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Well-known member


LOL Schwilly. You couldn't be further from the truth mate...I ain't got dreads and I'm certainly no kid. I've shot guns and to be honest mate, nowt to get excited about.

As for spouting off about a religion I'm not part of or understand, that is fucking laughable. Rasta makes more sense to me than any other religion, I have looked into things you know.

For me guns are on a par with golf....fucking pointless.

Alright then. That was just the vibe I got when you decided to call me a "babylon brown nose" after I made a relevant joke(you seen the coexist bumper stickers, right?). Fucking pointless is you making up some insult that is highly inaccurate and makes no sense when I thought we were having a discussion here. I guess at least you didn't pepper any "I and I's" in there.

Guns are very important to me, gunsmithing has been in my family for generations. It's fine if you have no use for them. I believe that in the US, those rioters would have been much more reluctant to bash in a shop's windows and destroy an innocent hard-working person's livelihood if they knew there might be death waiting inside for them. With no guns it is mob rule. The side with the most fists wins, right or wrong.

As ramius pointed out above, there is nothing political or noble in the actions of these rioters. They are losers, that's all.


weed fiend
These riots would have ended after the first night, if Cameron would have sent in teams of convicted Football Hooligans with clubs to fight the rioters in place of the MET Police, and promised to have they're ban lifted from attending matches for they're services.


that would be epic

bobjoe 69

These riots would have ended after the first night, if Cameron would have sent in teams of convicted Football Hooligans with clubs to fight the rioters in place of the MET Police, and promised to have they're ban lifted from attending matches for they're services.


Here Here well spoken and it would be alot cheaper than paying the coppers over time:wave:


Well-known member
Just the type of faces you could imagine acting like retards in the street. They all look like rapists and pedos, fucking losers


I thought the exact same thing while looking at the photos of these sickly, morbid, looking figures of pathos.

Not the sort one would want around they're children.



These riots would have ended after the first night, if Cameron would have sent in teams of convicted Football Hooligans with clubs to fight the rioters in place of the MET Police, and promised to have they're ban lifted from attending matches for they're services.



LMAO ....... that is scary as hell and on the other hand seems so rational.

the british sense of humor will see you through this one ...... stay safe over there stoners!


ICMag Donor
Please keep it peaceful and positive all ,, but remember to love and nourish the youth in future please.


ICMag Donor
cool i been waiting for 2 of 2 from Charlie V :yes: thanks for the update!

i said this,, whose on holiday? we cant afford it,, the holiday gone done gully out the window this year!
got taxman mo-fo-kers pressing us to the wall, be with money or poor , we ALL getting screwed!!

most ppl are dreaming or jokers IMO! peace!

edit : FRT will be donating MORE and MORE seeds for free!! its just medicine for this madness!!!


weed fiend
DB, do think it would make a good X-Box 360 game?


"Cameron's Football Hooligans vs London Rioters 2011"


Hell yeah, it would make a great game and the social prudes would howl.

The only problem I could see with opening that can of whoop ass in reality would be the aftermath. Hooligans would kick looter-ass so fast, there wouldn't be nothing to do the second day in.:dunno:

All those hooligans would keep kickin ass. Since the general public is smart enough to move elsewhere, hooligans would kick cop-ass and we can't have that. :biglaugh:

Now THAT might be a good video game.:D


Señor Member
Is that true that rioter have weapons of mass destruction????? ahahhahahahahha

fighting for oil.............or fighting for new shoes!?!??



1:26 - i have that book ! Its about a angry lady bug eating aphids to ease her aggression - So cool, and very befitting of our hobby's here in the gardening community.

I keep that book in my car actually.

Edit: Never mind, I am thinking of the grouchy ladybug.


The clue is in the name! and I'm giving another view than that some hold from lands afar and while watching Skynews.. that ok with you?
You don't have to be in Tottenham to know that a demographic that is under 5 percent of the UK is the majority of the rioters and looters.

Class war my arse, unless you want to tell me that same demographic is the majority of the poor in the UK, which it ain't.

If it's war, it's race war, not class war.


When tens of millions make the decision to pack heat, the problem gets considerably deeper.

Dead wrong. The problem gets considerably simpler.

How lucky do you feel? If you're planning on robbing some hard working stiff and there's a better than even chance that you will end up leaking vital body fluids, it may give one pause to consider that their business plan requires a critical risk assessment analysis.

I guess that crimes involving guns in the US is pretty low then