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Rogan's N-word Compilation


Seed Whore
I'm only 5,6 but I've messed up plenty of people bigger than me.height don't mean shit when it goes to the ground



Active member
friends can call each other anything, and nobody gets bent out of shape. try going up to any random black guy you've never seen/met before and call him that, see how well it works, LOL! the few surviving buddies i have savage me and the others, but we don't talk like that to other people or on camera. this is known as "inappropriate" and likely to result in an "asswhipping"...😃

That you assume any random ”black guy” would act like that, and that they could even be expected to do so in your culture, that is being triggered into a frenzy and assaulting others because they did not belong to your race and said a word, maybe even said something inappropriate, it is nothing but the racism of low expectations.


Active member
Assuming responsibility for what we say and do in life has more to do with character than magic

You mean the responsibility of ”white people” to not use a certain word that only ”black people” are allowed to use in your so called culture?

That only shows this black- and white thinking you got going on race is a racist construct.


Well-known member
You mean the responsibility of ”white people” to not use a certain word that only ”black people” are allowed to use in your so called culture?

That only shows this black- and white thinking you got going on race is a racist construct.
Given a the display of cultural bigotry you delivered, I find your perspective slightly skewed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
this whole thing is even more hilarious to me because hes a lefty and very progressive & kinda worships black athletes, like he always mentions.

hes a nice guy, you can see if you watched him 10 years or more ago through to now just how far hes come mentally. talking to all those people really worked wonders.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You find Howard Stern noteworthy and think Pacfica deals in hate.

You are obviously not a consumer of Pacifica.
Each program reflects the perspective of the individual that conceived it.
If there is one thing Pacifica has never been, it is uniform.
The content is far more varied and diverse than has ever been available in commercial broadcasting.
The one thing one can be assured of with Pacifica is that the next show will be different than the previous was.

I strongly dislike Howard Stern. And Pacifica's PROGRAMING is homogenized hate.


Active member
Given a the display of cultural bigotry you delivered, I find your perspective slightly skewed.

Of course you do, indoctrinated as you are in said black/white racial fallacy. It is not even worthy to be called culture but in a sense I suppose is a form of culture, a racist culture.


Well-known member
Of course you do, indoctrinated as you are in said black/white racial fallacy. It is not even worthy to be called culture but in a sense I suppose is a form of culture, a racist culture.

Go to prison and preach your " racial equality". I'll bet you'll go far


Well-known member
all the way to the nearest hospital, lol...not being a dick to others is too hard for him, apparently...

When I went to Statesville I saw this Mexican shank the fuck out of this white guy over drugs or something and the swole ass COs beat the fuck out of both of them.muh feelings go out the fucking window when reality hits.they call that getting their PhD.Pumpking Head Deluxe cause when they are done with you your head looks like a pumpkin


Well-known member
You know what? Joe Rogan would probably agree with you on that. The problem is you're making him one dimensional and he's not he also has skills in Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling, and Jiu-Jitsu where he also has a black belt in the Brazilian version of Jiu-Jitsu. He really was only ever in TKD in his early years and just in competition which is a format that TKD can work well in provided of course everyone else is using TKD which was the case when he was competing. If I had to describe him as any one thing I'd say he's more of a grappler then anything else. I think he would also be the first to admit he is by no means a world class bad ass and there are many who are far more dangerous then he is. I would say though that it's fair to say he's no slouch and since he works out on his skills almost daily he would probably give most people a pretty decent fight.

Yeah well I've studied ninjutsu and kungfu,iaido,kenjutsu and lots of other martial arts for over 20 years.ive lived with real killers and bad asses.im not gonna incriminate myself.but if someone like Joe came at me he's a dead man.period.i always carry a blade or razor


Well-known member
Of course you do, indoctrinated as you are in said black/white racial fallacy. It is not even worthy to be called culture but in a sense I suppose is a form of culture, a racist culture.

What an incredibly foolish proposition . As if an individual could or even would be responsible for the culture they have been born into.
Seems to me like we have an American hater here. Given how the history has gone at times, I have always been amazed that I have not run
into more of them.

The US is far from perfect, but I feel like I have been well blessed by it. I have been most fortunate in my dealing with people and been treated well where ever I have gone.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah well I've studied ninjutsu and kungfu,iaido,kenjutsu and lots of other martial arts for over 20 years.ive lived with real killers and bad asses.im not gonna incriminate myself.but if someone like Joe came at me he's a dead man.period.i always carry a blade or razor

Okay dude, it's not a contest for who's the biggest badass


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What an incredibly foolish proposition . As if an individual could or even would be responsible for the culture they have been born into.
Seems to me like we have an American hater here. Given how the history has gone at times, I have always been amazed that I have not run
into more of them.

The US is far from perfect, but I feel like I have been well blessed by it. I have been most fortunate in my dealing with people and been treated well were ever I have gone.

How countries seem on the world/political stage is rarely very reflective of how it's citizenry is in person. Most people are basically decent and operate on a live and let live basis.


Well-known member
Okay dude, it's not a contest for who's the biggest badass

I apologize Hempkat.i didn't mean any disrespect.your one of the older "Kats" around. pun intended.i just had a bad day.such is life.i miss your grow threads buddy.


Seed Whore
Lol where did you find that meme?! I love it! I've actually got a Lahey shirt that says I AM THE LIQUOR! Unfortunately we all find out eventually we aren't the liquor

It was online. There are many if you search hard. I agree, the sooner you figure out
that drinking too often is unhealthy the better. I drink nowhere what I used too.