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resources and reflections on hermitary and solitude


interesting question, and i've considered that question before too.

i think the answer may depend on the person.

as for me if the internet suddenly disapeared today, i woulden't go run out trying to make friends and hop into a "social circle". i would continue to be a recluse and not interact w/ society as much as possible.

some people i think the internet might be what makes them a hermit, and if it was gone they would need to have friends and conversation in other ways.

if im in a public scenario i dont speak unless someone speaks to me, and actually quite often if i dont want to respond to someone i dont say anything (ie. salespeople)....i know they are just doing their job, but if i need help ill ask....ask me can i help you? ...ill usually just say nothing.

same w/ those fukin kiosk fools at malls that try to sell u shit while your trying to get out as fast as possible...i just look at them when they say shit and dont even nod or say a word....damn they get pissed sometimes.

I'm the same way I don't really speak unless spoken too. I'm not really shy I just don't like to be bothered with mindless small talk/


Active member
there is a cool articles section in that link in my first post to the website.

in that section there is sum stuff on Thoreau.....it's where i got my sig line on here that ive had on forever.

anyway...here are a few more Thoreau quotes from there on the subject.....most of these arent in the quotes thread:

I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
-- Walden

By my intimacy with nature I find myself withdrawn from man. My interest in the sun and the moon, in the morning and the evening, compels me to solitude.
-- Journal

I thrive best on solitude. If I have had a companion only one day in a week, unless it were one or two I could name, I find that the value of the week to me has been seriously affected. It dissipates my days, and often it takes me another week to get over it.
-- Journal

I feel the necessity of deepening the stream of my life: I must cultivate privacy. It is very dissipating to be with people too much.
-- Journal

I do not know if I am singular when I say that I believe there is no man with whom I can associate who will not, comparatively speaking, spoil my afternoon.
--- Journal

Not till we are lost, in other words, not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.
-- Walden

Silence is the universal refuge, the sequel to all dull discourses and all foolish acts, a balm to our every chagrin, as welcome after satiety as after disappointment; that background which the painter may not daub, be he master or bungler, and which, however awkward a figure we may have made in the foreground, remains ever our inviolable asylum, where no indignity can assail, no personality disturb us.
-- A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

The man I meet with is not often so instructive as the silence he breaks. -- Journal

I am tired of frivolous society, in which silence is forever the most natural and the best manners. I would fain walk on the deep waters, but my companions will only walk on shallows and puddles.
-- Journal

Why will you waste so many regards on me, and not I of my silence? Infer from it what you might from the pine wood. It is its natural condition, except when the winds blow, and the jays scream, and the chickadee winds up his clock. My silence is just as inhuman as that, and no more.
-- Familiar Letters

You think that I am impoverishing myself by withdrawing from men, but in my solitude I have woven for myself a silken web or chrysalis, and, nymph-like, shall ere long burst forth a more perfect creature, fitted for a higher society.
-- Journal
I`m mostly a anti social person, i mean i really don`t want to be around or talk to people, i spent five years mostly by myself except for a couple family members to talk to, no friends, nothing. I learned solitude is a dangerous thing tho, isolation from people makes you learn about yourself but for me that isolation grew into a very depressing lonliness. I now have a couple close friends that i feel i can relate too. i don`t really like all people but i respect all and learn from the ones i don`t like to change my life for the better. The one thing i learned the most is love is THE most powerful energy in this universe, if you got that, thats all you need,whether it comes from a person, plant,a passing cloud or whatever hold on to that and never let it go.


I`m mostly a anti social person, i mean i really don`t want to be around or talk to people, i spent five years mostly by myself except for a couple family members to talk to, no friends, nothing. I learned solitude is a dangerous thing tho, isolation from people makes you learn about yourself but for me that isolation grew into a very depressing lonliness. I now have a couple close friends that i feel i can relate too. i don`t really like all people but i respect all and learn from the ones i don`t like to change my life for the better. The one thing i learned the most is love is THE most powerful energy in this universe, if you got that, thats all you need,whether it comes from a person, plant,a passing cloud or whatever hold on to that and never let it go.

I love... Lamp.

Lulz, jk. Are you my uncle Johnny? I haven't talked to him in years, he's got property in SoCal. He enjoys growing cactus, maybe dank too idk, but I'm pretty sure he uses A LOT of mescaline from all his cacti stock. Lucky son' bitch.
I love... Lamp.

Lulz, jk. Are you my uncle Johnny? I haven't talked to him in years, he's got property in SoCal. He enjoys growing cactus, maybe dank too idk, but I'm pretty sure he uses A LOT of mescaline from all his cacti stock. Lucky son' bitch.

i don`t think so LOL.... but i have used alot of strange chemicals in my time ;)


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I feel my solitude makes me appreciate more the few people that can add to my day instead of detracting from it. The older I get the less people I like. There are only three people in my life I trust and feel comfortable around. These three people also happen to be the only love in my life. My father and my two children. After the experiences I've had with my mother I know that only two of these people can keep my love no matter what. IMO true love is something that cannot change. It either is or it isn't. Everyone else is not needed nor appreciated.


theres only 1 person in my life that I feel that I can trust that is now family. sad aint it? but the again I would rather have 1 true freind than none.


Registered Pothead
Yukon do you take psychedelics? A hermit can turn into a shaman if he uses his hermitage time correctly.


I guess we force ourselves in to this lifestyle but there comes a time when you make that decision. Which would I like more? Endless varieties of medicine or a huge social life full of mostly idiots that dont process original thought?

as this isnt myspace
i think most of us here are all in that same boat

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
All of you need to read The writings of the transcendentalist. Start with Walden.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I sometimes look at my caller ID and realize it's been
days since anyone's called me, I love it that way. I
more or less have this 'don't fuck with me as I don't
fuck with you'
thing going here, is that anti social?

The friends that know they're welcome stop by freely,
knuckle heads know their place and usually stay away.......



Active member

I sometimes look at my caller ID and realize it's been
days since anyone's called me, I love it that way. I
more or less have this 'don't fuck with me as I don't
fuck with you'
thing going here, is that anti social?

The friends that know they're welcome stop by freely,
knuckle heads know their place and usually stay away.......

depend who u ask if its anti-social....i call it selective-social.

did u watch that vid i just posted s4l?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
depend who u ask if its anti-social....i call it selective-social.

did u watch that vid i just posted s4l?
just did NOKUY,
I knew an old codger up here in the north woods like that, he had
electricity though but otherwise he hunted and trapped his food
and traded down at the local stores for whatever else he needed.
I'd stop by & drop off a jug of whiskey once/twice a yr & ask Lyle if
I could hunt his land, I rarely hunted it but figured it's a neighborly
and respectful way of donating to his cause.......



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I also met a hermit kinda guy many yrs ago out in W. Virginia,
I delivered a small fortune in antiques to this guy who never
said a word to me, long hair, snaggle toothed and because of
that he seemed dimwitted. It was creepy as a certain negativity
hung in the air every time I had my back turned to him. At least
this guy Don & Lyle (now dead) welcomed visitors & were chatty.



Active member
i watch a few of those mtv 'true life' episodes....never seen this one tho

'true-life' ...im living off the grid

from this trailer it appears they are just trying it for 'ethical' reasons...and dont have a clue what they are doing....and have constant complaints about the lifestyle.


maybe im wrong, but im really starting to think that if this lifestyle is for you that you have a pretty strong will about it...and not some 'romantic' hippy bullshit.


I've always been a lone wolf as I like to say I don't need the company of others in every level of education I've always had one close friend and that would be about it even in college. The only thing I'm looking for is that one outdoors women who has an attitude about society like me and I'll be set. After I get out of the military I plan on moving to the west coast maybe Oregon or Washington and living in the great outdoors with a dog and a woman and my weed and that will be all I need. My family saw me as being anti-social at first but now realize I just don't like making small talk I find it meaningless and stupid. I'd much rather be out hunting or tending to my plants. I have friends I call from time to time but hopefully there not waiting for that call because it could be two weeks to three before I decide to give one.

I much rather not be bothered with communication and if my Dad didn't pay for a cell phone I probably wouldn't have one don't need anybody keeping tabs on me quite the opposite. I find city life which is what I live now to be a congestion of people for no apparent reason I've often sat back and thought that I was born during the wrong time period maybe that's the case or maybe I just enjoy looking up at the sun setting or the moon and I feel the closeness that draws me to nature.

Anyway these are just my thoughts and if the the internet died tomorrow I would be perfectly fine without it. Also to another poster who posted some bullshit in here about me feeling superior to other people that's not the case at all and if you feel that way stay the fuck out of this thread. Peace


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