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Rippers Found My Spot, So Now What?

God damn that is an asinine suggestion... You do know that innocent people like to walk around the woods too, right? Not just rippers?


I agree. If one of them gets hurt, the other has seen you or has something to say to the cops. I'll leave the rest to play out.

A camera does no good as you'll need to identify them.

Make friends or pull them. How old were they?

mack 10

Well-known member
? did you go back yet? hope they are still there.if they are pull em asap. good luck.


Active member
I cannot believe people are actually suggesting methods to booby trap your plot. DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE IDIOTS. This is very bad advice. You could get in a lot of trouble if someone gets hurt, or worse..
Your best bet is to pull em, or camp out ..
Digging them up and trying to replant with only a couple weeks to go will stress your plants and you run the risk of hermaphroditic issues and the plant might not take to the roots being pullled out of the earth and might not like transplant very well, your plants will wilt and you will lose your hard work.
Another thing is the risk you take transporting the whole plants, say you get pulled over by the cops, bingo, your BUSTED. Or say someone see's you putting the plants in or out of your car, cover blown. All in all I think it's a bad idea.
Regardless, good luck and I hope it all works out.


My question is when was the last time you were out at your plot? As it sounds to me you may be planning for something that isnt even there anymore,as you stated they already have been to the plot, and they will be back if not already with all your hardwork!!
And these idiots on here who employ and suggest using booby traps are as stupid as the rippers and have no clue , sounds like greed has taken over, as stated these plants arent worth dying or getting a life sentence for!!!If they get ripped then they get ripped, chalk it up as another lesson in life!!!


Andinismo Hierbatero
Yep. You said that they went back only a few minutes after initially seeing you carrying gardening supplies. A few buds was all they could take. They'll be back with trash bags and backpacks next time.

Why spend money on game cams? What good will it do you to know who they are? So you can take vengeance? So illegal cultivating now becomes wrapped up with violent crime? You could be in a world of hurt if you go down this path. Ain't worth it bro.

Cut your losses. Cut your plants. And get on with your life.

yup. this is sound.

also, cutting early is not so bad. let them dry and cure well, and they will get you high. way better than getting nothing or mixed up in some bullshit

good luck



the game camera is a good idea ....but too late to use at this point.

if you got a pic of them stealing the first bud, then hanging their pictures in all your trees with a notice saying, I see you fukers, and imma gwan kick yer asses....that might be helpfull.
at this point, the cows are out....barn door is open...yada yada.

when i was a younger ganjapharma, i spent the last 3 weeks of every season, 100 yards away from my plots. and while i NEVER had a ripper, i did have some wonderful evenings in my ganja field.


Registered User
actually, setting up the game camera would be a nice little touch... then they would have pics of their pull to show friends. very considerate.


Well-known member
The jig is up. Settle for early harvest or none at all. They only took a sample, they'll be back and scoop you. If they haven't already.

Don't ever set booby traps. If you happen to snag a LEO, they will be waiting for you and it'll be far worse on you. You don't need aggravated battery on a LEO on top of cultivation.

Can't even count the times I was ripped before the plants were even sexed. People are A-holes.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
As things stand you have nearly all your O/D plants left, tomorrow there could be none

If you don't clear that spot of anything with traces of YOU and your plants then you're leaving yourself open to sooo much shit ..... what is the current reward for turning in growers?

Those bikers, their buddies and all the fucking family will be laughing about "the guy who showed us where free weed was" ..... someone will be back, possibly CAMP

I'd be very careful going back
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they know! so your screwed. maybe try and talk to them and hire them? become "Friends" with them. Offer them some of the harvest if they help you watch it?

your gonna hire them!!!! what does it cost to employ rippers???

approaching people you know nothing about is a very bad idea!

take them now or take your chances!!! these are the only sane options!!!

good luck and find a better spot!

TT :ying:

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
My advice for the OP would be to take the path of least resistance.

You either camp near the patch until harvest or you cut and run right now.

It's not that complicated.

chop plants NOW.

you can hash out the early buds or cook with the buds AND leaves (including fans) i LOVE making cannamilk hehe, i got almost 4 gallons of the stuff i made from all the lowers/piddly shit branches i cut out at beginning of flower as they werent gonna get any sunlight...

best of luck.
If they are near finishing go ahead and pull them, if not well i did do the small tent thing once and the plants got left alone however on the off chance they arn't coming back the tent will attract attention. What are the locals like, i once had a bud disapear (small one) and found a ten dollar bill speared onto the cut stem (made me laugh) but people in my parts might be more polite than most. Getting ripped sucks but take it as a lesson learned and next year try harder to hide your grow and plant in several locations to reduce your chances of loosing all.
By the way to all those recommending traps or violence or poisoning the enviorment please grow up or move to the Meth board where that sort of antisocial shit doesn't poison the friendly board we have going here (apologies to meth heads but most i have met have been scetchbags and won't even notice the stupidity)
your gonna hire them!!!! what does it cost to employ rippers???

approaching people you know nothing about is a very bad idea!

take them now or take your chances!!! these are the only sane options!!!

good luck and find a better spot!

TT :ying:

Well you're only hiring them until this one is done, then move locations. You need them for a few weeks not to steal it and to watch it (bet they live not too far) in exchange for some amount when the plant is done. May work may not. Get licenses and verify where they reside and take any precaution necessary to keep them honest.


Active member
O.K., so I will definitely not be boobytrapping them. It was an initial thought, but basically just a knee jerk reaction when I was pissed off.
And I will definitely not be trying to make friends with them.
That's just a crazy idea and out of the question.
As stated in initial post was there yesterday, and only the one plant was touched.
It looks like they cut the top two weeks ago when I first saw them from the looks of the stem at the cut point. It is already healed over, so that means they didn't return in the ensuing two weeks, although they could be there right now as I type this. I gave them their last dose of Kool Bloom yesterday. They have 3 weeks to go, but I will definitely take them early if they are there next weekend. Gonna give it another week, I think, and hope for the best. Still considering pulling them and putting them in pots and moving to different spot. Would need to rent a van to do that, and it's added risk. They could have pulled them at any time in the last two weeks but didn't, for unknown reasons. Camping out there is not an option, as I have to work during the week. So probably my first opportunity to go there would be next weekend.
That would be 2 weeks before planned harvest date. This actually is a good spot. The only reason they were able to find them was because of the diatomaceous earth, which is white, so I'm sure they spotted that initially. Rain had washed it away when I returned, and plants are in dense undergrowth and hard to spot even when you know where they are. Picking them 3 weeks early, which would be my option now, just seems like it would be too early.


Active member
If you are going to wait it out another week or further - you may want to consider the idea of leaving a small camping tent (not bright or easily visible from far away). Don't camp out in it, just leave it there with some $1 shoes left outside and maybe some other minor traces that a person would be living in there. (as was mentioned previously in this thread)

This could easily deter the rippers if they came back to check up on it. Even if they discovered you weren't in the tent, they would know you could be back at any moment. Just make sure its not in an area where houses near by could see the tent or anything that would draw extra attention.

Glad you are avoiding boobytrapping - that doesn't turn out well at all.

Be Safe


i like to think that not everyone is like that, and that i do share the earth with more cool peeps then scum!:tiphat:

maybe there's a chance that they might just be cool and not just ripper assholes and just took a meager taste of your goods and have no plans to steal your goods!!!!

TT :ying: