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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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You got it BH,same thai.....

Hey yours will be fine thai is tuff as hell like a weed!
Mine are outdoors and that it self is an advantage....
When i do a thread it will be in the outdoor forum i think
since i have lots of strains to show and talk about!!!!!!!!
See ya soon folks,keep this going.... :headbange
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Here´s the original plant from seed.I was tols that these seeds were very old and bought in Nimbin :D
I think that the leaves are somewhat similar to the ones you posted above ^^


Lougrew! said:
You got it BH,same thai.....

Hey yours will be fine thai is tuff as hell like a weed!
Mine are outdoors and that it self is an advantage....
When i do a thread it will be in the outdoor forum i think
since i have lots of strains to show and talk about!!!!!!!!
See ya soon folks,keep this going.... :headbange

Hey Lou!!

I just got back from seeing family in Florida, where I was born and raised :)

I really like where I am now out here in the mountains, BUT the climate in Florida is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better for growing weed. And there are still tons of places where a guy could grow outdoors...even though Florida has become overrun with people compared to when I grew up.

And you are right about the old weed. I'm 60+ years old. I just finished harvesting my Mr Nice SuperSilverHaze and Seedsman Skunk Haze...hazy phenos for both....

I realize they are far from cured...and they are potent for sure. BUT:

I'm sad to say that they aren't anything like the weed I remember from the old days.

I guess I'll never smoke anything like that old crappy looking, seedy, but Supersmoking weed of the late mid/late 70's.


Lou, I love your outlook on life :) :) :)


i went to visit a mate yesterday who i gave seeds to grow ... i first visited 3 weeks ago , all the plants at that stage were around a foot tall ..
his mix of plants included skunk #1 , ssh , kali mist , and c99 .. he also had a bunch of his own seeds , local sativas .
on visiting him yesterday i was amazed to see how the plants had faired , we havent had a lot of sun ,, but the sativas are all around 6 ft tall now ,, and the seeds i gave him the biggest is around a foot and a half ,,, lol .. just not as suited as the pure sativas is very obvious .. they will put up with less light , heaps of rain , and still perform amazingly the old sativa ..
a tough plant for sure .. ill be crossing some of the sativa with the faster maturing strains to give them a bit of extra vigour ...


Well, fingers crossed my other two Thais recovers as they are looking ropey. Actually Raco, that pic of the original plant looks a lot like one of the other two Thais I have in leaf form.

Hiya Wally, do you know anythign about Burmese strains? I just got some Burmese beans and I know nothing about them apart from they are said to take 12 weeks.


hey bh ,, sorry i dont really , though id imagine them to be similar to thai strains given the location ..


Cheers Wally. I just figured you'd be the guy to ask about SE asian sativas. I take it most of the local sativas in oz are from SE Asian and I guess that most of them are mysteries as to their origins.


Herbal relaxation...
Great oldschool pics Lou :yes: I have great :respect: for what you have been doing for all those years :yoinks: It´s very interesting to see old sativa lines growing at old daze..

Btitish mate: I have the same problem with Destroyer as you have with your Thai. Like you, I also grow in coco and have noticed she is very fragrant grower... I however, have concluded it is ph related problem which seems to fix after thoroughtly rinse and very carefull feeding :2cents:

I think there is great potential recarding old sativa lines & genetics in Australia. People like Wally & Hempy can help us understand the huge variety of sativas growinf there! Interesting fact also, is that many growers of these sativas dont know almost anything about their heritage, just growing information, or hear-say talk of the history of them. I think this may speaks of the wideness of cannabis growing & cannabis genetics in OZ..

Btw, Hempy is/has growing some old Thai line, or lines(?) :chin: If my memory serves me correctly I think he has the origianal location of these strains documented as well :chin: I cannot remember correcty was it Hempy, or another Aussie grower from another site, but I do know for a fact that Hempy holds some olschool Thai line...

Here´s some pics of untrained Destroyer plant, which I have misunderstood..

These pics dont show the awful bottom part of the plant which is bold of branches & sunleafs =( I think im going to top (to clone) & do some B&B for it after writing this post..

^^That^^ said I would add that all three Destroyer plants are beautifull on their own and have that strange winner look on them :woohoo: Odors are also great btw and im looking further to use this strain in crosses.

I just put the little Swazi which I posted yesterday into flowering with Destroyer which was also just rooted & potted clone. I am going to use these two to make little seedbatches with Blockhead, or Purple Kush pollen :rasta:

However, I wanna cross mother of them with some sativa pollen, we are going to see which direction I go later...

Here´s some beatifull African based sativa genetics, untrimmed Power Plant!!!!

This strain is definitely one of my favorite plants to grow & smoke! So easy to grow & easy to please <- all this combining with good yield of energetic, maybe little racy high :yes:

Finally a couple group shots of the bigger plants of my vegcloset, sorry for the lousy quality.

The plants are on following order; Frontrow L-R: Swazi Rooibart - OH x MG - PowerPlant
Back row L-R-: KaliMost - Destroyer

This is my most sativadominant vegcloset ever, I hope them to prosuce me quality sativasinse :joint:
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British_Hempire said:
Cheers Wally. I just figured you'd be the guy to ask about SE asian sativas. I take it most of the local sativas in oz are from SE Asian and I guess that most of them are mysteries as to their origins.

yes thats true bh ,, actually i had heard of strains like juicy fruit , and mango when i was a lad , and i know a lot of thai , and indian seed was taken here to grow , some folks are good at keeping the stock maintained , some arent .. i know a lot of the good seed stock that was available when i was first introduced to herb ,, is no longer available or in scarces supply and difficult to find ... darn shame really ,,
still the genetics live in i guess in some strains and the odd guy growing the same crop he has been for the past 20 odd years ..


You know guys sativas grown in australia were from all over the world africa asia you name it.

I have seen many diffrent sativas but not all have names most people just call out door harvested sativas bush weed.

From what i read first mj grown here was from india was from the first fleet to make hemp rope but who know wouldnt suprise me to read some natives were growing it before white man came.

You know wally that mangoheads was real nice mr nice mangohaze is real close selections needed but i found a girl real close to wat i rember the old Mangoheads was like.

you ever smoke what they called Queensland heads in the erly 80s ? was a chocklet brown real nice diffrent to thia tho.

There was many aussie lines one being Kondula blue.

Theres still lots of the old lines out there hard parts finding them as most older growers are noid and not real trusting of people they dont know make a wise thing realy.


hehehe most of that brown was due to poor curing from what i can see from the guys back then ,, dunno what it is with them , they like it brown .. i remember a lot of that thai was a bit of a brown colour too ,, prolly to much to dry inside id imagine ... it does seem to inhance some herb ive found .. a batch my friend didnt give high enough temps during in the drying tent during rain went a chocolate brown .. after a bit of fussing and curing it actually came out stronger i thought than the green one .. might be just what ive been adjusted too ,, dunno ...
Great thread guys

If I could quickly ask your opinion - I have Malawi Gold and Sawzi Red from Afropips. Both pure landrace Sativas apparently. Would it be possible to grow them successfully under my 250watt HPS if I grew 12/12 from seed and did some hardcore LSTing?

I grow in soil, in a cabinet about 2.5feet wide and with about 3.5feet headroom above the top of the pots.

Picture of cabinet below:


Elevator Man

Active member
FOR THE 5th time THANKS EM,this just could be the THAI
i lost in the old days.........soon we will see folks soon!!!!!
Great to see all these seeds getting germed - so glad I managed to bump into those beauties now!

I think I might have to start some more myself - do a head-to-head with the H.O.G....:chin:


Hiya anthony, yes you can grow those sativas 12/12 from seed, i doubt you'll have to train them much, maybe have to top them though.

I keep using that pic of the stick to explain to people what I'm talking about but I have to keep reminding people it isn't my pic!

I've got a Nigerian Nightmare male that I'm gonna collect the pollen from, he has full grown sacs from his third node after only 19 days of 12/12 from seed, I reckon I'll dust some of his pollen onto one of my Thais if I find a nice female.

Interesingly, I've got a single Jahwi's Joy sativa from Ghana, it's only small and not sexed yet, but it has the thinnest leaves I have ever seen, much thinner than that Thai I posted pics of.


i found a kalimist pheno that was brown in color .but i think kalimist has a south east
Asian sativa in ther not a haze .this is the bud.

Thanks British Hempire. My main concern is the 250watt. I've heard that some landrace sativas don't like weak lights - do you know if this is the case?

Thanks a mill


Well, landraces are a real lottery, some will perform great under lights, others won't and prduce wispy, running stings of calyxes raher than proper buds.

It can be done, just requires patience and dedication, some things you can do to make them mature faster is reduce light cycle and user 11/13 or 10/14 instead of 12/12 for flowering, 250s can work great for sativas as pure or near-pure sativas don't like intense light and unless they are really close to the 250, the light isn't gonna be that intense.


Herbal relaxation...
Yes Anthony, like British explained it´s very possible & fruitfull to do little training with your gals :D Some sativas dont like intence light and dont really concentrate their energy on bud formation/filling the buds and produce foxtailed "buds".

If it seems your plants dont fill when right under 250 W (which is my sun of choice too;) you could try moving them away from direct light, maybe little shaded corner etc.... It really is interesting to learn from your plants :woohoo:

Im also very interested of your results, because I have Swazi Rooibart in veg & flower! I put the little Swazi into flowercloset yesterday, so I can use it to receive some pollen :D

wallyduck said:
i remember a lot of that thai was a bit of a brown colour too ,, prolly to much to dry inside id imagine ... it does seem to inhance some herb ive found .. a batch my friend didnt give high enough temps during in the drying tent during rain went a chocolate brown .. after a bit of fussing and curing it actually came out stronger i thought than the green one .. might be just what ive been adjusted too ,, dunno ...

Kwaak Kwaak :wave: I have similar experiences considering weed that turns brown in the drying & curing process. I did sweatdry/cure my Neville´s Haze bush last summer and it turned very brownish, even some purple hues here & there + the resin production increased during this process. The herb had delicous flavour right after it was dry and have very strong effect :yes: The another Nevilles Haze (same cut) I harvested right after it, but did dry & cure with normal way wasnt as potent as this sweat cured, they both received same feedingcycle while flowering :2cents:

This is how it went in:

And this is how it came out:

I got almost the whole crop left, they have been about 7-8 months in jars waiting for Herbalistic :yummy:

Here´s a lousy macro I took from a samplenug some weeks ago:



OOOh, that's gonna be some tasty Haze after 7-8 months cure!

Can you explain your sweat curing method herb, I think I'll try that for myself!

I just experimented with leavign a Trainwreck lady to die, basically I moved her out of the flower room when she was ripe and left her on a windowsill to slowly dry up and die. I left her for 14 days and she dried naturally while stil la while plant, trimemd her last night and am awaiting the buds curing to know if it has alteredthe tasteand potency at all. The buds are more brown/yellow that the TW I dried normally which is a bit greener.
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