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RO water?

They make small hand held filters that outdoors men could actually filter their own urine or drink water from any source, so I would say it's possible. Did you notice how slow the water was coming out? Also 0ppm water isn't all that desirable for hydro, since there would be no buffer and ph can swing drastically. If you use that add cal-mag until your ppm is about 140 before mixing in anything else.


Active member
Also 0ppm water isn't all that desirable for hydro, since there would be no buffer and ph can swing drastically. If you use that add cal-mag until your ppm is about 140 before mixing in anything else.

Please stop posting things like this.

1. Your nutrients hold WAY more pH buffers than your tap water will... unless you have tap water you shouldn't be growing with.

2. Don't throw Cal-Mag at everything. Using it to cure a Magnesium deficiency usually throws too much calcium and nitrogen into the mix. Using it as a 'water buffer' adds too much nitrogen and calcium, depending on your nutrients.

Have you ever tested the pH of R/O water with indicator drops? Doesn't budge. Why on earth would you be pH'ing your starting water anyway? pHing your solution is the last step you do after mixing in your nutrients... buffers are already present.

As for the filter? Yeah..... looks like a mini-ro filter in action. Cool find... I wonder if they make a camping version. What's also cool is how fast it drips through the filter... unless they 'did' that for the commercial. :D

I'm a HUGE pusher of R/O water since the closer you get to 000ppm... the cleaner your end meds are. (Though I believe 50ppm or lower is fine, depending on what that 50ppm is. LOL)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
That commercial makes it look like 0PPM water is safe to drink. It isn't.
If it is true 000PPM, then it has nothing in it. No salts or minerals. Say your outdoors working in the heat sweating like a pig. Your loosing body salts and minerals and they need to be replaced. 000PM water has nothing, it will fix your thirst, but your body will start to have dangerous issues.

I know this is about growing, but I wanted to point that out. Food grade RO is 30PPM+. Normal drinking water RO machines will not go below 30PPM.

We add what the plants need into the RO for them. If you drink pure RO, your not getting what you need.


There are FOUR lights!
That commercial makes it look like 0PPM water is safe to drink. It isn't.
If it is true 000PPM, then it has nothing in it. No salts or minerals. Say your outdoors working in the heat sweating like a pig. Your loosing body salts and minerals and they need to be replaced. 000PM water has nothing, it will fix your thirst, but your body will start to have dangerous issues.

I know this is about growing, but I wanted to point that out. Food grade RO is 30PPM+. Normal drinking water RO machines will not go below 30PPM.

We add what the plants need into the RO for them. If you drink pure RO, your not getting what you need.

This is a myth. 99% of the 'salts and minerals' are calcium and magnesium. You get 100x the amount of calcium and magnesium in what you eat compared to the water you drink.
This is a myth. 99% of the 'salts and minerals' are calcium and magnesium. You get 100x the amount of calcium and magnesium in what you eat compared to the water you drink.
True, but I am talking about someone working in hot conditions, or sports, who is drinking nothing but 000PM RO for hours and is not eating.


There are FOUR lights!
Still a myth. (Likely started by Gatorade)
1 vitamin tablet has as much vitamins and minerals at 15 gallons of tap water.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I think its the ro/di water thats not for consumption?? I use it for my saltwater tank.. My tap is 40 I still wont use it for my tank but I will use it for my plants..


Active member
Beauty of a tank there.... should be proud of that as it's a lot more work than people realise. :D

Yeah... the no minerals in your drinking water started becoming something I heard once a month, back when water delivery companies started taking off strong.

I've worked hard labor in the heat with R/O water for my water. No problems. We're talking 100F+ heat with no humidity, desert conditions. I didn't have a problem but people with diet issues did and they were drinking 'regular' water and not R/O.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When I medicated I get such a rush watching it. I stare at it for HR'S its so intoxication to watch.. That rose Anemone ate a very expensive fish the other day. I thought fish no danger lol. All of the other fish wont come close to it. You are correct lots of work went into that... Its much harder to maintain a reef tank then it is to grow cannabis.. That tank is a 90g. what you dont see is another 40g tank under the 90. Its a refugium sump where allot of the biodiversity takes place. Some day Im going to upgrade to a custom 120g cube. the water overflow will go down the center of the tank so I can get a 360 deg view..


I have drank ro water for many years now and I have no problem with electrolytes.. when i first started drinking it, i would add a pinch of sea salt to a gallon of water but i soon learned that it doesn't really matter.

You get enough potassium and sodium in 8oz of meat. I mostly eat meat so salt isn't an issue. I also dont put salt on any of my food.

When I go to the doctor everything is just fine. RO water does not hurt you. It would be similar to drinking rain water. It will not leach out the chemicals in your body lol lit doesn't work like that.

Also I only use ro water on my plants. I add a ph buffer with citric acid and potassium carbonate. you need at least .01g of citric acid per liter of water to work with the potassium carbonate creating a ph buffer. You need at least 20 ppm of potassium carbonate. This creates a really great ph buffer. RO water is the best water for your plants.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Dont they sale RO at safeway. What are people using this for? Im Assuming cooking,drinking Thats what I would use it for..


wow amazing tank, what all the tubes and other thingies for?

interesting filter for sure. just wonder how long it keeps cleaning the water like that?
Please stop posting things like this.

1. Your nutrients hold WAY more pH buffers than your tap water will... unless you have tap water you shouldn't be growing with.

2. Don't throw Cal-Mag at everything. Using it to cure a Magnesium deficiency usually throws too much calcium and nitrogen into the mix. Using it as a 'water buffer' adds too much nitrogen and calcium, depending on your nutrients.

Have you ever tested the pH of R/O water with indicator drops? Doesn't budge. Why on earth would you be pH'ing your starting water anyway? pHing your solution is the last step you do after mixing in your nutrients... buffers are already present.

As for the filter? Yeah..... looks like a mini-ro filter in action. Cool find... I wonder if they make a camping version. What's also cool is how fast it drips through the filter... unless they 'did' that for the commercial.

I'm a HUGE pusher of R/O water since the closer you get to 000ppm... the cleaner your end meds are. (Though I believe 50ppm or lower is fine, depending on what that 50ppm is. LOL)

Adjusting the ppm to create a buffer is nothing new and it's part of the course study at Oaksterdam University and most cannabis colleges that consult with expert horticulturists. Apparently water chemistry is not your forte. We are not talking tap water, we are talking RO water that has no buffer. The intentions of the buffer are sound science based on best practice. I stand behind my advice.

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