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Rhodelization of Autos?


Boreal Curing

About the only argument I could have with you is to point out that feminising is still breeding - you're not guaranteed a copy of the mum, even when bred with herself. As far as I've read anyway.


From what I've read, you get close with gen1, but the lineage will surface at gen two. That in itself is interesting. Gg4-->Chocolate anyone? I grew a lot of GG4 last year and not one chololate pheno surfaced :(
Not really.

But if you only let the plant go an extra few weeks, then ya. It's a hermie. You have to let it go way past harvest. Like death on the doorstep close. Then you collect the pollen for the next year. Worse case? You have a tough plant that can endure the hardships of bad weather and being abandoned...This is Rodelization in action and a direct result of letting a plant go through senescence.
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Thank you for chiming in, this is exactly what I was talking about, a distinct difference between herm-pollen & naturally occurring senescence...and theoretically you could breed away from hermaphrodism by culling the first to pop nanners & selecting towards the latest to pop nanners.


Active member
Not really.

But if you only let the plant go an extra few weeks, then ya. It's a hermie. You have to let it go way past harvest. Like death on the doorstep close. Then you collect the pollen for the next year. Worse case? You have a tough plant that can endure the hardships of bad weather and being abandoned.

I've done it. Not on purpose, but I did it twice. I always plant *way more than I need. This year I have about 500 to harvest. My strategy is to grab the bulk colas first, then go back if my time and the season permits. Then I pic the next round. I repeat until it's gone or the snow flies.

Last year I went out *after the first snow because I was bored and wanted to say thank you to my plants (lol) while picking the odd popcorn bud. This is what I found.

This is Rodelization in action and a direct result of letting a plant go through senescence.
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Actually that is a hermie-trait showing.
Sam Skunkman suggets flowering females (and males) so late they start to die to see which ones DO NOT grow any nanners (pistils on males), so that you'll find the clean plants for your breeding project.
So if a female plant starts to grow nanners or pollen sacks when flowered really long, it has some intersex traits in the genetics.


Boreal Curing
Actually that is a hermie-trait showing.
Sam Skunkman suggets flowering females (and males) so late they start to die to see which ones DO NOT grow any nanners (pistils on males), so that you'll find the clean plants for your breeding project.
So if a female plant starts to grow nanners or pollen sacks when flowered really long, it has some intersex traits in the genetics.

I can see why he says that. After all, ultimately, it's stress that brings it on. While sam is a warehouse of knowledge, i don't agree with everything he says.

Next time I come across it, I'll do a patch and check for hermies (nanners).

Now i wonder if other non cannabis dioecious plants can be hermaphroditic. I know that most plants like vegetables are hermaphrodites.

In any case, I wouldn't hesitate to use rodelized pollen, but I'd definitely stay away from bananas. I guess it's an early vs late thing.
Another thought I had was practicing some tissue culture tek to turn one young auto into many...idk, it's worth the old college try, I guess.


Active member
I have seeded a couple of Afghans over a few generations in this manner. The seeds that resulted are no worse than making regular seeds.
Gynodioecious strains act like this, of which cannabis is....I have Deep Chunk that is semi auto at 18 hours and Nl5 boys turning into girls., just a sampling of the complexities.....

The other thing that bothers me botanically, taxonomically, is when making fem seeds, we refer to the flowers as "males", that emit only gyno pollen? Where is the missing chromosome to make it male?

Is that the first fallacy of making fem seeds.....?


Boreal Curing
I have seeded a couple of Afghans over a few generations in this manner. The seeds that resulted are no worse than making regular seeds.
Gynodioecious strains act like this, of which cannabis is....I have Deep Chunk that is semi auto at 18 hours and Nl5 boys turning into girls., just a sampling of the complexities.....

The other thing that bothers me botanically, taxonomically, is when making fem seeds, we refer to the flowers as "males", that emit only gyno pollen? Where is the missing chromosome to make it male?

Is that the first fallacy of making fem seeds.....?

Very good question. I have a female auto that reverted to regular and expresses a sativa grandparent. This was under extreme stress. It should be Indica. Also, it's now a semi/super auto and flowers as long as you keep feeding and watering it. It can pull 2kg and get to 12 feet when it has to strech for sunlight.

I have to mention that I had 2 plants that hermied and polinated a single dwarf. The resulting seeds (gen3) are what I'm talking about. And not a hermie in sight.


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ICMag Donor
Bad idea. Ethos does that and calls them alpha females. No surprise in his herm ridden lines.


Boreal Curing
Bad idea. Ethos does that and calls them alpha females. No surprise in his herm ridden lines.

I had 500 in the ground last year, and 1000 this year. No hermies. I put 100 as late starts july15 and 50 August 1. I'll see how they do.

1 in about 30 is a dwarf. I'm trying to catch it but they're all females so far. I did get a little male for once and i kept the pollen. That's another project.
Buy regular seeds and never have these problems.

Never have what problems? And how are regular seeds going to fill up empty space in the veg room? And if you mean Auto Regs, they will breed about 50% Auto Males and waste a lot of space on plants that have to be culled...so if I want to maximize time, space & frequency of harvests I'll need to breed Fem Autos.


Boreal Curing
Never have what problems? And how are regular seeds going to fill up empty space in the veg room? And if you mean Auto Regs, they will breed about 50% Auto Males and waste a lot of space on plants that have to be culled...so if I want to maximize time, space & frequency of harvests I'll need to breed Fem Autos.

Yup. I've had my fill with regs. I pulled 4-500 male bastards this year.

Girls only outdoor next year.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Actually that is a hermie-trait showing.
Sam Skunkman suggets flowering females (and males) so late they start to die to see which ones DO NOT grow any nanners (pistils on males), so that you'll find the clean plants for your breeding project.
So if a female plant starts to grow nanners or pollen sacks when flowered really long, it has some intersex traits in the genetics.
This is solid.

Those intersex traits, even though they only show up (in the plants you're collecting pollen from) near death, will show up at many different times as your seed line continues. The 'late' timing is not pegged, and it will not stay there.

One or two seasons? Probably just fine. 3, 4 or more seasons? Expect intersex to start showing up sooner and sooner.
One or two seasons? Probably just fine. 3, 4 or more seasons? Expect intersex to start showing up sooner and sooner.

1 or 2 seasons is all I need really...this isn't a breeding project, this is manufacturing a fem auto seedstock to grow out that doesn't cost me $10/seed...one plant would render enough seeds to keep me high for years.


Well-known member
I understand selfing plants have advantages to it but realize there is reason the plant segregated sex and produce resin. Male plants have a purpose in the species. I think the intersex herm traits were introduced to the wild/outdoor field plants of today not something that were natural but thats just conjecture.
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Active member
1 or 2 seasons is all I need really...this isn't a breeding project, this is manufacturing a fem auto seedstock to grow out that doesn't cost me $10/seed...one plant would render enough seeds to keep me high for years.
I made seeds with a male that had intersex-traits in the line (=females of the line grew nanners) and hermies started showing within the first generation. Because the mom is very stable/clean plant not all the females had intersex traits in them, but some did as did a male i flowered.
..Meaning you might not have 1-2 seasons with these seed before they're full of hermie-traits

So if you're gonna do Fem-Autos for your own use, i recommend you do dome reading on which auto-lines are good, with little or no hermie traits in them, so that you'll have better chance of making good seeds

So if you're gonna do Fem-Autos for your own use, i recommend you do dome reading on which auto-lines are good, with little or no hermie traits in them, so that you'll have better chance of making good seeds


Definitely sound advice, I'm planning on running some Mephisto lines & maybe some of the Seedsman, but I'm very partial to what Mephisto is doing.

Also seems like a problem I would be having no matter how I selfed these plants...therefore rhodelization shouldn't actually matter all that much.


Active member
intersex isnt magically appearing because of making femm beans guys. alot of solid lines will pop nanners when u try.

not a thing u want to select for(early or easily pop nanners), but your not nessasarly making things worse as far as intersex.
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