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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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British_Hempire said:
As long as she smoked good, it was a successful grow imho.

yes really, i remenber a nice night where i share it
after a good party and japanese food

a lot of people apreciate the nice smell and high social effect
and now they want to grow too lol
but the sad things is that this fresh unknown ganja miss us
cause the stock is only old different ganja !
i'm so impatient to have a new fresh harvest


Hey, I was wondering what are some of you extreme Sativa fans favorite Indica dom. strains or just genetics with Indica in them. Not meaning to change the subject or anything but I don't discriminate, Sativa or Indica I love them both if they give me the results I love lol. But I thought it'd be interesting to ask the question here since most Sativa lovers come here. Because I often hear some people that say they just don't like Indicas..more often hear the dislike of Indicas than Sativas so I figure anything listed would sure be something good for me to search up.
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Glad to hear your fresh outdoor sativa has turned some folks onto growing, moe. A good friend I haven't seen for a few months told me the other day he had been tryign to grow his own weed and the plant had stalled at 3 inches tall so today I took him some clones and a 250w HPS. I hope he knows what he's let himself in for, I gave him two indicas - G13 x OG Kush and Black Domina, two sativas - Blueberry x Zamalhaze and Actual Sativa plus a Cheese just for good measure and because he's heard how good it is.

I warned him they are all very potent, I helped him repot them into 5 litre pots of soil and he's flowering them right away, I hope with a bit of help he will pull off a harvest. It's great to get new people started imho, especially in the Uk were all commercial is awful. Someone gave me a bud of commercial hydro yesterday and it was awful, no taste, little effect, I think it was some Dutch Skunk/Indica hybrid chopped at 45 days, reminded me a lot of Amsetrdam but not in a good way. I didn't finish the joint, threw it away in disgust and rolled some Sour Diesel. The commercial needs to improve a hell of a lot before I'll smoke it again, it really upsets me that so many folks only have this rubbish to smoke when they could grow something ten times better if only they knew how.

My favourite indica is Herijuana because it's the most potent, but if I want that kind of effect I prefer hash.


I've lost count of the number of times people have scoffed at my stringy, crap-looking sativa buds then immediately taken back their criticism after smoking some. Folks have been conditioned to believe all potent buds must be big, chunky, solid, sticky indica/hybrid nuggets, I've turned a lot of people onto the joys of sativa, despite the lack of bag appeal to the uneducted eye.


Active member
Right On!

Right On!

British_Hempire said:
I've lost count of the number of times people have scoffed at my stringy, crap-looking sativa buds then immediately taken back their criticism after smoking some. Folks have been conditioned to believe all potent buds must be big, chunky, solid, sticky indica/hybrid nuggets, I've turned a lot of people onto the joys of sativa, despite the lack of bag appeal to the uneducted eye.

Hempire is right on this, those straggly sativa that take forever and have little bag appeal can be some of the happiest, munchiest, high plains drifting, herb you will ever smoke. :rasta:


Herbal relaxation...
Hola sativa lovers :wave:

Wow, you are such a kind soul BH :respect: I would love to have a friend like you in "real" life!

marijuanamat: Your OH´s look great :yes: How many runs/times have you growed her btw?

moe: Cool little plant with inspiring story :yes:

I have saved trim of the first OH x SK#1 plant I harvested about 18-19 months ago after 140 daze of 12/12. I decided to use that trim and turn it into drysift & qwiso oil :D

Here´s some of the kiff I collected yesterday & today..

And btw guys/gals, have you seen this group of zoo fugitives before, the giraf with drysift afro looks quite familiar :chin:

Here´s some macros from the very same kiff :yummy:

This kiff smells like abit of musky(?)/similar strong odor, which have improved when time has passed and resin has cured in jar :rasta:

Here´s the plant this drysift is from after 118 daze in 12/12:

Ok, time to go, take care fellow sativa afficinados :wave:


seeker of greater knowledge
I'm kinda new to the sativa thang i've only grew sativas once or twice but their awesome i crossed a cronic(serious seeds) X MOD BX(ANNAC) :rasta:
HERE'S the sat/ind hybrid i call cronic-mist(someone's probably done this cross before but i have yet to see) but here'e my girl..
super bushy her stock smells like roses/elmer's glue/gassy/piney

she's getting kinda big! :canabis: :canabis:
marijuanamat That haze looks looks very similar to my Thai, check it out.. Anyone think Haze may be Thai dominant? Just a thought...

What you think?

My Swazi's going through some mean streach.

About two weeks ago:

And now:

Some sativa dominant AK48, huge difference in bud structure and density compared to my landraces. I'm guessing someware near 70/30 Sativa/ Indica



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My favourite Indica's are:
a UK clone called Purple Pinapple which I believe was a ShivaSkunk (Sk#1xNL5) or close cross. Also London White which is W.Widow'96 x Silver Pearl'94 but they all have a little Sat in them to be honest.
Some of my fave Sativa's:
Brown paper wraps of DurbanPoison(Pondoland),Malawi Cob,Lemon Thai,Haze straight and mixed(O.Haze,NL5xH,SSH,SH,C99 etc),Lambsbread'89(Blue Mountain),Transkei (Swazi Gold),Bahia Black(Salvador)and Skunk#1 grown on the hills in Communidad de Valencia,Espana.




Crazy X Seeds Breeder
marijuanamat: Your OH´s look great How many runs/times have you growed her btw?

I've grown this og haze out 4-5 times now.The first time i grew her from seed i started her of on 12/12 and she took 3 month to start flowering then another 4-5 months to flower and even then she wern't finished.
Second grow with her was 100% better as i used cuttings from a few differant mums and that 1 plant was head and shoulder above the rest ,and i've kept her going for about 3 years now.


Lougrew was right about Thai being tough weeds as I think this Thai looks pretty good and I think it's female, after 60 days of 12/12 from seed, there are tiny preflowers but too early to tell what they are. Thai x HOG could be interesting. I think the source of these seeds was indeed correct and this is a proper Thai, it has all the traits I would expect - uneven branching growth, absolutely huge leaves with long, naturally droopy blades, not seen a plant look this Thai like for many years. There are two more plants, one I think is also female and is a different pheno with much smaller leaves that don't droop, and one that looks more like this one.















Active member
BH - ask it if it wants to eat a few Maleng Gudjee (dung beetles) then you will know if it is really seriously deeply Thai

these gudjee like to spend their time rolling up buffalo shit - on which grow Psilocybe cubensis - i.e. Magic Mushrooms - or if you are Thai "het kee kwai" (het - shroom, kee - poo, kwai - buffalo)

btw - yeah - many Thai type strains are v. tough I think - it is one of the reasons farmers in SE Asia are unlikely to grow import strains... they want something they can chuck on the ground and will jump up in no time, take a beating from weather etc. and still yield vision blurring and or mind expanding ganja

IHMO many people here are still hung up on this idea that sativas are social and up, and indicas down and heavy

this doesn't fit with my experience I have to say -

plenty of Thai/Lao can make it impossible to function - totally lay you out and leave you unable even to read, very hard to think straight, and a tendency to get too paranoid in crowded places or in conversation with more than one person (I find anyway)

by contrast some (some) NWFP and Afghani can be very up, light and bright - Sheberghan I find to be that way, and good Chitral too... many smokers from these regions will praise charas for the feeling of lightness it gives there body and mind... it is this effect that many desire - a sense of relaxation and softness in the body (not heaviness) and an uplifting and bright feeling in the mind

just my tuppence, but I see that assesment born out in many books I have been reading too (cf. Drugs in Afghanistan 2006)
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Great thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally enjoy the Piney , citrus , acid , tasty weeds , but i normally use White widow , nycdiesel , stonehedge , to get that enjoyable smoke i like ,,

personally i like all plants sativas , indicas or hybrids ,,,

i bet these thread will continue with some great strains ,,

a quick question though while im on this ,,,

some knows about this strain called " COSMO "
IT'S some of the best bud ive tryed , it was at MIA ,

AND YES GREAT THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....


I agree that sativas can floor you and indicas get you high, my Purple Afghan has a heady high with no body effect. I've smoked Jamaican and SE Asian imported weed that got me stoned to the bone, not sure if it was an indica, didn't look like it but hard to tell sometimes with compressed weed.

The thing that really makles me agree though is hashish. I've had pieces of charas that were super stoney and pieces that were very high and heady. Perhaps some of this is down to some pieces being rubebd from indicas and some from sats.

I've smoked African sativas that got me very stoned and made me need to sit down for a good while, something that usually only happens with indicas.

I do prefer the sativa type heady buzzes though.


I always love for my buzz to be intense, rather it's a stone feeling, or a high feeling. But I also prefer the high that sativa dom strains are known to give more than never. I don't really enjoy falling asleep about 3-4 hrs after smokin anymore so..I dunno, All I know is I just like to be f**ked up lol. Rather it's Sativa or Indica really doesn't matter. To me that's only really mostly important when it comes to preference of plant structure and flowers, flavor etc. As far as my highs I dunno, only strains I don't like are those that give me a "middle" mellow feeling no matter how much I smoke of it. And also the strains that are almost not even worth smoking as far as potency goes. Hate those :p.
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I like sativas with a clear heady buzz in daytime, some potent sativa dom hybrid in the evenings to get nicely mashed up and chill out then some heavy indica before bedtime for a nice restful sleep. I'd prefer hashish to indica buds but quality hashish is rare as rocking horse poop and hen's teeth these days.
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