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I'm not in the wrong.. And clearly written in SB420 you will not be charged with possession or transportation as medical patient under the guidelines of SB420... I LIVE IN FUCKING CALI....once again to break it down to medical use per day... It equals an eight a day= 4joints per day... Or two blunts... Does anyone see anything wrong here???

Yep you might just have found your defense right there, sounds like the cop is just trying to screw you by not indicating your medical status. What a prick.
Watch out for shitty attorneys too, get a good one...my college-educated brother got one that took over 5K of his money for a 2nd DUI defense and all the dude did was show up in court, and yell to him to not let them throw him in with the general population as they shackled him up to a row of derelicts and shuffled him off to jail in front of our poor dad who shelled out the money in the first place. He had to spend a week there and he said that every second felt like an hour and that other inmates were always trying to pick a fight. Not that I think this will happen to you bro, just sayin that there are some shitty attorneys out there


Active member
oooh gee another case of our rights being violated who would of thought lol. with a amount of 3 lbs any cop can deciede you aint conforming to the law and arrest\ ticket your ass. surprised they didn't arrest ya myself. getting a card after the fact wont impress a judge much. that would be like driving without a liscense and then getting one before court . the judge would laugh at your ass and get mad cause you thought he was stupid. lol....... get your ass on phone buddy and get your paperwork in order.if you get paperwork from your group making you grower/caregiver back date it a few months at least.peace


Yo Johnny B. your wrong.... I've been medical or the last year and half.... I carry my paperwork everywhere I go...


Active member
your point ? with larger amounts, well to cops anyhow ,your always at risk paperwork or not. cops don't care much, at a few court proceeding I have heard cops say med mj is bullshit and their tired of peeps hiding behind it in order to make $$$$$$$. the da is your next hurdle . get on it. you can achieve quite a lot by yourself if your really innocent and motivated. your gonna need case number and some time on phone


THANK YOU, IM ON IT...... I've been in the hospital, they want me to see specialist.... Neurology ECT..... just keep me fed with all the help and direction you can give... All of you ICRS Rock.... Peace and much Respect


Active member
I aint saying you aint got a rec I was saying getting a card now is pointless . you already have all you legally need. and if you show up with new card judge would think something was funny IMHO and I have a lot of judge experience. peace. I been med mj from the beginning and seen quite a bit. I moved here specifically for med mj. clear crosscountry.i watched the cops cause a guy to commit suicide cause of all the bs. shelter from the storm was down the road a bit.rip steve man


Active member
10k is high for a simple traffic stop, i know guys who paid around 10k and their houses were raided. theres a whole bunch of pot lawyers in the bay so shop around for a better price, one should be able to take it for around 2500-3000 up front and maybe end at around 8-10k. 10k up front is a ripoff.

you should try and apply for a higher amount script, unless stated otherwise you are only good for 8 ounces per patient, but sounds like you were under that amount if you add in your patients. theres a doctor in san jose that writes scripts for 11 LB of medicine and 99 plants.

did they take your cellphone and look for drug dealing texts? how much other evidence do they have against you.

good luck man sounds like a bogus charge…fuckin dickhead cops, make that county pay dearly so they stop harassing folks. more like than not, most folks don't have the $$ to defend themselves so its a numbers game for them they are hoping you will just plea bargain and take a fine.

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