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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Herbal relaxation...
Yes British, it´s very tasty haze for sure :D

My "method" was to trim the buds and harvest them, right after this I wrapped them into oven-/bakingpaper and did made it quite air tight... I let this wrap to make it´s tricks overnight and moved the wrap on window board at morning into straight sunlight behind the glass. I let it be there almost the whole day and then I moved the wrap on dark! I repeated this some times and finally opened my wrap resulting with those buds you can see at above pics :D

Most noticiable thing was the increase in potency and cured the odor & taste, right after drying :yoinks: This indeed was very pleasant surprise.

I think the trick of this method is the high humidity which was formed inside the wrap. Molds ec.. Did come into my mind after the experiment was over :redface: so I would suggest to open the wrap to once awhile, so fresh air circulates :wink:

Please share the results of your curing method..

Btw, I just thought about trying to girdle this one Neville´s Haze plant left. Only problem with that is the male flowers it produces. I stressed it way much in mid flowering :cuss: and I dont really want that my other plants get pollinated... My thought was to girdle it and let it die on shadowed corner of my flowering closet :chin: Maybe I do it like you, but just girdle it and let it kill tiself before removing it from closet to dry properly :chin:


Cool, I think I'll try sweat curing some time then.

I;ve never girdled a plant, but in my experience, if you stress em in late flowering, they do tend to produce a bit more resin so girdling could indeed do the trick!


Active member


Hello to all the fellow Sativa afficionados out there!

One week ago, I harvested the first of my two "Diva G" females.

(Sorry, no pics at the moment...)

The one which will be cut during the coming days, and the one I plan to reveg, obviously has a lot of Sativa in her genetical makeup.

The flowers did not form into typical buds, but are more like very fat single female calyxes in a row, with a very high trichome content, even on the leaves.

I once grew an old positronics Thai that unfortunaltely hermied on me, but the smell was something I´ll allways remember.

Now, this Sativa influenced Diva G has exactly the same smell.

No "buds", but big single female flowers, high trichome content, and a very sweet fruity smell, does that remind anyone out there of Thai?

Herbalistic, Hempire:

Great to see you creative heads experimenting with different curing methods!

I once did a sweat cure on some Indica buds, and they tasted and smelled like very fine cigar tobacco!

Guess I´m gonna give that another try soon, as well as a water cure and a sun drying.

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hi all thia infact gets its colour smell and taste from cure the flowers before harvest will be green basicly after you harvest dry and then cure is when it gets its trade mark smell look and taste.


Active member
greetings, thought I'd chime in on the SE Asian stuff - main point being that generalising about the area is pretty well a sign of not having much experience of it...

the more time I spend there, the more I realise how little I - or 99.99% of other farang - know about it... the diversity in these areas always defeats attempts to generalise

BH - with a Burmese if you are lucky you could get very potent plants with dense buds... I can ask some friends who have seen top end Burmese stuff sometimes - the best I have heard of was seen at a new year/wedding party in N. Thailand where some had come across the border for a celebration... seedless, perfectly cured, dense buds, very resinous and potent

please don't quote me on this, but I think the growth structure on that kind of Burmese will be asymmetric, with big weighty fat buds, spindly stems, wide leaves... it's in one or other of the old books

juicy fruit type plants are generally from N. Thailand highlands - smoked some grown by a farang, high was clear as a bell, up bright and strong....

but to illustrate the point about diversity - in another nearby growing area of N. Thai highlands you can find a very different sweet sensi strain grown very skillfully - seedless, sweet and lovely, named after the area it comes from... and not a hybrid...

then just south of that "sweet sensi" growing region you can get a more lowland N. Thai strain (will post seeds pics) - the high from this herb comes on fast, and the smell is more sweaty and herbal, not at all fruity

people don't need to worry too much about the whole contamination thing... western hybrid seed and strains just do not suit the needs of farmers here... I know farang who have given seed to farmers here and the farmers never even bothered to try it

an old Ozzie mate of mine I sadly lost touch with used to rave about a strain they called Mango which could well have Thai origins - have smelled pretty mango aromas in highland N. Thai varieties, which (contrary to Ajarn Sam's verdict) did remind me of some N. Indian strains I have encountered

when I have my camera connection issues sorted I will post a few crappy pics I have of a strain I found in North Lao recently, plus a comparison few different seeds to give people an idea of just how diverse strains are in SE Asia area... sorry no standing plants pics for now... just bud pics and seed pics

this N. Lao strain has the fattest seeds I have seen - dense, resinous buds smelling of spearmint, tangerine, mango - loads of trichomes and resin - it is not a high THC strain though... from very near Yunnan and N. Burma, it was being grown by Akha people...

I smelled the same variety in bags of ganja in herbal shops in Isaan, and they called it Chinese ganja (I forget the exact name) but it is used medicinally and for curries (in particular Shan a.k.a Thai Yai people like to use ganja for cooking, and until a few years ago a family was allowed to keep a plant or two for this)

but I also have seeds of a very dense citrus N. Lao of extreme potency; and of a more lowland Lao (from near N. Isaan) which is very sweaty and earthy - the high is thick and heavy, but spacey and trippy as well... extreme paranoia every time I went outside on that stuff

again - in N. Isaan I was given a handful of some of what people have been calling the Chocolate Thai, like good cigar tobacco, rich smooth smoke, heavy tripped out incapacitating effect

CBG's Destroyer is based on what they have called a Meo or Miao or Maeo Thai - Miao is actually an insulting term for hilltribes derived from the Chinese name for tribal groups who would not submit to Han Chinese power... nowadays it is fairly specific to the Hmong, so the Meo Thai will be from Hmong (hMong) people I guess

Breeder's Choice/C Eye have some good Hmong Lao seeds - but it seems very likely they ripped off the guy who sent them to them, as it is 2 months now and he has not had anything back from BC except excuses and so on...

BH - you remember my guess before - I think your Thai could either be a Chiang Mai strain, or maybe it could be a good Cambodian export - some of the best Cambodian is exported and I hear is often a light green sensi i.e. with few or no seeds
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charlie garcia

great thread an long one :) nice to see always sativas growing

<<CBG's Destroyer is based on what they have called a Meo or Miao or Maeo Thai - Miao is actually an insulting term for hilltribes derived from the Chinese name for tribal groups who would not submit to Han Chinese power... nowadays it is fairly specific to the Hmong, so the Meo Thai will be from Hmong (hMong) people I guess>>

you are right, comes from HMong ethnias. Hard to define it as standard Thai. HMong ethnia is not only Thailand but also I think in Vietnam and South China (Yunnan) as you say. Produces almost not males, and very low hermi ratios. Its effect is quite cool and is been inbred and selected here to reduce internodals distance and few other traits. Destroyer begun with 9 dif Thai females and mex/colombian males

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an old Ozzie mate of mine I sadly lost touch with used to rave about a strain they called Mango which could well have Thai origins - have smelled pretty mango aromas in highland N. Thai varieties, which (contrary to Ajarn Sam's verdict) did remind me of some N. Indian strains I have encountered

hiya ngakpa no it was not thia trust me on this i saw it a lot smoket it a lot and it was grown in house and its affect was nothing like any thia i ever tryed completly diffrent.

I have no idear what it was but i have a mangohaze phino thats just very close to the old mangoheads as we called it.

The mangoheads had no look of thia mate that im 100% on it had orange hairs i never saw thia with orange hair.

All the thias we grew here and some still grow came here from imorted thia cannabis be it thia/buddha sticks or as it also came in brick or in bails in comprest form.

But also some collected it in house in there travels to thialand.

I grew many types only one i grew that had a name was golden buddha name was given to my friend by the thia guy he got it from who he became friends with threw the years he traveled there for work and at the time mid 80s was reportedly the best thia by the guy.

I only know the stuff we grew that was thia not all was the same some had like you sed a fruiet like smells in flower or had sweet like smells but soon as you harvest and cured it changed to that spicey earthy like smell and went a brown colour thias sativas are known for.

Many we grew did not have the realy thin leaf infact some had more a fat finger leaf look nothing like indica but not like you see in low land thia i just called them highland thias as you could see a diffrence in the leaf look to other thia lines but they still grew huge.

The odest thia i grew is from 78 has a rotten meat like smell in flower very od smell never smelt it in thias before like you sed all were fruiety or sweet in flower.

Not all thia lines were equal not all were amazing a lot were very good some were okay and that needs to be sed to but if it smoket good its seeds would grow plants that grew good flowers to basic ruel we followed.

I dont know whats grown there now spoken to a guy that lives there he told me a few still grow old thia lines and if you know the right people can find things of old still but the iradication that took place there with the help of the us and others when they went after the opium must of had an inpact of local strains to im sure of it.

I know we had thia comeing in here from the 60s and its possible before then.

I found some very intresting things im still reading threw looks like indian sativas were here from the first white mans arival .


Active member
hiya CG -

yeah, it is very difficult to specify all the different factors that determine the diversity of cultivars in SE Asia but definitely geography and ethnicity are big factors

the situation with the Hmong in Lao and Thailand is pretty bad right now - but again, this varies... there are Hmong villages in Lao where there is no tension at all, but there are others where the people are involved with the Hmong militias in fighting the Lao PDR military... and of course, they will use the drug trade and prohibition's big cross border profit margins to fund their insurgency... same old story, but point being that it is a pretty shady area to get involved with

Hmong militias are funded also by the American Hmong community, though with how much US establishment approval I don't know...

confusingly, ex-pats I spoke with in Thailand and Lao some of whom had been there for decades told me of several non-Asian ex-pat friends working on infrastructural projects such as roads and electricity who they said had been murdered by Hmong militias... god knows how that all fits together

recently Thailand has begun to "repatriate" a lot of the Hmong refugee communities to Lao


Active member
Hiya DH - yeh, that was pure speculation about the Ozzie Mango strain - I've never been to Oz and I've never smoked the strain...

what you're saying about strains generally ending up with a similar kind of aroma when cured doesn't really fit with my experience though... ok maybe I'm being picky, I don't know - I mean I agree there are generic SE Asian earthy spicy ganja kind of aromas,

but when I was describing the types of smells above I was talking about the smells of the cured weed... when I was talking about juicy fruit smelling highland Thai that was the smell of the dry and briefly cured bud... plus with all the others... there's honestly massive diversity when you really start hunting there on the ground...

I am not addressing this to you, but as a general point: the problem with info most people have about SE Asia is it comes from hearsay and from short and unimaginative visits along well-trodden routes

more to the point, people tend to see things in black and white - to suggest that the drug war in SE Asia is simply a question of the establishment trying to wipe out cannabis is way wrong... again, not addressing that to you, I'm talking more about outsider perceptions

Thailand has had some success in shifting opium and ganja production out of the country eg the Royal Projects in northern Mae Hong Son - but that success is directly related to the politics and economics over the border in Lao, Cambodia, Burma
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hiya ngakpa in all honesty i wish i new what was the strain line called mangoheads it was something very special and for all we know could of been imported hawiian grown here dont think we will ever know realy.

When i talk thia cannabis im only talking about the stuff that was imported in or grown in house from imported seed i never traveled there my self but others i knew did and only got there side of things.

In all honestly i never saw green thia i have heard of purple thia and green also blue thia but the ones i saw ranged from a lite brown colour to very dark brown almost black looking never saw green not to say its not there but when i say colour i mean cured flowers tho not flowers that are dry and not cured as the colour changed with cureing.

I never smelt fruiety thia cured flowers the ones i smelt were spicey / earthy pice / and even smelt thia that had an insent like smell.

I to thort it was the proces from after harvest that got the colour untill i grew it my self and relised it was just how it looket after it was dryed and cured not some magical way to cure like was rumerd in the old days from monks drying it a special way.

A lot was shippet in but a lot was also diliverd by planes landing in remote air strips so it was not due to long stints in packaging and from what iv read a lot of the thia imported to the us infact was taken to the us via australia.

Im sure theres great divirsity in Thia cannabis we saw it in the plants grown to but what i never saw tho was fruiety type thia only real fruiet cannabis i saw came from hawiia but thats my experence dont mean its every other persons.


Active member
hey DH - I never used to believe the fruity Thai thing either until I smoked some myself... it was light green colour (there were other colours in the same batch I think) and it was from the N. highlands... there was nothing western about it... the plants were gleaming with trichs when they were growing, and the smell of the buds was like wrigley's juicy fruit and tangy mango/carrot... it had been grown by a farang at about 500m altitude... like I say, I don't think there was any contamination of the genetics

yeah I noticed a lot of Ozzies use the term "Thai Buddha" and that for good Thai... but there is nothing traditional about Buddhist monks getting involved in the ganja culture... I wrote a post way back about Buddhism and ganja... they're two totally separate cultures... especially monastic Buddhism, where growing intoxicants would be a major infraction of vinaya (monastic discipline)

there is a lot of shamanic influence on Buddhism in Thailand, and there are also underground tantric traditions in SE Asia, plus a lot of Brahmanical influence, and Mahayana influence... there is a tradition of monks disrobing and becoming practioners of magic (prem) - e.g. ridding houses of spirits and so on.... the Burmese are particularly renowned for this sort of thing, as are folk around Isaan, Lao, Lopburi and Mae Hong Son

charlie garcia

Very interesting and informative. Thx for good details Ngakpa (hard to pronounce it :) )

with your permission as well folks and talking about sativas, here is a India/Congo x Panama sativa hybrid. I ignore India/Congo exact sources as it came here as clone but hybrid has a so nice uplighting high and lime flavours going to 14 weeks. Due low temps and cold this time showed all its colourfull traits.

best day all

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Herbal relaxation...
Yeah, I second Charlie on the subject! Couple last pages have been very informational considering genetics in SE Asia :yes:

Im very sorry to hear problems with kind seed gifter and BC.. Anyways, I lurked in their forum in some interesting thai thread where there is this guy growing different thai landraces & his own crosses of landrace sativas. If my memory serves me correctly I think he was living & growing in northern Thailand :chin: Im really not sure about his location, but he most definitely growed & shared his experiences with different Thai landraces... Quite detailed descriptions did he write about these strains and because he is native Thailander he has lots of information that westerns aint gonna hear! Too bad he didnt join in ICmag forums............

Btw Charlie, have yoiu found many hermafrodic plants among your Destroyer offspring? At this moment I have confirmed one female Destroyer and two are unsexed, cannot wait to taste her :yummy:

I did read on CBG website that Destroyer is suitable for sog growing, so I decide to put one rooted clone of this female into flowering along with rooted Swazi clone. Im going to use both if these gals to make crosses, so I can master my bonzai arts with their mums before flowering them into swe, swe, swe, swe, swe, sweet sinsemilla :woohoo:

charlie garcia

not much Herbalistic. Only one or 2 of original thai fems produced some not so firm sex traits but is been quite firm always. Hope she doesnt contradict my words LOL

btw is funny how "sensi" word stays in mj when correctly, if coming form "sin semilla", will be "sinse", not "sensi"



Active member
charlie garcia said:
you are right, comes from HMong ethnias. Hard to define it as standard Thai. HMong ethnia is not only Thailand but also I think in Vietnam and South China (Yunnan) as you say. Produces almost not males, and very low hermi ratios. Its effect is quite cool and is been inbred and selected here to reduce internodals distance and few other traits.

hiya - I am curious what it smells like... when you say the effect is cool, do you mean mellow? ... I expect that's not what you meant, as that would be truly suprising, a mellow SE Asian ganja strain... maybe there are mellow varieties closer to Yunnan and the more indica areas?

Herbalistic - next time I am growing sensi (I can't remember what people were saying about the pronunciation above, but for me I like to say it "sinsee") I will definitely be using that brown paper sun sweat method as that is how I like my ganja, nicely done

fuck there was loads of other interesting stuff above but my short term memory is totally shafted these days...
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Herbal relaxation...
charlie garcia said:
not much Herbalistic. Only one or 2 of original thai fems produced some not so firm sex traits but is been quite firm always. Hope she doesnt contradict my words LOL

btw is funny how "sensi" word stays in mj when correctly, if coming form "sin semilla", will be "sinse", not "sensi"


Ok, so you havent met any trannys in Destroyer plants, only with thai parents?

I really do think theres no danger that this one Destroyer would contradict your words.. You always speak from heart and dont think are your post´s harmfull or not, just droppin knowledge :respect:

Destroyer indeed has very interesting parents and im seriously planning many crosses with it, thank you for this strain Charlie!!!
ngakpa said:
hiya - I am curious what it smells like... when you say the effect is cool, do you mean mellow? ... I expect that's now what you meant, as that would be truly suprising, a mellow SE Asian ganja strain... maybe there are mellow varieties closer to Yunnan and the more indica areas?

Herbalistic - next time I am growing sensi (I can't remember what people were saying about the pronunciation above, but for me I like to say it "sinsee") I will definitely be using that brown paper sun sweat method as that is how I like my ganja, nicely done

You are very right sir, that people do generalize SE Asian ganjastrains way too often. Like many other traditional cannabis producing areas it has wide diversity of genetic combositions and im more than exited to start revealing them!!!

So you are living in Thailand currently? Was it you that give me good information of Hmong hilltribes at another thread about year ago, when I was planning a trip into Thailand? Well, that trip did never happen because of some personal issues, but I think im going to explore the SE Asia in the next two years. I was thinking backpacket type of traveling throught Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam etc...

The main purpose of this trip would be collecting & learning as much as possible of varieties growing there! All the other things like sun, beach, paradise enviroment would only be a huge bonus! Another alternative would South America, which is another region I wanna visit to hunt down landrace sativa genetics, well see which come first, but one thing is sure and thats my trip at least inside two years!!!!

Im very happy to see you found my drying/curing method worth of trying. I seriously think that it´s worth it. Maybe you just dont use whole crop while doing it like I did in afraid of mold etc..

charlie garcia

Meao sometimes has such effect you may think you are not high enough but you cant remember what youve been doing last 3 hours. Just head effect. Low odor, not much intensity at all, citrus tones. Herbalistic, offspring from 2 of those Thais had some problems in first stages... line is been inbred and not much of hermis found. excuse my not accurate english.

Pronnounced sensee indeed.. sensi word has not meanings... sinse = sin semilla ("without seed" but abreviated) pronounced like "seense"
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I remember a Destroyer closet grow with one plant SCROGGED in asmall cupboad under a small HPS, it was on the old OG and it was a very inspiring grow, he had a very Meao Thai leaning pheno with incredible resin, after seeing that grow I've always fancied trying Destroyer myself one day.

Hi ngakpa, thanks for the guess about the 'Thai', I've been reading up and talking to folks and a lot of people think those 'Thai sticks' are coming from Africa. It is said that The Gambia, Ghana and South Africa are the three main sources of herbal cannabis imported to the UK these days. Of course, I have no idea really, the plant does look like it could be from SE Asia, but it's hard to tell so far, it could be an African sativa but in my experience of growing Malawi, Swazi and Durban, African sativas tend to start of with broad leaves and only get really thin ones as they mature. Then again, the thinenst leaves in my garden at the moment are on the Jahwi's Joy sativa from Ghana that is only 3 nodes tall.


ngakpa said:
hey DH - I never used to believe the fruity Thai thing either until I smoked some myself... it was light green colour (there were other colours in the same batch I think) and it was from the N. highlands... there was nothing western about it... the plants were gleaming with trichs when they were growing, and the smell of the buds was like wrigley's juicy fruit and tangy mango/carrot... it had been grown by a farang at about 500m altitude... like I say, I don't think there was any contamination of the genetics

Hiya ngakpa i dont dought it i just never saw one my self in any of the imported lots or from what was grown here by my self or friends.

ngakpa said:
yeah I noticed a lot of Ozzies use the term "Thai Buddha" and that for good Thai... but there is nothing traditional about Buddhist monks getting involved in the ganja culture... I wrote a post way back about Buddhism and ganja... they're two totally separate cultures... especially monastic Buddhism, where growing intoxicants would be a major infraction of vinaya (monastic discipline)

Yea it was called by a few names here thia / thia buddha / buddha the golden buddha i had was named that all ready when my friend got hold of it and seeds from thialand from in house basicly.

ngakpa said:
there is a lot of shamanic influence on Buddhism in Thailand, and there are also underground tantric traditions in SE Asia, plus a lot of Brahmanical influence, and Mahayana influence... there is a tradition of monks disrobing and becoming practioners of magic (prem) - e.g. ridding houses of spirits and so on.... the Burmese are particularly renowned for this sort of thing, as are folk around Isaan, Lao, Lopburi and Mae Hong Son

I dont know to much about Buddhism but do know they the monks help with drug rehab in asia and if i rember right they had the only heroin de toxs program for addicts in thialand.
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