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Rock and a Hard Place


We are Farmers
Nice sorcival, I was thinking the same thing about cultivating new connections.
WARNING: Advice for the desperate follows
I know Craigslist is full of flakes and retards but I would bet you could probably still find weed there.
If straight up buying it is what you are after you could also try trolling the parking lot at Phish shows, ect.
Go to any reasonably local hempfest events and try to hook up.

Best of luck




I like your approach, especially about the grand kids. Have one who just turned 21 and I am pretty sure is into "buds". Goes to the university. Might be time to explore that possibility had though of that before but a little hesitant, might be time to consider it..
thanks for thoughts----oldbob




Nice sorcival, I was thinking the same thing about cultivating new connections.
WARNING: Advice for the desperate follows
I know Craigslist is full of flakes and retards but I would bet you could probably still find weed there.
If straight up buying it is what you are after you could also try trolling the parking lot at Phish shows, ect.
Go to any reasonably local hempfest events and try to hook up.

Best of luck

Never though of craigs list, might give that a look see, Thanks


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Never though of craigs list, might give that a look see, Thanks

Craigs list for real :noway: bad idea unless you live in like oakland cali maybe

excerpt from you
[ However driving it back home from a legal state is also viable as probation would probably be the result of getting caught. only 10 to 14 hrs drive to a legal state easy enough to do every couple of months]

very very very bad idea once you cross state lines it could bcome federal esp if you have more then 1oz on you. not to mention stress you may have as a result of cops driving behind you. take it from some1 who knows whilst back i was running every month bringing several oz's to some ole hippys out in death valley. i would sometimes sweat bullets and other times i wouldnt made the run every month for 4yrs like clock work. sounds like you'll have to find another connect or face your fears and grow small and very descrite.

i suggest reading some in the micro grow section of the forms

you would be surprised what a small secured space can contain and produce.

in my state we have mmj and a small grow busted with person not ever being in trouble before gets probation if he dosent have a mmj card.

otherwise brotha ya have to go through the trouble of finding a johnny on the spot trustable new connect

this websites resources are bountyful for small med and large secured and in your face catch me if you can grows. all the information is here for a person willing to learn to grow a person should read read and read some more. on all kinds of styles of growing

now as for what your should do about your predicament well finding this website is a start

testn the waters with the spouse like he baby one day i would like to grow a plant or 2 see what she dose and says

i've been married to same woman 22 yrs myself and it all starts with them cant outright lie to em thats just wrong

of course they know nothing {just like sgt.shultz on hogans heros} if ever questioned

properly deal with security find a small cab and secure it light rpoof the thing smell is n/p carbon filters can be made or purchased. theres a wonderful DYI link o rama link in my sig tons of info there also

guess what i'm tryn to say is i can help ya grow but make the decission you have to make about no MJ connect well you allready know that answer

dont tell a soul but your spouse and then {she know's nothing {just like sgt.shultz on hogans heros}.

lol g/l


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I fought like hell for 13 years to get my parents to understand why I burn and they finally do. They love me smoking herb now!! I think a lot of older potheads still feel the stigma that was so prevalent back in day and plus people just have different personalities and concerns. As far as I'm concerned, if you think me smoking herb is wrong then you are one that's f'ed up and needs to go figure it out. Family or not. Two different situations though.

I'd hit up your college grandson. Everyone would love to smoke with gramps! Driving with two months worth of weight may be not so good and growing is obviously out of the question. Although a Micro grow would probably warrant probation for first offense.


For what it's worth, experience has taught me to err on the side of safety. For those that don't know me, lightening hit our house and fire fighters found my room and turned it over to LEO, wife and me ended up behind bars. Not worth it, believe me.

Most of the advice seems to be from younger tokers, law enforcement, and those blessed with understanding relatives. I've been through 5 wives, had 11 kids, 23 grandkids, and 4 great-grandkids - and none understood or accepted granpa being a "pothead". To be fair, a daughter has signed me up as a legal provider for her meds, a son grows when he can, and a grandkid landed a job with a major drug company researching synthetic THC and medical marijuana. But on the whole, the family turned their back on the black sheep pothead. Granpa is supposed to be the family figurehead, not the laughing stock criminal. The whole situation really does suck hind tit.

Being in your situation I would arrange something with a friend in a legal state. There is no law against dual residency in different states. If you buy property or rent in another state you meet the legal residency requirements.

Think about it - if you get drunk and kill a family in a minivan you might get a couple years in prison, if you get busted growing you will get 4 times that. A guy in my state raped his daughter, killed her and her fetus, and got less than 2 years. A friend got caught with 312 plants and is serving 14-20.

Possession in most states is treated like a parking ticket misdemeanor for the 1st offense. Which one would your family live with.

Just my 2-cents.


For what it's worth, experience has taught me to err on the side of safety. For those that don't know me, lightening hit our house and fire fighters found my room and turned it over to LEO, wife and me ended up behind bars. Not worth it, believe me.

Most of the advice seems to be from younger tokers, law enforcement, and those blessed with understanding relatives. I've been through 5 wives, had 11 kids, 23 grandkids, and 4 great-grandkids - and none understood or accepted granpa being a "pothead". To be fair, a daughter has signed me up as a legal provider for her meds, a son grows when he can, and a grandkid landed a job with a major drug company researching synthetic THC and medical marijuana. But on the whole, the family turned their back on the black sheep pothead. Granpa is supposed to be the family figurehead, not the laughing stock criminal. The whole situation really does suck hind tit.

Being in your situation I would arrange something with a friend in a legal state. There is no law against dual residency in different states. If you buy property or rent in another state you meet the legal residency requirements.

Think about it - if you get drunk and kill a family in a minivan you might get a couple years in prison, if you get busted growing you will get 4 times that. A guy in my state raped his daughter, killed her and her fetus, and got less than 2 years. A friend got caught with 312 plants and is serving 14-20.

Possession in most states is treated like a parking ticket misdemeanor for the 1st offense. Which one would your family live with.

Just my 2-cents.
Great response, plain to see experience has granted you intelligence and wisdom.(not the same thing) I am working on a couple of those ideas now and appreciate your response. Thanks for the ideas and they are helpful. I am working on solutions now and am sure it will soon work out. Problems are quite often temporary..
Thanks again oldbob


Active member
Great response, plain to see experience has granted you intelligence and wisdom.(not the same thing) I am working on a couple of those ideas now and appreciate your response. Thanks for the ideas and they are helpful. I am working on solutions now and am sure it will soon work out. Problems are quite often temporary..
Thanks again oldbob

Be sure to post what happens when you hit-up the grandson. That should be interesting.



I will try he's a little hard to get a hold of. I think it would be great to share some Purple with him. He loves Grandpa a lot and I think he knows I am a pothead for the last 50 years, as I smoked pot with his mother (my daughter) 30 years ago, but I don't know whether she has told him or not since she don't want him to know that she has smoked much pot. Strange how life works at times. Some good, some bad. I bet you can tell my life has never been boring. Hehehe
Thanks for ideas and interest---oldbob


weed fiend
I will try he's a little hard to get a hold of. I think it would be great to share some Purple with him. He loves Grandpa a lot and I think he knows I am a pothead for the last 50 years, as I smoked pot with his mother (my daughter) 30 years ago, but I don't know whether she has told him or not since she don't want him to know that she has smoked much pot. Strange how life works at times. Some good, some bad. I bet you can tell my life has never been boring. Hehehe
Thanks for ideas and interest---oldbob

Can't imagine a better smoking buddy than my Paw, rest his soul. He was a little too conventional, born in 1905. He taught me how to fish and hunt. We even built and sold deer stands until manufacturers put us out of business. Three generations of us, built by the hundreds every season. If you ever hunted private property in north Alabama in the 80s and 90s, you might have sat in one of em. One club bought 2000 in a single season. Took a whole year to deliver, lol.

Best thing about Paw, we were buddies. The generation gap between me and Pop was lost with Paw. I think he would have liked reefer if he'd been around in my times. Hell, I know he would. We were more like brothers than anything else.

oldbob, I hope you're able to share with your grandson something I wasn't able to share with my Paw. I know it's not everything to everybody but it brings another perspective I'm sure the two of you will embrace.:joint:

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