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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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omg mr Charlie Garcia huge respect for you and best vibes:respect: those last pics astonishing :Bolt:
GreenGrocer and Raco looks awesome :respect:


Active member
Raco, looks so tasty...mixing in a little Panama/Columbian seems like a great idea will continue to evolve the old haze line in a tropical direction.


Active member
Wow! Charlie, can you describe that Columbian F1? Those leaves, the serations, the colors...Looks absolutely amazing!


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
This fully seeded bud of Moño Rojo (f) x Deep Chunk (m) f1 produced 40 mature seeds :dance013:
charlie crossed a selected clone of this f1 to a lanky nice-looking Punto Rojo male .....25/75 indica/sativa 3-ways hybrid ...can´t wait to pop some! :jump:
The MR x DC buds and the smoke smell like high-grade hash and incense...simply awesome!


Hola GG :wave:
Cool man ;) lovely shots!

The plants have been harvested recently.I´ve only sampled little buds from the low branches of the plants so far ...not well dried yet but smokeable lol
The smell and taste strong lime and menthol...super nice :yummy:
Very uplifting and old school happy clean high I DO love it!.I smoked a nice joint and then jumped into the car.Visited my parents and my dad asked me why my eyes were red lolol I looked at the mirror and was grinnin like a mofo :biglaugh:



TomHill´s Haze grown under a skylight yesterday :D

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Damn, that's a lot of seeds from one bud.

What pollination method did you use?

charlie garcia

Hola amigos, thx for good vibes
You know pics lie a lot ;) but maybe is the way I look at them ;) Not all are killer smokes and some can be maybe just fine smokes, but are some examples of specimens you can meet in a research. There are always interesting things around
Greengrocer, the Nevilles/JFT must be serious smoke, looks wonderful
Raco Colombian got hidden there in the 3 sativas one, cross uses the Panaman pink hair mom and one of your Moño Rojo dads. Glad is a nice smoke. Has to be.
With Moño Rojo/DC I hope Punto Rojo makes a better mold resistant plant with large colas and fully incience aroma. Sex is not so stable trait with columbians, need some care, patient and luck to select succesfully
About Mexicans, there are places where native populations are leaving the Sierras, they are been killed by local narco gangs so have to leave their land sa result. Also military troops are spread in all sierras now due politics and will be happy to burn your fields if marihuana. Crazy. This fear these days brings them to grow fastest lines now instead of old pine tree ones which finishes in december/january, one day to another can make a big difference for them. A good friend from sierra in Sinaloa got family killed these days in mexico. So sad whats going on. About Columbia, well 90% is creepy (hybrid) nowdays. All love what you smoke too, all hyped indica hybrids and internet makes the rest
Thx for nice words amigos
best vibes
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John Public

Here we go one more try - please be nice to me and cooperate ICG.

The bud smells like sandalwood incense with a hint of lime. Very sticky at this point.

I cut some small "suckers" which I call the branches with immature buds about 2 weeks ago.

The effect on them was very racey and also spaced out, like forgetting simple things. Which makes you laugh at yourself.

"Example": Was editing pictures and could not find the Save.

The effects lasted about 2 hours. The fullt grown mature plant should be a great improvement.

All my plants are 100 percent organic and I only use ProMix HP soil with some #4 perlite added.

Liquid Fish Ferts from Alaska
Bat Guano from Indonesia
Liquid Sea Kelp
Small amount of Blackstrap Molasses when in flower
This yr used a bit of Cannabiogen Delta9 formula coutesy of my dear friend Charlie Garcia - gracias hermano

Hola GG :tiphat:

So happy to see the pics of the Chiang Mai Thai . Very interesting to see it outdoor well grown. What was the sex ratio? We tried to remove the hermies in the line but is so difficult with Thai as you know. Maybe outdoor you had none? Indoor, it was something like 1 pure male for around 20 ladies and 15 intersexual... The seeds you had were from the progeny of this pure male with all the pure ladies... Second generation since we received the line from Thailand.

Thank you again for the pics, much rare to see the reports nowadays :thank you:

Hope you'll have a great smoke with the mature stuff, we allways enjoy a good spliff of it, a bit more psychedelic than the lowland thai we experimented (which is more related to Cambodian or Vietnamese lines maybe) so less relaxing but very fun... and easier to grow !


ps: can't send more karma to Raco, Charlie and GG :)

John Public

A small contribution in order to post a pic, this is a cross between a special old Jamaican lambsbread mother and a special father of BSC Colombian gold.

This one is in early flowering, maybe like 30 days of 12/12, vegetative shape is closer to Colombian gold, gained hybrid vigor, smell is mixed: strong orange and incense, flowering shape seems to be the size of the buds of the Colombian and the density and flower leaves of the lambsbread.

Can't wait to try the high ;)


charlie garcia

Hola JP, nice to see you around as well
For previous references you told me seems it has to be very potent hybrid.
BTW, read Luiz from Brazil SC is closing doors so may be a chance for ones who wish to get some of his stuff
We'll chat soon, hope about the great results of the smoke


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ooooh nice to see some outdoor shots.


quick update on my original haze (seedsman) about 5 weeks into flower.
organic soil, in a microcab 2ft tall under a 100w LED. modular scrog screens are about a foot square.
this pheno had slightly wider leaves in veg and is pretty chunky in flower for haze. smells of long forgotten bagseed grows and some incense/spice starting to develop.


this one has much more narrow leaves and was a week or so later to show sex. have a feeling this might flower for a long time ;)





Old School Cottonmouth
good to see everyone. Great shots all around.

Rainha that sabenera looks great and like a classic colombian growth pattern. How is the african doing?

Raco I love the skylined pic of the bud over the plant canopy.

Charlie that is all really amazing stuff to see. Its honest of you as well. As you say not every smoke that is exotic is really anything special, but its great fun to sort through them for the gems!

I remember when I was younger I thought any seed that came from some crazy location must've been magical grass. Sadly all of it isn't.

@John Public its good to see you around.

John Public

Hola JP, nice to see you around as well
For previous references you told me seems it has to be very potent hybrid.
BTW, read Luiz from Brazil SC is closing doors so may be a chance for ones who wish to get some of his stuff
We'll chat soon, hope about the great results of the smoke

motaco said:
good to see everyone. Great shots all around.

Rainha that sabenera looks great and like a classic colombian growth pattern. How is the african doing?

Raco I love the skylined pic of the bud over the plant canopy.

Charlie that is all really amazing stuff to see. Its honest of you as well. As you say not every smoke that is exotic is really anything special, but its great fun to sort through them for the gems!

I remember when I was younger I thought any seed that came from some crazy location must've been magical grass. Sadly all of it isn't.

@John Public its good to see you around.

Hi guyz, nice to read you too.

So true that every landrace is not worth the smoke and more frequently not worth the grow ;)

About this lambsbread x BSC Colombian gold, yeah, should be killer smoke if it gets the brutal potency of the Colombian with the fine psychedelic effect of the lambsbread. This pic is from a cut that has been selected on the F1 for special hybrid vigor. If the smoke is top, it may be backcrossed to the lambsbread mama ;)

I did not know for Luiz, sad news, I'll check the friends to see what can be saved...:thank you:

charlie garcia

Are the Panama's Ace's Charlie?

Its a different development made with the 2 first panaman lines only I put into Panama for ACE.
Oldtimers look great Ur Humbl Nr8tor, wish best flowering also with the BangiHaze ;)
Saludos Motaco, encyclopedic thread indeed
Tie your seat belt before smoking it JP


Hola JP, nice to see you around as well
For previous references you told me seems it has to be very potent hybrid.
BTW, read Luiz from Brazil SC is closing doors so may be a chance for ones who wish to get some of his stuff
We'll chat soon, hope about the great results of the smoke

Hola Charlie

Luiz shipped to a friend recently -my buddy said that it took awhile for things to arrive but they came packed very solid and stealth.He said Luiz was very good to deal with and he seemd very honest EG when it looked like the shipment was missing due to time it was taking -Luiz said he would resend no problem) fortunately it came.Too bad he is shutting down-some unique strains he has.


Mexican Michoacana courtesy Southernmed

WOW Charlie!!! These photos are truly exciting -You and Southernmed seem to be applying some wizardry as that is one sexy example perfection ... Michoacana is on my dream list after seeing this.And I thought finding pure Oaxacans was going to be my ruin ;)

The Rojos are stunning as well-I have to say THANK YOU for sharing your passion and skill....along with all the other master Sativa stewards that make this thread legendary!
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