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Resin on lips!?!


Does anybody else get that build up of res on the bong where it meets your mouth, as well as it getting on your lips? It stinks! And its hard to get off. I wipe my mouth with a cloth every time but my lips are getting chapped. I have to put that lip balm stuff on it.

Anyone have any tips on how to stop it? It's odd because (yes I buy) its only started happening recently. I've seen this before when people feed it too much phosphor I think. So they stuffed up now I have to figure out how to stop getting smelling sticky brown res all over my mouth!
FYI I also use a double chamber, but that does nothing!!


Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
a few friends of mine used to smoke huge bong hits, like 0.5g or more in one rip. bong would be instantly dirty and sometimes they would have resin on their lips. disgusting

some strains/phenos are just extra greasy too. some you can hardly get halfway through a joint before its dripping tar


Active member
The stuff will turn your front teeth brown too. Draw in the smoke with your lips covering your teeth , if you know what I mean.


Active member
I grew some weed once that coated my face in resin because I looked at it wrong. Then I smoked it and I coughed up so much lung butter! After that I made cookies with it and my friends and I ate 1 each. We got high for a week off of that!

I grew that one plant for 40 weeks under a 1000 watt HPS and it only produced 1 gram of super funky rock hard purple, pink, and blue weed. Amazing! I wish I had pictures :/


european ganja growers
put that shit on ya toast.....joking bro it aint resin though its Tar...

you smoke tobacco eg Mix ? if so its that,,if not, your weed need flushed more + you need to clean your bong at the end off the night..

keep an old Tshirt lying about & use that to wipe your lips & tip of the chamber after each hit.....

keep it green


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
yeh my mates bong is like this aswel, always builds up where the side of the lips are not the top or bottom areas, this is possibly due to it never being cleaned enough -_-.


I have a permanent stain on my lower lip right where the joint rested. It's was from 25 years ago and the outdoor bud was as good as it gets if not better full of resin that would dip off a joint. To this day my lip is still damaged in that very spot.


May your race always be in your favor


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I clean my glass on a weekly basis or more often if necessary. The moment I can't taste a fresh green hit, it's time to clean the glass.

If you do it regularly, it stays clean a lot easier. 4 year old resin has baked on to the point that it might as well be welded on.


clean your bong. i aint sying anything else or this thread could go astray

You are good man, you are super man. Thanks for helping this important thread from going like pinball. We have to strive to keep this site serious and full of good and comprehensive information that will live on forever, and be passed on to new generations.


MY BONG IS CLEAN! Yes, I do clean my bong regularly. I'm one of those who likes to keep the glass see-through. So I don't think that is causing any issues.

I don't mix with tobacco either, I smoke green. The stuff I have bought now happens to be good bush. Maybe it's a super sticky resin bomb :dance013: But unfortunately it smells...

It's not like straight away you can see the tar on your lips, its after about 3 hits it starts to gather. I just smoked a joint of this and I wouldn't say it was 'dripping' with res. I'm still suspicious about phosphorus being the cause.
MY BONG IS CLEAN! Yes, I do clean my bong regularly. I'm one of those who likes to keep the glass see-through. So I don't think that is causing any issues.

I don't mix with tobacco either, I smoke green. The stuff I have bought now happens to be good bush. Maybe it's a super sticky resin bomb :dance013: But unfortunately it smells...

It's not like straight away you can see the tar on your lips, its after about 3 hits it starts to gather. I just smoked a joint of this and I wouldn't say it was 'dripping' with res. I'm still suspicious about phosphorus being the cause.
phosphorus from where? the neuts? idk about that ..how do you figure lol


phosphorus from where? the neuts? idk about that ..how do you figure lol
When I had a couple of plants a year or two back I didn't feed them well through flowering because I was away, so at week 5 or 6 when I saw the leaves were yellowing a fair bit I pumped them full of seasol and potash. The result was nice bud, just full of black tarry stuff that got on your teeth sometimes and tasted gross. So I figure every time I come across this stuff to be phosphors.

I smoked with a mate the other day who has the same shaped/size bong as me and he also gets the res on the lips sometimes. His bong was new so it was clean. I think it could have to do with the shape... Its one of those round base, and bent neck bongs with a rubber base stand...

And Space Ghost, I hear ya on the vaporizer. Gotta save up and buy an extremeQ :)


weed fiend
IMO, US Bong "Smiley" versions were best at avoiding gungy face. US was one acrylic that wasn't a piece o shit.

A friend had a giant bamboo bong in the '70s. Your whole face went in the opening. I could smell that thing across the room and never managed to partake. People would lift their heads form the roiling smoke and the look on their face said "no".

~25 years ago, I made a toy bong from a JOB base and a oxygen mask. You had to pull the plug out of the mask or two tokes would clog it. 1" pvc pipe fit perfect. But inhaling smoke through the nostrils makes for some pretty raunchy boogers! I gave it to friend I didn't like too much.