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Reversing males to smoke for selection

Indirectly selecting a male through evaluating it's progeny is quite time consuming, so I was wondering if instead there is a way of reversing a male plant to produce female flowers that you can safely smoke instead?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
a lot of people suggest smoking your male flowers ;)

Actually from the research I've been doing it appears you might be wrong.

Male clones transformed to Female to judge male smoking qualities
Has anyone done this?


Fertile female flowers can be induced in male plants by ethephon (2-chloroethanephosphonic acid) and NIA 10637 (ethylhydrogen-l-propylphosphonate). Interestingly, stamens could be seen arising even from fruits. Stopping the application of growth regulators caused the plants to revert to their original sex. We hypothesized that in Cannabis, GA and ethylene act as male and female hormones respectively, and that the expression of sex is controlled by a balance between their endogenous levels. Abscisic acid (ABA) is able to overcome the GA induced male flower formation (Mohan Ram and Jaiswal 1973; Mohan Ram and Sett 1985).

Mohan Ram H Y and Sett R 1985 Cannabis sativa; in CRC
handbook of flowering (ed. Halevy A H) (Boca Raton: CRC
Press) Vol. II, pp 131–139

Mohan Ram H Y and Jaiswal V S 1973 The possible role of
ethylene and gibberellins in flower sex expression of Canna-
bis sativa; in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on
Plant Growth Substances (Tokyo: Hirokawa Publishing Co)
pp 987–996172

Although many environmental groups worry about toxicity resulting from use of growth hormones and fertilizers, the toxicity of ethephon is actually very low, and any ethephon used on the plant material is converted very quickly to ethylene.

Nevertheless I might just try removing the most resinous parts of the male flowers and try smoking that instead. There's no harm in trying I would've thought.
Wasn't trying to be a dick, just came off as a complete noob talking out of his ass. I think somebody posted this here before, possible yes, but probably have at least a few years to come into practice.

Yes, male flowers wil get you some sort of high, but why, when you could grow female and get actual buds?

Regardless knock yourself out


Wasn't trying to be a dick, just came off as a complete noob talking out of his ass. I think somebody posted this here before, possible yes, but probably have at least a few years to come into practice.

Yes, male flowers wil get you some sort of high, but why, when you could grow female and get actual buds?

Regardless knock yourself out

Why?? To better evaluate their breeding potential as mentioned in the OP. Talking out their ass hmmm... :moon: :wave:

To the OP...

A nice stem rub can give insights to their aromas as well as resin production. Never tried to reverse a dude, but would be interested to see the results.

I'd look into the safety of the acids before smoking though. I certainly wouldn't want to be smoking CS buds, but the acids might be ok... Definitely something I would consider as I am not familiar. Best of luck


Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Nevertheless I might just try removing the most resinous parts of the male flowers and try smoking that instead. There's no harm in trying I would've thought.

It works.

Hell, I've done it out of necessity after a bad season.

Be sensible, don't smoke anything else all day then test in the evening. Some males are surprisingly potent (dusts fingernails on chest)


Well-known member
Vape the males and you'll get a good idea of strength and the direction the stone goes. Much easier than reversing and nicer than smoking them.


ICMag Donor
i remember a thread on this at one point in the past where someone said they are actually reversing the males.


just don't molest my colas..
DJ short advises smoking resinous parts of male plants during the selection process. I think he's picked some killer males.
Thanks guys! You've been very helpful :)

greennugget not everyone with a low post count is a newbie and as said, I want to evaluate males for a breeding program.