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Active member
Where I'm from we just shoot you if you even look suspicious,lol. If your a crip or a blood , we use the dogs and duct tape.Then we shoot you.iF YOUR LUCKY.
What we do to the rippers is even worse,lol
JK :)

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Several of us local boys are rippers i guess! ha!. We take a couple of days each spring( last week) and search these mountains high and low because mexicans come in here and plant 50-100 plants per plot and plant 4 or 5 plots. Their strategy is that if just one of them makes it, theyre in the money.

Problem is, as soon as the law finds one of the plots, they come down on the area like a ton of bricks and search it hard for weeks on end, everyday 2 choppers scour the area and it makes it so none of us can grow.

Ive pulled up probably 200 plants last week from 4 differnt sites and a couple of buddies pulled up what they claim to be 1000 in a 8 site grow they found in a big holller.

They can grow small 3-5 plant sites or they can go away, but if they try to get the rest of us busted theyre going to loose their crop. Theyre done for this year around here .


yeah lets not start a thread on booby traps etc, we just don't need that kind of attention and heat. same with talk about turning people to fertilizer, shooting them, before or after etc.

hey D.S. Toker, you better watch yourselves ripping up peoples plots. some folks don't take at all kindly to that kind of thing. i do get your reasons, but moving your grow some where else might be the wiser course of action. specially if as you say they are cartel or gang related. seems a miracle that they were not guarding their plots.

Frito Bandito

yeah lets not start a thread on booby traps etc, we just don't need that kind of attention and heat. same with talk about turning people to fertilizer, shooting them, before or after etc.

Yeah its funny how so many do not understand this. I had a neighbor I tried to explain it to that you cannot do bodily harm to anyone unless you are directly threatened. So if someone is climbing over your fence while your asleep and die because they slipped and hit those nails in the 2x4 head first your liable.



Active member
Yeah its funny how so many do not understand this. I had a neighbor I tried to explain it to that you cannot do bodily harm to anyone unless you are directly threatened. So if someone is climbing over your fence while your asleep and die because they slipped and hit those nails in the 2x4 head first your liable.


What I understand perfectly is this: assholes who try to jump my fence in the dead of night are not gonna get off without some seriously perforated fingertips at a MINIMUM. I am not sympathetic toward people who steal from me, and I sure as hell am going to practice self-defense.


what about if its some kids wanting to grab a stick of your rhubarbs, or apples, oranges what ever? do they deserve to have their hands all cut up for getting up to harmless childsplay.

anyway i wasn't discussing the rights or wrongs of the matter. i'm all for self defense, just not proactive self defense, which is no longer self defense btw. the point is that discussions pertaining to causing serious injury or death to another are not allowed according to ic mag policy. we don't need the extra attention this will draw.

Sour Deez

I use to jump peoples fences all the time as a kid for a shortcut here or there. I would jump your fence, run to other side and do the same, in and out in ten seconds.

Thankfully I never landed in any of these peoples yards......


Thorny bushes work very well. Its what we plant under our daughters windows in this local.
Thorny's for the Horny's!!! I made a funny


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Non lethal deterrants can be discussed ?

Spanish fireworks shops sell Class 3 bangers, it is easy to find electronic matches for lighting fireworks, powered by 9v batteries, I will make a thread about the development this summer, video of the deployment....

Paintball guns, legal, non lethal, very deterrent. Even if the enemy has a real gun, a .68 paintball marker is a significant defence, for everybody else, you run like fuck from them. Hard rubber ball ammo and OC, Hot Pepper ball ammo is available if paint is not enlightening enough for your tastes.


Well-known member
We had a running joke for years that you needed to run 3 outdoor crops. One for the pigs, one for the rippers and one for yourself if you expected to pull off a harvest.

In my experience, there are several types of rippers. 1 - Professional rippers. These guys actively search known grow areas with the express intent of ripping people off. 2 - "Friends". These are people you know that are aware you grow. They will follow you to find your spot and steal your hard work. 3 - Opportunists - These are people that aren't necessarily actively looking to steal, but will take your shit if they happen to find it.

Then there is LEO, and of course landowners that will cut it down or call LEO if they find your crop on their property.

Keep your patches small, spread your plants over a wide area, keep visits as infrequent as possible, but most importantly, TELL NO ONE!

Booby traps are a bad idea. People may deserve a little pain for being an a-hole thief, but if you happen to injure a cop or DEA agent and get busted, that's just one more charge for the judge to stick it to you with.


I have been contemplating getting this for my house as self defense......Bear mace! Has like a 35 ft range and I highly doubt anyone will be wanting to rip you after being sprayed with that.


Active member
Booby traps are a bad idea. People may deserve a little pain for being an a-hole thief, but if you happen to injure a cop or DEA agent and get busted, that's just one more charge for the judge to stick it to you with.

Actually agree, for the most part. Where I live, though, odds are FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR greater that the next guy on my fence is a punk, not a DEA agent. Crime is way up in my area, and police protection is way down. Reduced forces. Get this: if you're burglarized in my city, you're supposed to file the report online; the cops will come out the next day, if you're lucky. You might have to call a bunch of times, though.

So yeah: the next guy on my fence isn't gonna be a cop. Next guy on my fence is gonna be a burglar or a ripper. I did the math and acted accordingly.
While i would agree rippers are a pretty low form of life i like to view my getting ripped as evidence that i am doing something wrong (to exposed a grow or too many folks knowing i grow) and take it as a sign that i need to step up my game in the stealth department. I really do believe that anybody who gets ripped while growing illegally has to accept that they share the blame for getting ripped in the first place. (and yes i have been ripped and it really sucks but i try and learn from my mistakes)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The nails we used where not 4" in size we got 1" nail so only 1/4-1/2 of an inch would be sticking out. This just makes the fence impossible to walk on, You can still hope over it with caution but you might get stuck by one. They would not kill you. Poke youe eye out maybe. Tahts why we upgraded:)
we replaced the nails with Pigeon wire. Works perfect for my purpose. Also keeps the Pigeon shit off the fence


Active member
Got hit last nite, lost my plant. it was in 20 gallons of wet soil, 10 feet up on shed roof with 2 game cameras. Bastards got it, and all I got was a pic of an arm at 4:01 AM...


Bye bye to this lady. Hope it died from rootshock after thumping to the ground from 10' high. No way it came down slow and easy, what does 20 gallons of wet soil weigh?...

Was legal, so police were informed + will investigate, but little chances of catching them. Well I guess the bastards won this time, no use getting too riled - time to fire up the tent + 600 aircooled and wait 4 more months. (have to go from seed)

O well. Ya won this time, you bastard ripper. Come into my house for my next and see what happens to you.

Burger Time!

Peace (to all ethical growers/smokers)

War (to all rippers, punks and scumbags)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
see that theres not even any buds on that plant and they took it anyway. what good is a plant with no bud?


Active member
It was about 4 weeks in when it disappeared last nite. It went into flower as soon as it was put outside, and didn't reveg.

There are small buds forming, look closer at the tops. They were getting quite fat, more than double what's in that June 1 pic, and fans were beginning to yellow. This is 25 days after that pic, would have taken another today while applying the A+B bloom ferts I mixed last nite.

Don't need em now...

On the good side, hooked up the tent and 600 aircooled to see if it'll run cool enuff in summer. Been on for 2-3 hrs sofar, and temps are at 75. Off we go, just a little more delay - 4 months to go from seed to bud instead of 6 weeks or so for that one to finish...

Oh well, down but def. not out... Onwards w/ the indoor, gotta luv air cooled hoods!


Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Keep your patches small, spread your plants over a wide area, keep visits as infrequent as possible, but most importantly, TELL NO ONE!

Well said Welder Dan. That's the gospel I follow.