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Rock and a Hard Place


Opinions Please

Here is the problem, in my state the law is as follows; possession is a misdemeanor, growing is a felony.
I am 67 years been smoking my medicine 50 years never busted. Now I lost all connections for medicine, and I am getting desperate. Growing doesn't seem like a viable option. A prison term might a life sentence. I willing to risk a misdemeanor buy not a felony, much to lose very much. Would only get probation for a conviction of possession. :1help::1help: Any interesting solutions appreciated



Active member
My advice is to move. I am in a similar situation minus the part about being dry and I plan on moving as soon as I can get my finances in order and find a job on the other end of the move.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
If moving isn't an option, then I'd say go micro/stealth.

You could easily setup a small grow like this one for example...


You'd be surprised the results you can get from a very small cab in a short amount of time and AF's seem like a viable option for you.

1. the stay small, so less likely to get caught.

2.They grow quick, ~70 days from seed, which means less likely to get caught (simply them not being there for very long cuts the chance dramatically)

3. They require little light, a few CFL's could do, meaing a Much lower electric spike which would be completely unditectable

A secondary benefit of that last point is practically no heat, of course meaning that it would be impossible to detect with IR scanners (FLIR).

By the way, AF means Auto-Flower, in other words they don't require you to change the lights to 12/12, meaning they stay small and virtually undetectable, unless someone walks into your home and opens your (hopefully hidden) grow cab you will be fine.


If you're like me, you don't need much. The easy way to grow at home is simple: TELL NO ONE. If you follow this simple rule, everything else will fall into place. Weed is super easy to grow.

Trust me on this.



I repeat not willing to risk felony, very much to lose not worth the gamble. Damage to wife (43 years), grand kids would not understand. Also risk to my money position which is quite good. simply can't gamble with the people I care about and the great life I have. your right, I don't smoke as much as I could when I as younger. Come to think of it don't do anything as much as when I was younger. hehehe

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Sounds like my state. And I understand your concerns. They are mine as well. (I'm only a few years behind you.) But really, for a small grow, the risk is pretty close to zero. Set up a Rubbermaid tub, or computer case, or dresser in an out-of-the-way corner of your house. Control the odor. If your needs are modest, you can easily grow in total stealth. Unless you tell someone, or take your product out in public, it would be virtually impossible for anyone to ever find out about it. I've been a very small-scale hobby grower for over 20 years, and don't even think about it anymore. Nobody knows I grow, and most don't even know I smoke. If you think about it, there is much less risk growing than buying, as buying always involves at least one other person.


Well-known member
As the other posters have sed,just grow your own.

If you have never been in trouble. The law most likely will not charge(with help from a lawer)you a felony for personal use.

Keep your numbers, 3 or under small personal plants.

I like atic grows my self:2cents:



I do appreciate the advice very much. all however have the same theme. I would like to explore a different direction. How difficult is it to establish residence in Colorado. How long might it take and what would be the quickest way to do so. Would a rented room suffix. What would be the fast track to do this. Colorado would be the closest and the best I think.. How long would the process take? If I understand the system correctly, the ID and the Doctors form is all I need to be legal. Does anyone have an insight to this process ??

Thanks to all for the input; oldbob

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I do appreciate the advice very much. all however have the same theme. I would like to explore a different direction. How difficult is it to establish residence in Colorado. How long might it take and what would be the quickest way to do so. Would a rented room suffix. What would be the fast track to do this. Colorado would be the closest and the best I think.. How long would the process take? If I understand the system correctly, the ID and the Doctors form is all I need to be legal. Does anyone have an insight to this process ??

Sounds like you're talking about pretending to be a CO resident, rather than actually moving there. Then what, travel to CO every time you need to buy some medicine? That sounds a LOT more risky than just growing a few plants. You'd be falsifying records, be involved in interstate transportation of a controlled substance, and be very public about it. I understand your fear of growing, but it is by far the less risky alternative among the options you are considering. As I said before, when you involve others in any way, your risks go up dramatically.

I know you're worried about getting caught, but you seem to have your risk assessment backwards. Keep a small grow, tell no one, and you are home free. Literally. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face (or something like that).

If I misunderstood, and you're talking about actually moving to CO, then nevermind. But it seems like a major life change just to get some smoke. And totally unnecessary.


Active member
damn hope my balls don't shrink that small when i turn 67... good luck oldbob


Active member
damn hope my balls don't shrink that small when i turn 67... good luck oldbob

Yeah, cuz then what you have left to think with???

So, have you done the risk assessment? Are you sure you don't want to grow? C'mon, say it again... LOL

Here in California you can go to a Postal Annex or UPS Store, some shop of that nature, and rent a mailbox with a real street address. Take your new street address to DMV and get a state issued ID. When the ID comes, get a Dr.'s rec and you're off to the co-op. I suppose you could do the same thing in Colorado.

Traveling domestically with a few oz's of mj isn't that much of a risk. Wrap the mj as best you can to mitigate the smell, then wrap that with a copy of your rec then wrap that in something else then into your suitcase. If it is going to be discovered (I mean, they don't search your bags when you get off the plane), it's most likely to be found on the Colorado side, where it's legal meds, than on your home side. So what's the worst that going to happen? Confiscation? I sincerely doubt the feds want to prosecute grandpa for a few ounces of meds, on the off chance you did get caught with them.



don't forget Michigan old bob. I know it is bound to be closer to you.


Not a question of balls

Not a question of balls

damn hope my balls don't shrink that small when i turn 67... good luck oldbob

My balls are as big as anybodies, but there are other people at risk in the situation. Growing can't be the only option, maybe it is. However driving it back home from a legal state is also viable as probation would probably be the result of getting caught. only 10 to 14 hrs drive to a legal state easy enough to do every couple of months. My real intention was to stay totally legal, except for the traveling part. I have the means to afford the cost of room rent on a periodic basis. Better to spend the money that risk a felony. Can't take it with me when I die.
Has nothing to do with balls, has to do with consideration of other people involved. Try to think with something other that your nuts.

thanks for the input-- oldbob:dueling:


weed fiend
oldbob thinks with his noodle (brain, lol) not his balls. Any time you risk somebody else, it's not worth it.


Logic prevails here.
IF you have lost your last connection....
IF you do not plan a grow.....
IF the legal worry over travel is prohibitive....
IF med MJ is Illegal in your state....
you have two options:
1. FIND and cultivate a NEW connecection you can trust...
2. Give up smoking for your families sake...

Advice?....take time to scope out your kids/grandkids if old enough for the tell-tale
signs of the part-time or heavy smoker...we all know what those are.
When or IF you are convinced that the one you believe gets high can be contacted,
grab on for the ride....if you are rong, then swear them to secrecy or pass it off as
Grandpa wanting to try med mj for curiosity for your ills...as in never done this type thing
More than likely one of the kids/grandkids DO smoke or knows of someone who does.
I know its a hard thing to believe, but a lot more people smoke today than you give credit
to and they really dont care as much as they used to about elder/youth lines of
respect or loss of it.
Hell dude, I am over the mark myself in age, was around when a person mentioned
marijuana then everyone would freak out and talk about the devil weed, and the
women would reach for their bibles in their large purses, then lecture you for ever
about even the mention.
I grow(occasionally). I have grown children and grandchildren also, and a wife and
a well paid and respected position. I was a board member of the local county school,
a county commisioner AND I still got high too.
Let me recount my decision, even though it might not be yours.
I also faced the same gradual recission of contacts for purchasing pot due to existing for
so long. I didnt want to grow for legal fears too. I didnt want to use mail, or travel to
procure my stuff either. Soooo......
I decided to have a secret in my life ( we all have em ya know). I set up a room in a room
out in my workshed(nobody ever comes out there). I slowly, over time, purchased the
elements of a small undetectable grow. IE: good soil for my flowers(?), a few pots to put
em in, a 400 watt hps floodlight, ph meter, some white paint and 'voila...I had the basics
of a small grow. A lock and key on the door, after making sure the room was sealed
airtight and vented properly and cooled just right meant all I had to do was check on my
babies every few days. Meanwhile I do lots of puttering around in my workshed, repotting
flowers, doing veg garden work, mending, mechanicing....whatever.
I had now been doing thas sucessfully for about 10 years or so untill the last few political
regimes came into power, then I decided to 'retire' to off-grid location in the mountains
so I could truly be free. Kids and grandkids are all grown and gone now so no prob.
good luck, no matter what you decide....peace


Active member
oldbob.. you say your family wouldn't understand.

it's up to you to make your family understand. Lead them and help them understand what you want people to accept.. or are you just that old you don't give a damn? You don't feel marijuana is special enough to tell people about it and how harmless it REALLY is? You rather let the government control you up until your last days with every part of your life?

Seems like you're too scared bob.. maybe you don't appreciate the true value of cannabis and should stop disrespecting Mary Jane by hiding her so much. She wants a noble man with BIG BALLS

Do what you gotta do or go to your doctor.. i'm sure they would write you an 'honest prescription' of vicodins or some shit and i'm sure your family would 'understand' that better.

Be a good boy now.