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lost in a sea

two people have gone to jail for 4 years for statements made on facebook,,

this imo is psychological warfare on the next generations,,

rocket high

Active member
i'm sure that's not even legal you can't change the laws after the fact to punish the rioters differently. anything else resembles a 2 bit dictators policy rather then the rule of law.

very true Gaius ..... lets make it up as we go along .

Sick Britain pfffft do me a favour Cameron.


two people have gone to jail for 4 years for statements made on facebook,,

this imo is psychological warfare on the next generations,,

man oh man, i really can't imagine that holding up in a higher court. seems totally over the top unless these individuals are real ringleaders or some thing. but with the witch hunt going on right now nothing will surprise me.

but this says a lot really, if the rule of law is cast aside by the so called leaders of society, then why should anyone be surprised when the kids ignore the rules. point of fact they are always hearing about rules being broken by the so called elite, expenses scandal, fraud, selling favors etc. if i'm a kid on the street with a knife i go to jail but if im a politician i can send armies and bombs to do my killing with impunity. i can basically do as i please and if anything comes out it's a matter of tut tut naughty naughty and that's it.

speaking of all these fucking wars, how is it that these vast military expenses can be financed no problem in the middle of a recession, but youth centers and programs have to be shut, youth free swimming has to be cancelled and on and on cut cut cut, so we can bomb bomb bomb, then we wonder why some kids do as they see, not as they are told to do.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
but this says a lot really, if the rule of law is cast aside by the so called leaders of society, then why should anyone be surprised when the kids ignore the rules.
Moral Hazard.

speaking of all these fucking wars, how is it that these vast military expenses can be financed no problem in the middle of a recession.
The existence of the US Empire (ponzi) depends on being perpetually at war. At home and overseas. End the wars and you stop the machine. Bankers make lots of going to war. They are making money hand over fist, global humanity be damned.

lost in a sea

man oh man, i really can't imagine that holding up in a higher court. seems totally over the top unless these individuals are real ringleaders or some thing. but with the witch hunt going on right now nothing will surprise me.

they couldnt really have caused less harm,,, they used some silly kiddy way of saying it like "a smash down behind maccy d's" or something,, no one appeared there, not even them,,,crown courts are running 24/7 and cameron thinks "the rest of our justice system could use the same speeding up"

its pointless and they wont even serve half the sentence anyway, but how much money is that story worth to the media ??? ,, plus the reverberations in the minds of children which people never consider could be being manipulated and lets not forget all the time american and uk media isnt talking about what the hell they are doing in libya,lebanon,syria,egypt etc whilst this bullshit is playing out,,,

gotta take a big gulp down, like the russians had to do when they got so thought police marxist gestapo style, and remember that that eye got us all real close on its radar,,, we already had communism hiding behing capitalism which is just feudalism lol, but now its becoming obvious and getting nasty and going medieval,,,

speaking of all these fucking wars, how is it that these vast military expenses can be financed no problem in the middle of a recession, but youth centers and programs have to be shut, youth free swimming has to be cancelled and on and on cut cut cut, so we can bomb bomb bomb, then we wonder why some kids do as they see, not as they are told to do.

no such thing as money for companies like lackheed martin or raytheon(BAE) for example, thats what these nazi banks like JP morgan were set up to conjure capital into existence out of the suffering of millions for,, lackheed martin will be doing the security for the london olympics, and were doing a ibm style nazi database on everyone in the uk not that long ago,,, they have these huge x-ray tunnels a bit bigger than shipping containers lined up for 2012 and other tricks to dose people up with radiation im sure, or get blown up by "terrorists" !?? ,,,, raytheon have surface to air lasers and a satellite in space that can microwave anywhere on earth,,its a bit messed up where they have applied the technology of tomorrow,,,

pretty much all soldiers in the world have pentagrams on their uniforms, and it goes back 3000+ years :biglaugh:

anyone ever wonder if orwell was just warning us about where we "could" go in a harmless way ?

or if he and his friends like aldous huxley were prophets for some feudal dystopia that their employers wanted to see happen ?

who knows,, but i can honestly see 60% of people at least in the uk having to leave where they grew up altogether in the upcoming years,,, inflation is going to go to 5% soon(there are a few ways of looking at the reality of inflation though) and with everything else the 20% odd gas and electricity prices that have just happenend in summer and the total depression that we are in anyway,,, its going to hit so hard and people are against the wall right now financially as it is,,, clearing out babylon,,,
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Sorry mate...Can't agree.

When I saw a clip of these so called vigilanties, first thing I thought was Combat 18 anyone?

Combat 18? you bein serious? unless your talkin about a news clip i saw were a whole community had come out of there homes to protect there town and place of worship weilding hockey sticks,metal bars and even a machette they were being commended for it,think they were from the sikh community,didnt look much like c18 though,is this what u meant?


Well-known member
SmokeMe....No, not what I ment.

These were strictly white men wearing Harrington jackets supping cans of ale on the streets...Thick twats.


SmokeMe....No, not what I ment.

These were strictly white men wearing Harrington jackets supping cans of ale on the streets...Thick twats.

You mean tax payin patriots?so some one's holding a machete an thats ok but someone else is holdin a lager an he's a thick twat?what's your problem with alcohol and white men?your the fuckin problem in my country!!

Docleaf no mate the riot's stopped the day the 'patriot's' took to the street's, go figure hahah plus it rained lol.


why the f**k did they attack the fire station. ?(*&)!!*%$£!!

mob rules the answer . after [going with] da buzz mann.


?. anyway,exactly.why would they do that ?. as i said. [that is what there doing by delaying the fire service]


Take A Deep Breath
You need to be more clear on how you post....

If you are saying "mob rule is the answer".....i.e. mob rule is the answer to the problem...well...we disagree...vehemently

If you are are saying "Event X happens and mob rule is a consequence".....that's something else.

If I read you the wrong way....I apologize...but punctuation has a purpose...to avoid this sort of misunderstanding


i answered my own question like is usual i find.

[did they raid mcdonalds btw folk?]

lost in a sea

no ones raiding any mcdonalds,, nor did they,,,that lad still got 4 years in jail for the suggestion of people having a "smash down" behind one though,,

there would be no good reason,,, yet anyway,, when we kill of these scumbags that have chains around us we will turn all the mcdonalds & kfc buildings into free health clinics for all (druid style),,, maybe turn the burger kings into a better restaurant and change the names to simply burger shop and lower the prices,,,

no more abortions, sort out the way people perceive family structure,, education and morals for all and people are paid not to have children, not to have them,,, ther would be less stress and more empathy and respect in society,,

no city can be much larger than the average, (like gaul had) to keep interdependancy and infrastructure simple and so so so much more fuctional that what we have been tricked into today,,, will then have more rounded citizens and less government dependant pathetic brainless megalopolites,,

complete and utter overhaul of the horrific way we educate children and introduce them into society,,seperate from government,,,

as for peoples religions the only worship that should go imo specifically is pagan worship of jupiter (marduk,tammuz,baal,mazda, etc) and venus (where the pentagram comes from, ishstar(easter), isis,the dove etc etc),,, these were the two planets worshipped by the church of babylon and is the poorly hidden backbone of catholicism which it changed its name to,,, almost every single civilisation had names for the planets and recognised some as bad "gods" for good reasons,,, all satanic symbolism basically is jupiter and venus veiled,, and its all throughout the symbolism used by the crown and gown, its governments and its global corporate fascade,, if people want to go pagan in the future and worship any other planetary bodies thats fine, but no more sacrafices,, too many have died for those two planets alone as crazy as that may sound..

all just my opinion,, thinking out loud again :rasta:
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This was the best part of the story for me:


Pretty much says it all, about the media, and a lot of the twats on this board.

Yeah that reporter is an idiot putting words into his mouth and answering for him. A good demonstration of how free speech works in this country , live on tv for everyone to see but unfortunately most of sheep in the uk will instantly jump on the racist bandwagon rather than dealing with the fact they cant say what they want anymore, they cant see the wood for the trees .

It's sky news aswell ,are'nt they owned by the murdochs? LMAO now there's some nasty mofos for ya .