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Richard Lee is a Patient. think about that

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
HashZ, I've read the bill a couple times and don't recall seeing anything about 215 being grandfathered in, I just searched it again and the word grandfather does not appear.

As GanjaAl's post pointed out, if it isn't mentioned, it doesn't exist, legally anyway.

you dont get it still. That is not something that is written directly in a bill. It is something that is decided based on due proccess of law. which has already happened 3 times. see. I know this stuff is confusing, I wish they nade it simple then I wouldnt be having this debate :)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Hahaah this thread is great. Hash z you should get your own radio show, you clearly have mastered capitalism, politics, and American history, you’re like a stoned Glenn beck. The truth is you have no clue what the scene is around Cali, no clue what so ever. All these things you’re saying exist in your head only, what you think will or should happen mean nothing to real people.

All you have to do to know what will happen over all in the future is look at typical examples in history, I even named the examples.

I hate glen beck, unlike me the man is a fear monger, that would be like you.

Name one thing that I have said that isnt true. I bet you cant.

Would like to see links to the court cases I speak of.

do you think the civil rights movement was made up?

really what am I lying about. Please tell me.

I doubt you have been following the issue as close as me or VTA for the last decade.

Do you think I would just come in here and blatantly lie to a community of growers that I call friends and misguide them? Do you think people like Sam the Skunk Man and GN who's biggest goal in life is to move cannabis legalization forward, and have been doing it for decades would support this bill if it wasn't legit? The bill may take time to work out the kinks but that is just like any new design.

Since you have nothing constructive to say to counter my argument, you just whine like a bitch, conversations with you feel like this scene described below.

It's like you are a troubled teen and I am a teacher trying to get you do well in school, and keep you from shooting up heroin and shit, because your family was a bad influence on you. But you resist and whine "no" like a cranky, child you cry, "I hate you, your just like them leave me alone, you cant tell me what to do, i'm eighteen now dammit... blah blah blah blah fucking blah"

Then All I can say is I am just trying to keep you from going down a self destructive path. Then you storm off and slam the door and go cut yourself a little while you listen to emo.

congrats that is what talking to you is like for everyone i'm sure.

come back when your ready to be an adult, and understand how the world works. Start by moving out of your mom's basement or something.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
wow seriously a good post with a ton of ideas and opinions. I must say I was illy-educated and still am about 215 and generally was gung-ho on the legalization. But from reading some of the posts I am on the fence now leaning toward no, mainly because I can see the honest opinion of you native cali folks and your inside knowldge because you're right, people elsewhere truly have no clue...:tiphat:

what dont I have a clue of? please tell me I would like to know because I have read the bill, and pretty much every article written on it. I also have the same view point on this bill as the most pro pot people on the planet. I have been studding the cali pot scene and how it works there for over ten years, and I also know people involved. I have also been talking to growers there for years. since over grow. Plus All the nug I used to smoke for a period of time came right from the bay area. this is what we have been waiting for. Also I have spent some summers in LA and witnessed the scene there for myself multiple times. so what was that again? I learned all this because I wanted to open a dispensary there originally.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The Richard Lee I know Hides behind Pool Tables with security at his beck-n-call..

So what does R. Lee from "not California' have to lose?

OUR Californian cannabis heritage and State wide FREEDOM

If you are from California let not this foreigner rule the day..

Hey Mr. Lee .. My First Wife had Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophy and I loved her!

You Are NOTHING on the Disability Scale to me Dude.. And I was there when you said The Central Valley was the Threat to Bay Area Profits!

Cannabis needs to be Grown all over the State to be True Californian! Fuck The Bay Area as the only source for California Cannabis!

I like you jack, in fact more than richard lee for sure. I consider you one of the really cool people on this site, but I must say that any spine injury is bad, and I don't think you should minimalism Richard Lee's

Also If I lived in oakland and was high profile I would have around security too.

second. he is not a bad guy for wanting to protect the profit for his city (that he lives in now). Not all capitalism is bad. (just my opinion here) You can't get mad about him wanting to beat out the competition in the USA. it is what we do. Just because he wants financial success does not make him bad. It doesn't mean he is hurting patients either. this bill gives an even bigger buffer to patients. there is a difference between ambition and greed, but people always forget that it seems.

also he will not be able to make a monopoly. If he does just remember my pollen bomb thread. i like him but it is no excuse not to have a back up plan. I guess that is why I am so confident in this bill. It is because I would have multiple back up plans.

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vote no because weed smokers belong in jail, i really cant believe people want this to fail, this bill is good enough, we shouldnt be so greedy. prop 19 is a statement,time for change, time to stop prosecuting pot smokers, time for the people to see past the BULLSHIT!
voting no would be a step backwards...

I feel you bro, but honestly, could you point me in the direction of an article with someone doing actual "jail time" for strictly smoking herb? It’s simple possession. Maybe in some crazy town in Texas you get lynched for blazing, but what will a crap ass tax and regulation bill in Cali do for that? Not a damn thing, Texas will still be Texas, and Cali will be Cali. And think about this, if it’s legalized you'll still have to smoke it inside you home, you'll still have rules and regulations to follow, and so what are you really gaining, or trading if you will? Apples for apple juice?

Again this bill is strictly to make marijuana a cash crop. Why do we need that? If they just legalized it, without trying to shape a big business industry around it I'd be clapping my hands.


you forgot to respond to this post so I'll re-up it for you

IF this was a legalization bill I would be all for it. It’s not, it’s a tax and regulate bill, still illegal outside the confines of the bill. So it goes from, use it you go to jail, to, use it and don’t pay tax on it, you go to jail. I’m not down to hand over marijuana to the powers at be, so they can ass fuck it into some weak as crap. Image they cap thc amounts at 7%, I’m not saying they will because I can’t sit on my computer and predict the future like your trying too, the truth is if regulated it’s could turn into a mutant of what we consider marijuana today. All this stuff about "work it out later" doesn’t ring true to me, why rush a bad bill, when there is all the time in the world to do it right. The line " everything in America is tax" that’s a crappy viewpoint, and its kind of not true, weed isn’t right now for 95% of America, so we can surly live without it. The only reason to tax it is to control it, which means regulate it, which means make it illegal outside the regulations. Which means big business is going to run the show, at first you’ll be able to grow your own, but maybe then they will say it’s too dangerous, and you'll be buying it in store but not after 9pm or on Sundays. Can’t you support leaving marijuana the fuck alone? keep it illegal to sell, keep smoking in public illegal, keep driving high illegal, but if you want to grow, grow, if you want to smoke, smoke, if you want to give some to a friend, do it. Even they want to make certain laws regarding permits for growing requiring certain electrical and safe precautions I’m all for that. But there is no need to turn marijuana into a corporate cash cow grown in 100,000sqft factories so they can tax the fuck out of it. I’m sure if I lived in a non-med state I would think its crazy for a smoking not to vote for legalization, but I don’t, I live in California and I know how it is here, and getting arrested for growing or smoking pot is about as far from my mind as possible.


Active member
I feel you bro, but honestly, could you point me in the direction of an article with someone doing actual "jail time" for strictly smoking herb? It’s simple possession. Maybe in some crazy town in Texas you get lynched for blazing, but what will a crap ass tax and regulation bill in Cali do for that? Not a damn thing, Texas will still be Texas, and Cali will be Cali. And think about this, if it’s legalized you'll still have to smoke it inside you home, you'll still have rules and regulations to follow, and so what are you really gaining, or trading if you will? Apples for apple juice?

Again this bill is strictly to make marijuana a cash crop. Why do we need that? If they just legalized it, without trying to shape a big business industry around it I'd be clapping my hands.

Only people in jail in cali for weed are there for dealing or having a large non-conpliant grow op, for the most part. Two things prop 19 isn't gonna save you from. Hell I wouldnt be surprised if an asshole cop would still try to lay a distribution charge on you if your found with enough to sell even if prop 19 passes.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you forgot to respond to this post so I'll re-up it for you

IF this was a legalization bill I would be all for it. It’s not, it’s a tax and regulate bill, still illegal outside the confines of the bill. So it goes from, use it you go to jail, to, use it and don’t pay tax on it, you go to jail. I’m not down to hand over marijuana to the powers at be, so they can ass fuck it into some weak as crap. Image they cap thc amounts at 7%, I’m not saying they will because I can’t sit on my computer and predict the future like your trying too, the truth is if regulated it’s could turn into a mutant of what we consider marijuana today. All this stuff about "work it out later" doesn’t ring true to me, why rush a bad bill, when there is all the time in the world to do it right. The line " everything in America is tax" that’s a crappy viewpoint, and its kind of not true, weed isn’t right now for 95% of America, so we can surly live without it. The only reason to tax it is to control it, which means regulate it, which means make it illegal outside the regulations. Which means big business is going to run the show, at first you’ll be able to grow your own, but maybe then they will say it’s too dangerous, and you'll be buying it in store but not after 9pm or on Sundays. Can’t you support leaving marijuana the fuck alone? keep it illegal to sell, keep smoking in public illegal, keep driving high illegal, but if you want to grow, grow, if you want to smoke, smoke, if you want to give some to a friend, do it. Even they want to make certain laws regarding permits for growing requiring certain electrical and safe precautions I’m all for that. But there is no need to turn marijuana into a corporate cash cow grown in 100,000sqft factories so they can tax the fuck out of it. I’m sure if I lived in a non-med state I would think its crazy for a smoking not to vote for legalization, but I don’t, I live in California and I know how it is here, and getting arrested for growing or smoking pot is about as far from my mind as possible.

thank you for reposting a post that raises actual points. I dont mind if you disagree as long as you do it with good points like these. :)

you wont be taxed on personal grows. only on business grows. If it is changed it the future it wont be to take away your growing right. You can brew your own beer. the only reason you cant distill your own vodka without a permit it the huge potential to blow stuff up.

electrical safety is something I am for. It is one thing to burn down your house, but an electrical fire can easily burn down many houses. So the electricity safety requirement are good in my book. If I had a legal grow I would not mind letting a certified electrician check it out for me and tell the city I am safe. I dont wanna fuck up electrical work. It is an easy way die.

I doubt california will instate any blue laws. Even in Texas they are dwindling. Cali wont have that stuff.

I highly doubt they will be able to amend the bill for the worse. It didnt work with prop 420's plant limitations and it wont work with this.

I think cali will amend the bill on its own to lower the tax (depending on how there economy improves). this seems just to be a starting point to win over anti pot folk.

lastly, I can predict the future. I have a magic phone booth that a guy named Rufus gave me. lol. no im kidding. I cannot predict the future, but since I have been in 10thth grade i have been able to predict pretty much exactly what is going to happen with politics. I do have a knack for it. I called every move the Bush administration made before they every made them. I remember the first one I said Is that bush is gonna use some tragedy to bring us into an unnecessary war. I also said bush and his lackies sell us all out for money. I havnt been wrong since. no special powers. I just read history about people like him.
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Active member
thank you for reposting a post that raises actual points. I dont mind if you disagree as long as you do it with good points like these. :)

you wont be taxed on personal grows. only on business grows. If it is changed it the future it wont be to take away your growing right. You can brew your own beer. the only reason you cant distill your own vodka without a permit it the huge potential to blow stuff up.

The reason you can't distill your own vodka legally is they can't tax it. People do more dangerous stuff at home than distilling alcohol... Thats just an excuse to keep it illegal.


New member
I' ve read the bill and still can't figure out if it affects prop 215. It does not seem to but i am not a lawyer. Still not sure how to vote and it is a bad bill(wish it was simpler like Dennis Peron said) but their has to be something for momentum.

Hash The supreme court ruled Senate Bill 420 was invalid because it was not a voter referendum therefore it can not change a voter referendum. Prop 19 is a voter referendum.


I feel you bro, but honestly, could you point me in the direction of an article with someone doing actual "jail time" for strictly smoking herb? It’s simple possession. Maybe in some crazy town in Texas you get lynched for blazing, but what will a crap ass tax and regulation bill in Cali do for that? Not a damn thing, Texas will still be Texas, and Cali will be Cali. And think about this, if it’s legalized you'll still have to smoke it inside you home, you'll still have rules and regulations to follow, and so what are you really gaining, or trading if you will? Apples for apple juice?

Again this bill is strictly to make marijuana a cash crop. Why do we need that? If they just legalized it, without trying to shape a big business industry around it I'd be clapping my hands.[/CO,LOR]

all it takes is one dickhead cop, but for the most part your right, cops don't care. I actually get your point, things are danm good right now with med cards, why change the scene. vote no and start growing.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
thank you for being constructive and adding your opinion with out slandering people.

You're welcome. FWIW, I never post anything that attacks or criticizes people, only their ideas and opinions.

But I think this is all going to be a moot point. If I had to put money on it, I'd bet against prop 19 passing. And the repercussions of it not passing will be just as far reaching as if it passed. It will be a major setback to the entire anti-prohibition movement. Legislators who have already or are considering jumping on the legalization bandwagon will have second thoughts. Legislation that had potential will never make it out of committee. What happens this November in CA will affect us all, one way or another.

BTW, I understand that our Drug Czar fears that if prop 19 passes in CA that it will create a black market for cannabis. Talk about your unintended consequences! Just imagine what CA would be like if it were home to a cannabis black market!!! Think of the children!! Now there's something we should be talking about.
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Active member
BTW, I understand that our Drug Czar fears that if prop 19 passes in CA that it will create a black market for cannabis. Talk about your unintended consequences! Just imagine what CA would be like if was home to a cannabis black market!!! Think of the children!! Now there's something we should be talking about.

lol that's some funny shit right there.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
You're welcome. FWIW, I never post anything that attacks or criticizes people, only their ideas and opinions.

But I think this is all going to be a moot point. If I had to put money on it, I'd bet against prop 19 passing. And the repercussions of it not passing will be just as far reaching as if it passed. It will be a major setback to the entire anti-prohibition movement. Legislators who have already or are considering jumping on the legalization bandwagon will have second thoughts. Legislation that had potential will never make it out of committee. What happens this November in CA will affect us all, one way or another.

BTW, I understand that our Drug Czar fears that if prop 19 passes in CA that it will create a black market for cannabis. Talk about your unintended consequences! Just imagine what CA would be like if was home to a cannabis black market!!! Think of the children!! Now there's something we should be talking about.

this person is the drug czar, and he doesn't realize that it is a huge black market already? I am confused. is this a drug zcar on earth? is he talking about prop 19 in earth california?

This is as bad as the horse lawyer that bush appointed to run FEMA. wow politicians are fucking unbelievable. no wonder some people are scared to vote yes. I still vote yes though.


Lets be honest, most "legal" growers that get caught up aren't watching their P's and Q's. If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
FYI, I found that Drug Czar quote here:

Mr. KERLIKOWSKE: Well, we know that certainly California is poised to and will be voting on legalizing small amounts of marijuana. And that vote is scheduled for November of this year.

There are a number of studies and a number of pieces of information that really throw that into the light of saying that, look, California is not going to solve its budget problems, that they have more increase or availability if drugs were, or marijuana, was to become legalized. That in fact you would see more use. That you would also see a black market that would come into play. Because why wouldn't in heaven's name would somebody want to spend money on tax money for marijuana when they could either use the underground market or they could in fact grow their own.

So there are a whole lot of good reasons why we don't want to see drugs legalized. And that's why the Obama administration has a very clear and direct opinion on that.

It never ceases to amaze me how the prohibitionists have been so successful for so long when they have guys like this for their spokesmen.

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