I added too much sugar, but hey you live and learn.


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Active member
Here are some more pictures... sorry for not rotating them :)

oh and by the way all these pictures are of three taller slower finishing one's, the first picture in the post before this is of the one really green beautiful looking one and I chopped it down a few days ago, Man I can't wait to smoke some of the really dark purple bud on the main coli


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wow. i used those same buckets (from home depot or lowes i think) for my DIY power cloner. the little squares on the lid were perfect for spacing and very rigid. FYI the lids ARE NOT water tight. so i hope you don't have the same problem with leaks as i did.


Active member


new pics ;-)
lot of yellow,.. which is weird,.. but i love the purple in the leaves,.. hope it gets even more. pH keeps dropping real low, like in the 4.8 range, i think these ladies are totally just drinking now, ppm is only 600 but down goes the water, up the ppm's slowly, and ya that's what i think but my tap water is higher then 500 so i cant much lower it any lower. not sure if that's why im getting the yellow but oh well it wont be long now till im chopping them down.

Hey Bro Sorry to hear about this little problem,
The first thing that springs to mind is Bacteria, as this too will cause a large swing in PH (down). Have your temps in your buckets been ok and is there any light getting in the bucket/res. i know its a little late bro, just just a thought.
Enjoy your Blueberry, which i'm sure will smoke just lovely.;)
Peace.....Scrog............Nice'pics'.....Where's that purple, more would be a nice sight to see, keep us posted bro. How long you think, look like they got another week in them bro'??
(could you add some H2O2 in the Res!??)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Scrogerman is tellin it like it is. Your tap ppm is too high, and not in the ratios you need, especially during bloom! No tellin what it is doing to lock out your nutes. A blast of P-K would do you a world of good.

Get some fulvic acid (bioag.com) in there ASAP, and a pinch of sea salt wouldn't hurt either.

Check out the Merlin RO. Very reasonable price and does NOT need a storage tank, but make sure you buy all the necessary accessories, like autoflush. Stock up on 1G jugs, so you can fill them during the down time.

The quality of the RO product water depends on the incoming water pressure (you might need a booster pump). Figure about 90% rejection. So with 500 ppm tap you should get 50ppm as product water. This is fine, but a booster pump would get it under 10 ppm.

Sweets cause cavitites in people, and problems in nutes.

During my first DWC/Aero grow, I was learning and changing on the fly. Once I got my nutes right the buds grew like crazy, and the plant doubled in weight during the last 3 weeks! I have a Journal on IC TAG/AMS/LED vs CFL


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Let's compare roots to DIYers of 11/26

Photo on the left was 2 weeks old. Photo on right taken 12/30/09.

Note all the lateral branching and fine hairs.

This only happens when your root environment is nailed- pH, ppm, temps, and delivery method.

My roots are being fed 24/7 with intervals of 1 minute on followed by 3 minutes off (requires deep cycle timer). The nute fog is <50 microns. You will not get close to this until you switch to a high pressure pump and 50 micron fog heads. Believe me, I tried. My last grow roots looked like tight balls of twine, with no lateral branching, until I began incorporating 50 micron fog heads, and near the end a high pressure pump.

I thought I was within days of harvest, but was curious to see what effect (if any) the high pressure pump would have. The exlposion of bud growth (and root development) was like magic. I let it grow and in 3 weeks my plant doubled in weight. This convinced me. Will it you?

This combination provides sufficient nutes in their most bioavailable way. It distributes the nutes to all the hairs. The off time provides sufficient time to digest and be ready to feed again, and again, and again...

DIYer, this is a simple change for you, and can be done on the fly. You will find the parts you need on my IC Grow Journal

Once I switch to 12/12 the roots will fill out, looking like pom-poms. It is at this stage when nute levels are at their most critical, requiring a huge bump in P-K.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
RE: Roots 5 weeks later

RE: Roots 5 weeks later

This only shows the roots in the top tote. They are over 3 ft long, extending into a second tote that I had to add.

The lesson I learned flip sooner. I waited until the plants were 12-15". In TAG I should have flipped at 6"!

Also note how healthy and fluffy these roots are compared to any other DWC roots. TAG roots provide more root hairs for nutrient to attach and be eaten. This allows faster growth and bigger buds


New member
DIYer, I see you have removed the pictures after I told you about the GPS info that was embedded.

Too bad you couldn't apologize for "you're a moron.. if such data existed in MY iPhone pics then why don't u tell me where i live to back up your bullshit paranoid delusions of government take over. people like you are why pot is illegal, you shouldn't be allowed any as you've obviously already smoked too much."

Good luck in the future with the grow :) Hope you can post some more pictures but without the GPS info.

Easiest way to get rid of it is just to open the picture, copy it and paste it into a new picture.