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requesting specific terms on a condo lease

Hey guys, I was wondering if there is any way to ask for your own terms in a lease for a condo. I was thinking something along the lines of 1 inspection every 6 months and to be able to change the locks while I am there. If I pay like 3 or 6 months in advance maybe that would sweeten the pot. I do have a anxiety disorder that is documented so maybe that could be my reasoning for the terms.. I have never rented on my own so I really dont know much about this sort of thing. Thanks T.G.S


Active member
This is off the top of my head, so don't take it as fact, but I want to say that you can request no inspections while you live there, and pay a bigger damage deposit in exchange.

I can't recall where I heard that, but it's worth trying.
Give them a 3-4K deposit, and say that you don't want an inspection till the final move out walk through.
Tell them with your anxiety disorder that the mere thought of people tromping through your house causes you a great deal of stress, and that you are willing to give them a large damage deposit to put their minds at ease about their house while you're living there.


I do a good bit of contractor work on condos. There are a multitude of reason i have needed to get into someones place for whatever reasons. Be safe.

A condo where I live is purchased, not rented. Usually come with HOA fees, etc. Not the 'best' place for a grow unless your legal, imo.
Thanks for the response guys. First off I am medically legal, but still I wouldnt want anyone seeing my cabs, because of the fear of being robbed. Dapurps didnt most of the times you had to get into someones place come at the request of the tenants.


I'm a Real Estate Appraiser and Insurance inspector... Really by law they have to give you 3 days notice of them entering your home. You can request that you have to be there for any reason they have to enter... Changing your lock would be a good idea but if an emergency happens and they need to enter they can't and you would be on the hook for whatever damages that occur..


Not if the building needed regular maint.

I have seen crazy things occur. Hot water heater busts, overflows it's tubs a little and run's down the studs. Could flood you, or mold. Either way, im coming over for a while. Your either wet or smelly. Legal is good though.

And a Condo is better then an Apt. You definately have some say so about if someone can come in your door or not.


Active member
If you're legal it sounds like what you need is good odor control, and a solid lock on the bedroom door where you keep your cab.
That and change the main door locks and you should be all set.


Weed Cannasaur
I don't know about the US and stuff but I don't let my landlord come in my house up to the last 2 months to show the apartment to future residents, and thats with a week in advance notice.
I pay to live here and I don't want people busting my privacy - thats all the explaining I do.


I have never had to sign a lease agreeing on inspections, unless I am moving. Is that the norm in other states around the country?


I'll rent you a townhouse and if you pay me 6 months advance rent you will never hear a peep from me ( until more rent is due) unless you call me first or unless a neighbor calls me with a complaint. I will drive by occasionally to make sure the outside looks ok. For all you people saying you don't allow this and that, the law here in Oregon says that i'm allowed to inspect any time as long as I provide 24 hrs notice. Doesn't matter if you agree or not. One email and 24 hrs later i'm coming in. Change the locks, do whatever you want. If I need a locksmith and the sheriff so be it. ( of course you'll pay for the locksmith out of your security deposit since you changed the locks without permission)


I'll rent you a townhouse and if you pay me 6 months advance rent you will never hear a peep from me ( until more rent is due) unless you call me first or unless a neighbor calls me with a complaint. I will drive by occasionally to make sure the outside looks ok. For all you people saying you don't allow this and that, the law here in Oregon says that i'm allowed to inspect any time as long as I provide 24 hrs notice. Doesn't matter if you agree or not. One email and 24 hrs later i'm coming in. Change the locks, do whatever you want. If I need a locksmith and the sheriff so be it. ( of course you'll pay for the locksmith out of your security deposit since you changed the locks without permission)

So from a landlord's perspective, what makes you decide to go and inspect a property?
. For all you people saying you don't allow this and that, the law here in Oregon says that i'm allowed to inspect any time as long as I provide 24 hrs notice. Doesn't matter if you agree or not. One email and 24 hrs later i'm coming in. Change the locks, do whatever you want. If I need a locksmith and the sheriff so be it. ( of course you'll pay for the locksmith out of your security deposit since you changed the locks without permission)

Hypethetically(spelling) What if in the lease I asked for no inspections for 6 months and you agreed to it. Would you still have the right to inspect or no?


I'm pretty casual. As long as I get paid on time, no complaints from adjacent tenants and the outside looks ok, i'm not gonna inspect inside. I also send an email every couple of months asking if everything is ok and I like to get a response.
I'm not sure about lease terms barring inspection. Have to check with an attorney on that one. Not sure if you live in a med state or not. In my state if a tenant talked to me about it we could probably work something out. I would want some assurances that my place isn't being damaged. Probably some extra damage deposits.

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