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Reservoir Seeds 420 Cup Grower's Entries Note

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Traktor driver
I think I'm a litle slow today :D

I actually meant it the other way round, like there's no point entering if Indi does as there's no chance in hell of winning, but either way is good :biglaugh:

Rez, I know what you mean. Reading the same wining shit over 'n over again is just plain tiering.


like there's no point entering if Indi does as there's no chance in hell of winning, but either way is good

LOL Alex, I said the same thing to a couple other growers I know, who just happened to respectively win and place with Rez's genetics...but I also told them that if I did enter I was fully intentioned to put my money where my mouth is and make 'em watch my wheels spin :D. I may have a ton of faults, but lack of determination is not one of 'em LOL!

Rez, first I'll kick some ass...then I'll be nice, I promise. A lady's gotta have her priorities after all.... :D
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Well even though im sure Smokey and Jimmy are going to Enter the REAL ECSD. I believe my BX 2.5 can beat their and well to mention Indigo's to so :moon: .

All flowered out with Guano so should be able to compete with Smokeys and Jimmy's ECSD.


....I don't even know IF Smokey and Jimmy will enter this year.
I wish they would!


hey rez
give me some speedball info and i would gladly grow your weed and enter it i thought my pm was friendly and sincere ithink the speedball is a great idea i just wanted some info


. . . .

....Aw,sorry man,I got swamped,these past two weeks....

Speedball-Created from Paradise's Sensi Star
X Grimm/SSSC's DTC99 (SSC's DurbanThaiHighflyer x C99).
Hard-core indica meets psychedelic tropi-sat....hence,the name!
The big fat Sensi Star meets the slim, tropical DTC99....numbing indica meets extreme sativa....the goal is to meet in the middle.... and find the fusion...the space where all is nothing and nothing is everything......that is Speedball.
Overall Rating: 7 Effect: Varied effects
Potency: 9 Stature: Extremely varied
Yield: 7 Phenotype: Mixed, Indica / Sativa
Ease: 7 Indoor: 55 to 60 days
Appearance: 7 Outdoor: Not Listed
Odor Level: 5 Odor: the indica pheno had little odor early but about the 4th week of bud it got dank and spicy very pungent with A musty basement overtone. The sativa pheno put on alot of resin early and stunk the house up with rotten fruit changing to cat piss.
Taste Level: 7 Taste: both phenos had an old school taste of something familiar the indica one being spicy hashy dank flavored and the sativa has sort a slightly bitter spicy woody earthy taste not being hashy like the indica pheno with a slight cat piss after taste
Grower's Tilt: 8 Sexes: Standard (M/F)
SI Rating: Not Listed Vintage: October, 2003

I bought A pack of Reservoir Seeds Speedball from Seeds Direct.

There was 16 seeds in the pack. I lost the first 10 due to mold. Planted the last 6 and 4 were males, 2 females, all six varied in height and growth characteristics. These plants had the most numerous bud sites of any plant I have grown. On the down side, the branches are spindly and weak, and need supported to hold up numerous buds. They expressed great vigor in veg from seed and clone, amazing! The plants showed immediate sensitivity to nutrients and PH, once controlled ,they grew fine.

They were vegetated 11 weeks all together and cloned. They flowered for 55 and 56 days. They were cut down dried for 7 days, jar cured for 2 weeks. It smokes well. The indica phenotype is very rich tasting and when you open the jar it smells like a dank basement{not mold}.When I first hit it,it goes strait to the head and comes on pretty speedy, then creeps into a body numbing stone, with tons of gravity. Very relaxing and pain effective. The Sativa phenotype breaks me out in a sweat on the first or second hit every time. Very speedy and a little paranoiac. Both phenos were super rezinous. The high is long lasting for me about 2-3 hours and I smoke every day. There is a lot of diversity in these plants and I can see that it has a lot of potential.

Garden Information for this report
Bloom Wattage Used: 1100w to 2000w
Average Plant Height: 40
Plants per Sq. Foot: 0.25
Average Yield per Plant: 5.50
Pruning or Plant Style: Bush
Fertilization Method: Organically fed

Grown in premier promix bone and blood meal ag lime 10% perlite fed with meta naturals,dark energy and budswell under 1000w hortilux HPS and 430w son agro HPS fed every other watering.

The sativa pheno was in a 5 gallon bucket and yeilded 3.5 OZs T

he indica pheno was grown in a 10 gallon tub and yielded almost 6 OZs

Report added by: The Accused

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thanks rez very nice response i remembered you commenting on my dtc99 grow i think the cross is a great idea i would mix dtc99 and afgoo in a bong load and feel like i was tripping but by itself dtc99 is some teeth grinding stuff sorry not trying to hijack
lewis :lurk:


Rez, are you entering? And if you are, do you know what your 'entry choice' will be?

More to the point, if someone wanted what you consider to be your best strain for potency/taste, what would it be?
Available by seed of course, as I realize one could enter their breeding stock, which may not be available to the public......

peace - tug


might have some thunderfuckin diesel ready and cured by the time the cup roll around, we'll see, not counting on it tho as i have a pretty good habit here to support.




Wonder Haze, Is that available as seeds, or is it breeding stock Rez?
And can/will you give a description of the parentage?

peace - tug


Bex Bissell said:
Well even though im sure Smokey and Jimmy are going to Enter the REAL ECSD. I believe my BX 2.5 can beat their and well to mention Indigo's to so :moon: .

Bring it on baby....I'm ready, willing, and able :dueling: :woohoo: :D




Tug man just take 2 secs and look on Seedbay or Seedsboutique. Only like a min to browse through all of Rez's Seeds lists. Here is a pic of one of the Wonderhazes that are finishing up. May have to enter one of those depends how they compare to the rest i have.

Hope your ready for the Pepsi challenge Indigo hehe.


I grew out ten beans to find three phenos. Out of those three one is a WW and the other two SSH phenos. The SSH carry the true haze aroma, coffeshop'esque, and are packing the Williams Wonder yield. Solid buds, christmas tree shaped nugs from top to bottom. It took some serious bending and breaking to deal with my limited head room but quickly regained its composure shortly after. Mine look to finish around 80-90 days. Although the WW phenos in the garden will finish sooner. A great compromise to traditional haze varieties.

I'll have some pics up tonight. I'd have a tough time parting with a z of the final product but well...i just may feel to guilty if I DON'T let the judges try it :)


Oh yeah, I'd love to try all of Rez' offerings.
Sadly though, I've been left in an unfortunate situation, and may not be able to attend. In which case I'll have 2 spare judge's passes, I've already given 2 passes away, hmmmm.......what to do........
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