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RIDE THE SNAKE - Follow the adventures of snakemanOG in Tent Land


The SSD backup was a male too. I may throw it outside to collect pollen for future use. Looks like GDP only this run. On the upside, it did allow me to center the GDP better in the tent and under the light. Hopefully that'll get me a better yield. I'm also bumping the light up tomorrow from 300 to 400 watts, curious to see what kind of difference that makes.

Sept 9, day 22 flowering:

I'll get a better pic after lights out after she recovers a bit.


Seems to have bounced back nicely. I'm really trying to grows this plant horizontally under the screen as much as possible. So far it really seems to be working, hard to see in the pic but almost all of the wholes in the center of the screen have a node or shoot at, or just below, screen level. The edges are about half full and hopefully will fill in a bit more.

I tried the light at 400 watts today, but it got too hat in there so I bumped it back down. Hopefully by early/mid October I'll be able to bump up until early/mid May.

Sept 10:



Forgot to post this last week. I took 4 clones of the GDP 09-06. The first one started putting roots out today. Dome needs cleaned.



Sept 14:


Not looking too bad. Hoping she starts to fill out more soon. Almost 4 weeks in, so I don't plan to take much more off under the screen. I don't want to put her behind or stunt her.


Sept 17:

I had an issue the last run where my screen pushed up in the center and I had a hell of a time getting it leveled out. This time I started having the same problem so I tied the center of the screen about 2 inches lower than the edges. It seemed to help and a lot of stuff I would have pulled off is at screen level and stretching nicely. I didn't lollipop this one hardly at all, just stuff early on I knew wasn't going to make it up.

All 4 of the clones I took a week or so ago have rooted. 2 are in Solo cups and the other 2 will go into cups tomorrow.


Sept 20, day 32-33 flowering:

Really starting to stretch and fill out. Not much going on below the screen. I've taken all the really little stuff underneath off and have just been tucking the big leaves that shade bud sites. Can't wait to see how she turns out.


Sept 23, day 35 flowering:

I started a Blue OG and an OG Kush a week or so ago. They seem to be doing well, but for some reason all of the ones I've done from seed all stretch like crazy in the first few weeks. The OG Kush is on the right, it's 1 day ahead of the other and it's really stretching. So far I've been pretty lucky and all but 1 of my seedlings have made it, but if anyone has any thoughts on why it happens or how to prevent it I'd appreciate it.

Blue OG, OG Kush, small red Solo cup is 9 oz cup for height comparison:



Sept 30, day 42 flowering:

Filling out nicely. I went through and moved some stuff around tonight to bring some more stuff above the screen and to open up some congested areas. The screen is pretty full at this point even in the middle.

Last week I was working on training the GG#4 clone I kept for myself and it snapped about 3-5 inches from soil level. I took a few clones off the top part, but I'm not thinking they're going to take. I was able to salvage the bottom to some point and I tossed it in the back right corner of the tent today. I elevated it so it's close enough to the screen to get good light. Hoping to get a little out of it. I need to get better veg lighting, what I'm currently using causes everything to stretch because I can't keep it real low due to heat issues.

I also flowered one of the SSD males I had out and collected some pollen. I polinated the bud in the front left corner. Never tried breeding before, so we'll see how it goes. I've got some more flowers I'm waiting for to open so I can store a bit for other cross attempts.


October 2, day 44 flowering:

Under the screen:

I didn't have to remove as much underneath this time. I was able to get nearly all of the main branches to grow out fairly horizontally which got a lot more nodes to screen level.

I had secured the screen in the center to keep it from going higher than about 14 inches from the tent floor this run. Last run, the screen pushed up in the middle which allowed the branches to grow at a steeper angle so I had to lollipop the hell out of them. Securing the screen at that height really helped to keep the branches more horizontal rather than steeply sloped. It also makes it a lot easier to level the canopy out by pushing the corners of the screen down instead of moving stuff around.

I've also been able to tuck sun leaves rather than pull them off when they are shading areas. I haven't taken a sun leaf in weeks on this one and in the past I had to take a lot off. I will have some larfy stuff underneath, but I kind of like to get some each run to add to my trim for bubble hash.

The highest point in the canopy is 20 inches from the tent floor. My pots are 9 inches high so this run I only ended up using about 20-24 inches from the tent floor to grow in height wise. My light's about 14 inches over the highest spot in the canopy which means this one was done using only 34-38 inches of the 63 inches of tent height I have. I really could only use another 10 inches or so of tent height or I would probably see heat issues.


Well-known member
Now your scrogging one plant and lots of training filled that screen ,Right on Snake each run will get better beauty buds man..B


Now your scrogging one plant and lots of training filled that screen ,Right on Snake each run will get better beauty buds man..B

I'm really happy with this one. She really filled out nicely and trained very well.

October 7, day 49 flowering:

The bud I pollinated is growing seeds, GDPxSSD:

I'm only planning to feed for about 3 more days, then flush for 10-14 days before I take her down. Hopefully that'll give the seeds time to finish. Looking forward to trying this cross if I get good ones.


Oct 10, day 52 flowering:

Decided to start flushing today. Should give me a 7 to 10 day flush before harvest. I'll be taking her out in 10 to 14 days depending on how the ripening seeds are doing.


Oct 11, day 53 flowering:

After checking trics, I probably should have started flushing last week and taken her down this Wednesday. I'm trying to let the seeds ripen, but if I let it go 2 more weeks it will be couch lock city. I took about 1/3 of the sun leaves off today. I plan to harvest a week from today. Going to take another 1/3 of them off Wednesday and the last on Friday.

I'm flushing pretty heavily, hopefully I'll get everything cleared.


October 14, day 56 flowering:

Took about another 1/3 of the sun leaves off today. I've been flushing pretty heavily the past few days. Plan 1 more big one tomorrow, then no more water. Friday I'll take the remaining sun leaves off and take her down Sunday.

You can see the little GG#4 in the back right corner. Today was day 7 flowering for her. Sunday I'll be moving her out a bit and putting another clone in too. The other one is either Grape Ape or Fruity Pebbles, not sure which. Hopefully it will give some clue as it matures.


October 16, day 58 flowering:

Took pretty much all of the remaining sun leaves off tonight. I'm not sure what what I'm going to do with the one branch with the pollinated buds on it. It looks like the seeds are 7-14 days away from ripening, but if I let the plant go that much longer it may lose potency.

It already has a lot of amber trics, so I decided I'm going take everything but that branch down Sunday. I'm not sure if I'm going to let that branch go until the seeds are ripe in the pot, or if I should take the branch off too and let it finish in water in the tent. I've had both suggested, I'll decide for certain Sunday. I'm leaning towards finishing in water right now, but we'll see.