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I'm glad you guys don't have the gun problem like your American counterparts. The guns are bad enough. But the National Rifle Association never met a person they wouldn't sell an arsenal.

The terrorist watch list might keep one from boarding a commercial flight but they can still buy enough guns to take it down.

what "problem" are you refering to?

does it matter what a man picks up to kill you? isnt anti-gun the same as anti-weed? things are not the problem..........

remember folks, when commenting on someones analogy, you must understand it. to misinterpret, then blast the poster does not help you, them, or anyone. in this example i anticipate replies in the tone of: " are you retarded? guns kill people, weed never killed anyone"


allow me to restate: things are not the problem..........


weed fiend
IMO, easy access to guns breeds the collective, us-vs-them culture. My guns aren't any more dangerous in a heavily armed society but events, more importantly corresponding reactions exacerbate potential, unnecessary violence when tens of millions carry.

I've got two neighbors. One's a gun collector and the other has one gun. The collector is pretty cool, I enjoy checking out the various guns in his somewhat frightening arsenal. He buys lead in bulk and makes bullets, repacks shells, etc. When I'm lucky, I get to shoot a few of his weapons in the back yard.

Aside from a few neighbors that hear all the ruckus, you'd never know this guy's what some might consider a gun nut. Outside the range, he's not all about guns or who he'd blow away in whatever given circumstance.

The other neighbor with one gun is hilarious. He's always talking about his gun, the fact that it goes everywhere he does and blah blah, yackity schmackity. He always carries a book bag everywhere he goes so I recon it's his pistol purse. I told him to quit bringing his gun over and it appeared to offend. Guess who lost their security clearance at my place?

Saying inanimate objects cause no harm is only skin deep. When tens of millions make the decision to pack heat, the problem gets considerably deeper.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member




lost in a sea

its a pschological war for most,, and at the same time the best remaining humans are getting squeezed out,,,this is the spanish inquisition II,,

back into sun worship i reckon,,, i dont believe in god as such but there damn sure is a devil on this earth,, just look at all those brand new(being finished off as we speak) cities built around the world in eurasia and the middle east with pyramids and blatent sun worship crap everywhere,,, norman foster has designed more than half the shit for the scum,,,

im not a fan of religion but how did it in general and christianity massively and morals/common sense get completely sucked out of this countries psyche in less than 25 years ??

a big part is because we completely trusted government schools (massive fucking no no!!!) and the media to guide children into adulthood in our society,,, so no one has any culture anymore,,, we lose,,, and everyone fell into a delerium that was fractional reserve banking for just long enough to create about 400 trillion of debt for the west,, whilst they printed up endless capital for all the crowns favourite evil massive corporations to waste on some soul/environment destroying experiments and they would just print some more up wahey!

you see the black and white chequerboard pattern everywhere these scumbags go,,, they are 30 chess moves ahead on humanity and going for the big win,, the black and white is also ordo ab chao,, an illusion and a logic trick which i think of as a spell by evil wizards,, which is exactly what they think of themselves as,,,

70 million people on a little island, totally dependant on infrastructure created by internationalists,,, that makes chaos pretty easy to create and a seriously powerful tool against people psychologically..
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Registered User
miway said:
We just kinda let LA burn... and New Orleans sink. 'They' don't mind so much, as long as it serves an interest.

Limited uprisings are tolerable, even beneficial... in the grand power scheme. As long as the classes rival amongst themselves, and more control can arise afterward, then it's all good in da hood.

We have real life parts, throughout America, where the cops would never respond. Just so long as lines aren't crossed, it all good.

Has anyone listened to the PM's speech to Parliament... and their responses, even the opposition...??? Wow... talk about a 'Law & Order' speech... things to come.



All the kings horses and all the kings men!.........

only needed a wet miserable dank summers night and the uprising ground to halt!:hide:


Active member

Ok, That's the second post that was a lol.

The Empire has naught to fear from these morons. If brains were TNT these clowns couldn't blow their nose.

I'll bet there's more than a few folks that would like to restart Old Blighty's Australian vacation industry again.


Active member
When tens of millions make the decision to pack heat, the problem gets considerably deeper.

Dead wrong. The problem gets considerably simpler.

How lucky do you feel? If you're planning on robbing some hard working stiff and there's a better than even chance that you will end up leaking vital body fluids, it may give one pause to consider that their business plan requires a critical risk assessment analysis.

Keep up with the good work.

Will do! And you're welcome for the correction. I find that most conservative, tea bagger types need a little help when it comes to grammar and spelling. Highly ironic that people with basic English deficiencies would support the top 1% to such a degree. Anyway, glad I could help.


Well-known member
Tongue in cheek my friend. Turn on your humor function.

Brown nose? You mean by actively stockpiling ammo and arms, the exact activity the global elite detest and do everything to prevent, and by striving for self sufficiency, I am a brown nose? Should I not be weary of our government and mob behavior?

Babylon? Is that selassie in your avatar? You appear to be a joke of a person. I'm imagining a dreaded white kid that has never shot a gun in his life, yet feels the need to offer opinion on gun policy and spout off about a religion that he is not a part of and does not understand.

LOL Schwilly. You couldn't be further from the truth mate...I ain't got dreads and I'm certainly no kid. I've shot guns and to be honest mate, nowt to get excited about.

As for spouting off about a religion I'm not part of or understand, that is fucking laughable. Rasta makes more sense to me than any other religion, I have looked into things you know.

For me guns are on a par with golf....fucking pointless.


Active member


Just the type of faces you could imagine acting like retards in the street. They all look like rapists and pedos, fucking losers

LOL @ Frank G, Party, Scatta! lmao! fkin losers! & a suspected rioter makes an obscene gesture in back of riot van, rotflmao!

national service should be made compulsory for such thugs! imagine frank with a gpmg or an sa-80! prolly got a few mac-10's under the floorboards back home.