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Retirement Grow! 26,000 watts!

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shut the fuck up Donny
And just to clarify, Brad actually is right in one aspect; I am fairly new to growing. This is my maybe.....20th grow in total.

I grew a few times in university to pay for rent and tuition. People liked my herb so I moved up. Fast. That hard to believe? I still rock a 8 x 8 tent. Don't for a second think im only rocking one grow.

The thing that pisses me off is the accusations. Hearsay and speculation are not viable evidence to prove anybody wrong.

What Brad did is what women do. Allegations and that shit is only for bitches who love drama.

Again, if youve read in the post. This is not 100%my grow. 2 guys set it up. One guy (a ICmag member) helped with all the planning and construction and I grow it. 4 way deal.

Everybody asks about electricity and gets no answeres from me. Is it that hard to figure out why im not answering?

Bulbs, can filters and fresh air. Thats it. I don't know jack about electricity or generators. I show up and grow and to be honest. Its pretty fucking easy.

Do we have PM, yes, but we really dont give a shit.

When you have this much to do you cant sweat all the millions of things that go on in a operation this big. Full steam ahead.

So, Brad, keep talking like a gossipy bitch. Clearly, its what you do best.

I'm still gonna side with breeder brad.

Your a fucking tool.

You get off on showing a big grow so you can jerk off to all the little people who get hard looking at your pics of your PM infested plants.

"I don't give a fuck about PM" Sounds like a great grower to me lol.

And stealing electricity to boot.

I'm just curious what your motivation is to post pics and then not respond to any questions....

It's all good, you'll be busted soon enough.

Ganja D

Headiez, common man, don't route for him to get busted. Regaurdless of if it's his shit or not do you really want him to get busted. Your right the mildew will prob be a problem unless the crops done real soon or they take action. But maybe the air is so dry that it died and stopped spreading already. Sorry to intrude but good or bad grower, arrogant or not, no one hear should want him to get busted.


Active member
All things considered, this is probably a grow that the grower is better off not featuring on ICM; and vice versa, imo.


Active member
HAHA the trolling continues... PM is probably the least of the worries when running 500 plants. :tree: I just really hope the electricity is not stolen...You should not be involved with anything that has to do with stolen power.
Way to word it Ganja D. If you are in it to someone busted, why the fuck are you on this site. I hate to sound cliche, like cant we all get along, but everyone is here for the same reason, To share and grow(mentally and in a horticultural manor) so to root for one another to get popped is a gross misuse of this system... just my opinion though. On the other hand, there are a million ways to get rich Vag. so if you obviously dont care about quality of life for your girls, why pick to get rich from weed. Once again, paper chasing has ruined another persons good time. Do you remember a time when growing meant something to you or have you always just been in it for a big score?


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I'm still gonna side with breeder brad.

Your a fucking tool.

You get off on showing a big grow so you can jerk off to all the little people who get hard looking at your pics of your PM infested plants.

"I don't give a fuck about PM" Sounds like a great grower to me lol.

And stealing electricity to boot.

I'm just curious what your motivation is to post pics and then not respond to any questions....

It's all good, you'll be busted soon enough.

What didn't I respond too?

I told you that I don't do the electricity or the planning. I get in and grow.

This weed isn't for connoisseurs. Do you get that? We don't care if the plants have a bit of PM. You rather have me spray with Meltatox in the end of flowering?

You're the fucking tool here that wishes other people to get busted. You're a fucking narc.

Negative energy will find its way back to you.

Now stop posting in here. Fuck off.


Not even, it's BC this grow is pretty low tech
most growers here are 10kw+ high electric bills
in the winter are the norm. So many people
growing they only focus on the ones that people
complain about pretty much.

everybody in BC has that attitude until they get popped trust me


tonto is right vagpuncher. u dont know me but by all the info you have given i know where u live (region), i know who one of ur partners are . i even know what hydro strore u (maybe used to) shop at, and that was just coincidence and me putting 2+2 together. its not like im following u or a detective either, or particularly care about u (i dont mean that in a bad way). thats alot for some random internet dude. keep it low pro bud. fatigues too, is always the voice of reason on this site, id balance wat he and others like him say with ur ambitions.

grow nerd

I'm not here to take sides or anything like that at all, so don't take it as such... just posting my opinions on certain posts / topics made.

headiez247, this thread is obviously exactly what you suspect it is, and no more: a thread to show off, inflate ego, etc. But so what? It's nice to show off things sometimes, and just whip your dick out. Nothing wrong with that!

BreederBrad2, I've built countless 4-digit and multiple 5-digit wattage rooms for folks who had no clue about growing, simply wanted a "make me rich(er) program". Some of the stories are outright hilarious. Most aren't. (For instance, there's a deadbeat ICMag member who owes me money for a room. You know who you are.) I'm just saying; a lot of real business goes down without the typical square ever suspecting a thing.

bengie187, I'm also with you that some people just have the natural, innate capability to make things happen whatever that may be; and just because it takes a typical person so and so long to reach a certain level of accomplishment, it doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. The right motivation, skills, smarts, luck, connections, and decisions can make things move real damned quick in life. Me, I'm still working on finding the right combination.

On getting busted... sometimes, for some folks, it just might be worth it. Nate Norman probably said it best to support that... a big "fuck no", to "do you regret it?" He goes on
"I mean, I think of myself as an entrepreneur, and I went about some of that the wrong way. But I've done more at twenty-two than most people do their whole lives. I partied my ass off. There were so many women. I smoked so much weed. Anyone says they regret that, they're full of shit. They're saying that to please other people. I don't care. I had a blast."

You only live once, right? :chin:

VagPuncher, well played. Good luck.


great looking room mate. can't wait for some updates. its a shame that people can't just accept a thread for what it is, and not ruin it by posting up shit. if someone doesn't answer a question its usually for a reason. keep up the great work matey.


just don't molest my colas..
Vag, set up sulfur burners in there to get rid of the PM. most hydro stores should have them, or at least you can order them. that mildew will spread if the product doesn't get trimmed or dried properly. would be a shame to take a pay cut after so much work.
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