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resources and reflections on hermitary and solitude


Active member
ive always loved this website...and have often used it to help me explain to people about my need for solitude...since most people who dont "really" know me just say im anti-social.

i figured posting this link w/ lots of extensive info...might help some of you guys...since our hobby tends to often....not always tho...but often makes us hermits.


....this is just from the FAQ (klik the link for the whole website)

What is a hermit?
A hermit is a person who lives apart from society. Traditionally, this has meant living alone and self-sufficiently, but not always. The word "hermit" is derived from the Greek eremia for "desert," in reference to the Desert Fathers of the fourth century; and eremos came to mean solitary. The Latin equivalent is solitarius.

The term recluse is often taken as a synonym but it has a more behavioral sense to it, while the term "hermit" often retains its deliberate, even spiritual sense. For example, the famed eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica defined "hermit" as "a solitary, one who withdraws from all intercourse with other human beings in order to live a life of religious contemplation." However, the American Heritage Dictionary defines "hermit" as "a person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence; a recluse."

What is eremiticism? What is a cenobite?
Eremiticism is the term describing the way of life or system of being a hermit. The term is used to distinguish religious forms of living. A monk or nun living in a community of others, as opposed to living as a hermit, is a cenobite. Cenobite (as opposed to eremite) is derived from the Greek koinos, meaning community.

Why does a person become a hermit?
In every religious tradition, the individual has been advised to withdraw within the self, separate from the world, in order to achieve inner peace, if not insight. What has differed among these religious cultures is the degree to which this inwardness is permitted, even cultivated. Eastern cultures have encouraged, respected, even admired the decision to become a hermit. In the West, the primacy of social and external life has often opposed or put strictures and sanctions on hermits.

Are there other reasons for seeking solitude?
One need not be religious or spiritual to appreciate the ability to find space for oneself, to seek self-expression, and to be indifferent to or choose not to conform to the ways of the world. A spiritual tradition or culture has often been the context, but some individuals have created their own philosophical reasons for pursuing solitude. Others have discovered renewed creativity from limited periods of solitude. As long as solitude is voluntary, not forced by psychological illness or institutional confinements or oppressions, solitude has been universal.

What about people who live apart from society but seem to have "problems"?
Solitude must be an option based on a mature level of consciousness. Enforced solitude is not at all what we refer to here. Psychological and mental problems, social conflict, addictive and violent behavior, imprisonment, diseases - all have been factors in isolating people from society. Even voluntary solitude such as survivalism or egoism is not the solitude to which we refer. These concepts have no relation to the tradition of solitude and eremiticism seen over the centuries and across all cultures.

How can one be a hermit when daily life is so complex?
An Eastern passage describes the true hermit as one who can be in a crowd. Of course, that is not a literal eremiticism, but the point that matters is the consciousness of the individual. The responsibilities and entanglements of the world must be understood for what they are, from a philosophical or spiritual perspective. How to go about it?

Externally, simplifying one's life is the best path toward peace of mind, and peace of mind is a prerequisite to solitude. At that point, solitude can begin to enhance and strengthen the conviction of how external things are precisely that: external.

In the Zen tradition, one is bidden to begin practicing (i.e., meditating) at once, not to begin by trying to analyze one's responsibilities and entanglements and present life situation or predicament. Meditation will begin to put all these externals into perspective.

In the Christian tradition, one is bidden to give up what one has and follow the master, which is to say, the Way. The point here, as in Eastern tradition, is to simplify one's life as soon as possible, and the results will begin to manifest themselves if the individual is honest. This process may culminate in solitude and eremiticism in a person so disposed.

In the philosophical tradition, one is bidden to identify with mind and nature and to observe the harmony of the universe as a wonder. Every philosophical tradition has been open to this sense of being, usually without hostility to spiritual tradition (distinct from institutions) because the philosophical tradition actively seeks the perennial in all wisdom traditions.

How many hermits are there or have there been? How have they done it?
It is the purpose of Hermitary to explore these questions and provide information. You are always welcome to communicate with us at the e-mail account listed on our home page. Thank you for visiting!


Pull my finger
Ya know, my hobby has made me study the character of all individuals to a point where I wont even casually talk to most people. There are a few people that I trust and I get my social medicine from their presence. But the need to meet new people has waned since I figured out that most people are idiots and I dont mesh well with most.

I guess we force ourselves in to this lifestyle but there comes a time when you make that decision. Which would I like more? Endless varieties of medicine or a huge social life full of mostly idiots that dont process original thought? I will go for the weed every time. Interact with the few that are on my wavelength and forget about the rest of em.


Active member
i feel the same way swamp bro.

people im usually around are just sooooo damn social all the time, and im not, because i cant talk about what i'd really like to talk about.

one thing i just found on that website is they noted in their film section one of my heroes

Dick Proenneke

Alone in the Wilderness (USA, 2003)
Produced by Bob Swerer Productions
Dick Proenneke (1916-2003) ventured alone into the Alaska wilderness in the late 1960s, built a log cabin homestead, and remained living there nearly 40 years. Other Swerer films about Proenneke are Alaska: Silence and Solitude (1998) and The Frozen North (2006). View a web video (ca. 9 min.) of Alone in the Wilderness.


Active member
I am def. hermit like... outside the grid for the most part, no friends or gf (never), rarely go out. I have never been a social person, even when in school I only had a couple real friends, growing weed for sure does not help as my setup is not secure, can not have people over for the most part...


cannabis enthusiast
i feel the same way swamp bro.

people im usually around are just sooooo damn social all the time, and im not, because i cant talk about what i'd really like to talk about.

one thing i just found on that website is they noted in their film section one of my heroes

Dick Proenneke

Alone in the Wilderness (USA, 2003)
Produced by Bob Swerer Productions
Dick Proenneke (1916-2003) ventured alone into the Alaska wilderness in the late 1960s, built a log cabin homestead, and remained living there nearly 40 years. Other Swerer films about Proenneke are Alaska: Silence and Solitude (1998) and The Frozen North (2006). View a web video (ca. 9 min.) of Alone in the Wilderness.

Dick looks like Ed Gein :yoinks: hahahahahaa


Active member
i am a hermit sometimes, (friday night, staying in) but i dont think i would ever want to totally disconnect from society, i still gotta see my family and my peeps.

although many days after being out running errands and getting stressed out because of asshole idiots, it makes me want to just come home and stay indoors all day.


I don't know. On one hand I can agree that most contemporary western society is pretty dumb and banal but on the other I sort of look at it as a weakness to basically say "oh well I'm so different and above everyone else I'm going to go be a loner and stoner because no one understands how great I am". I look at people who decide to create, change, and AFFECT things in this world with much respect. I just don't seem to generate the same respect for people who rather be blown around by the wind of the world and life and be EFFECTED by it. I dunno, not saying you are exactly my second description, but just be man enough to decide what you want outta life? Mkkkkay?


sunshine in a bag
I would get reallllly lonely if I just lived in some remote forest with nobody to talk to for miles.


and if anything, i would rather have a significant other to share life with rather than friends/family.


Externally, simplifying one's life is the best path toward peace of mind, and peace of mind is a prerequisite to solitude. At that point, solitude can begin to enhance and strengthen the conviction of how external things are precisely that: external.



I love living with myself and mydog,I couldn't even contemplate another in the picture.My reasons for preferring exclusion for the most part has nothing to do with religion or spirituality,just a desire not to be around others.In the past several years I've been disappointed by so many friends and family members that not engaging them has been not only easy,its been great.It just worked out I was pretty much a loner long before I started growing so it couldn't have worked out much better


Pull my finger
Ya know, my hobby has made me study the character of all individuals to a point where I wont even casually talk to most people. There are a few people that I trust and I get my social medicine from their presence. But the need to meet new people has waned since I figured out that most people are idiots and I dont mesh well with most.

I guess we force ourselves in to this lifestyle but there comes a time when you make that decision. Which would I like more? Endless varieties of medicine or a huge social life full of mostly idiots that dont process original thought? I will go for the weed every time. Interact with the few that are on my wavelength and forget about the rest of em.


Ya know, my hobby has made me study the character of all individuals to a point where I wont even casually talk to most people. There are a few people that I trust and I get my social medicine from their presence. But the need to meet new people has waned since I figured out that most people are idiots and I dont mesh well with most.

I guess we force ourselves in to this lifestyle but there comes a time when you make that decision. Which would I like more? Endless varieties of medicine or a huge social life full of mostly idiots that dont process original thought? I will go for the weed every time. Interact with the few that are on my wavelength and forget about the rest of em.

right there with ya bro. I just dont enjoy social interactions the way i use to. A handful of close friends and tons of weed and a safe place to live with an intelligent like minded womn. I will be set. Just gotta find the woman.


I am def. hermit like... outside the grid for the most part, no friends or gf (never), rarely go out. I have never been a social person, even when in school I only had a couple real friends, growing weed for sure does not help as my setup is not secure, can not have people over for the most part...

I think i have read a comment by you @ prisonplanet.com.


Active member
I don't know. On one hand I can agree that most contemporary western society is pretty dumb and banal but on the other I sort of look at it as a weakness to basically say "oh well I'm so different and above everyone else I'm going to go be a loner and stoner because no one understands how great I am". I look at people who decide to create, change, and AFFECT things in this world with much respect. I just don't seem to generate the same respect for people who rather be blown around by the wind of the world and life and be EFFECTED by it. I dunno, not saying you are exactly my second description, but just be man enough to decide what you want outta life? Mkkkkay?

What makes you think someone who wants to be alone automatically thinks they are better than everyone else? How does taking a step back from sociey equate to being 'blown around by the wind? Seem the oppsite to me. What's 'man enough' for you may not be 'man enough' for another. Perhaps it's attitudes like yours that encourage people to reject society who knows? Maybe these peole know exactly what they want out of life? Mkkkkay?


Well-known member
nokuy i to think this dude is cool to do what he had done alone

Alone in the Wilderness (USA, 2003)
Produced by Bob Swerer Productions
Dick Proenneke (1916-2003) ventured alone into the Alaska wilderness in the late 1960s, built a log cabin homestead, and remained living there nearly 40 years. Other Swerer films about Proenneke are Alaska: Silence and Solitude (1998) and The Frozen North (2006). View a web video (ca. 9 min.) of Alone in the Wilderness.


Can someone who posts on the internet really be considered a hermit? I consider myself to be pretty antisocial, I avoid all my old friends cause they do ecstasy and I fucking hate that drug and what it's done to all my friends. All my old stoner buddies, who used to be cool just to listen to or make jams with are now all about partying and RAVES (fucking LAME). I hate raves with such a fucking hot animosity, every time I think about them a heat builds in my chest.

I'm moving away as soon as I can, I swear there's not one fucking person around here who hasn't abused the fuck out of their serotonin receptors.

Solitude, ftw.


Can someone who posts on the internet really be considered a hermit? I consider myself to be pretty antisocial, I avoid all my old friends cause they do ecstasy and I fucking hate that drug and what it's done to all my friends. All my old stoner buddies, who used to be cool just to listen to or make jams with are now all about partying and RAVES (fucking LAME). I hate raves with such a fucking hot animosity, every time I think about them a heat builds in my chest.

I'm moving away as soon as I can, I swear there's not one fucking person around here who hasn't abused the fuck out of their serotonin receptors.

Solitude, ftw.

Yes I agree, raves are so lame. I went to one once and left within 5 minutes. Alot of my old stoner buds have moved on too harder things so i don't really talk to them anymore. Ever try hanging out with a doper its like hanging out with a rock they just sit there all strung out and shit. I really want a place off in the woods were I don't have to deal with anyone.


Well I can't say I never used harder drugs, I used to be a "doper". Lot of time lost to that, but while I was being a junkie my buddies were out becoming raver faggots so now we're polar motherfucking opposites.


Active member
Can someone who posts on the internet really be considered a hermit? .

interesting question, and i've considered that question before too.

i think the answer may depend on the person.

as for me if the internet suddenly disapeared today, i woulden't go run out trying to make friends and hop into a "social circle". i would continue to be a recluse and not interact w/ society as much as possible.

some people i think the internet might be what makes them a hermit, and if it was gone they would need to have friends and conversation in other ways.

if im in a public scenario i dont speak unless someone speaks to me, and actually quite often if i dont want to respond to someone i dont say anything (ie. salespeople)....i know they are just doing their job, but if i need help ill ask....ask me can i help you? ...ill usually just say nothing.

same w/ those fukin kiosk fools at malls that try to sell u shit while your trying to get out as fast as possible...i just look at them when they say shit and dont even nod or say a word....damn they get pissed sometimes.