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Republicans and marijuana

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weed fiend
Your perception, nothing more.

You're exactly right, from your individual perspective. But conservatives as a whole, especially lawmakers reject reform. Conservative lawmakers are active over status-quot issues, not change. The only US conservative lawmaker currently in the mainstream news is the house rep that wishes to strengthen fines and incarceration for mj violations. While he's not the end of the issue, none of his fellow conservative lawmakers disagree enough to advocate mj reform. Unless you're willing to count Ron Paul. IMO he's a libertarian, regardless of his party affiliation.


Active member
ICMag Donor
No, we are disagreeing on perceptions. Show me where the benefit of the mj culture is anywhere in the Democrat platform. Or anything that would even elude to that side of the aisle being for mj law reforms?
Do the Democrats actually have a platform? And do you know what it is???

Just like the OP's (Original Poster...for those from RioLinda) perception is flawed, as was clearly pointed out and even confirmed by several in this thread alone, so is your perception of who is actually fighting for the rights of the mj smoker/grower.


weed fiend
No, we are disagreeing on perceptions. Show me where the benefit of the mj culture is anywhere in the Democrat platform. Or anything that would even elude to that side of the aisle being for mj law reforms?
Do the Democrats actually have a platform? And do you know what it is???

If you wish, then all you have is perception. Why don't you refine that a little? Are you somehow suggesting Democrats have to be united or have a mj plank to outdo Republicans on reform? Wouldn't it take a united Republic party with a reform platform to even make that argument?

Just like the OP's (Original Poster...for those from RioLinda) perception is flawed, as was clearly pointed out and even confirmed by several in this thread alone, so is your perception of who is actually fighting for the rights of the mj smoker/grower.
"Clearly pointed out" and "confirmed" are just your perception. You found somebody you agree with, that's all. The thread subject isn't what you make it. It's about Republicans and mj. Instead of just saying, "I know you are but what am I", try advocating why you think the Republic party is synonymous with reform.

I don't think you can, that's why you compare a party that's totally against reform with a party that actually submits reform bills to congress. Making the argument that Dems should be united to be legit is a straw man. So is making the argument that reform hasn't yet taken place. Dems are light years ahead of Republicans on reform, of any kind.

Nobody can persuade you of anything you choose to refute. However, you'll never find a movement so bent on the status quot as conservatism.


The Voice of Reason
In the modern political landscape, and given the policies and ideals which have been represented by the public faces of the gop all of my life, I am constantly gobsmacked by the tendency of the working class citizen to vote against their own self interests because of meaningless wedge issues.

Democrats are not a whole lot better... The two party system needs to go the way of the dodo... I prefer the Green Party, but the Tea Party may gain enough momentum to fill the conservative 3rd party void. I think election season would be a lot more fun if it were a 4 way contest, as opposed to a two way contest mucked up by a third party... Hell, maybe even add in a 5th centrist party just to keep things lively.


weed fiend
I'm all for multi parties. The only drawback is the vocal minority. If the minority can't accept rule by majority, I expect they'd be even more disgruntled with 20, 25 or even 30 percent calling the shots.


The Voice of Reason
I'm all for multi parties. The only drawback is the vocal minority. If the minority can't accept rule by majority, I expect they'd be even more disgruntled with 20, 25 or even 30 percent calling the shots.

AAhhh, but more bitching, more awareness of the other viewpoints, less likelihood for any leader to stray far from the people's will, and more frequent regime change might be a good thing...


most politicians in Washington don't give two shits about marijuana or medical marijuana. why? because it is such a small voter segment it wont decide rather they are reelected or not.


May your race always be in your favor
Watching the health ins. debate on TV. It's interesting how the rebulican't are against any thing the dem's propose. Can't use reconciliation as it suddenly is unheard of to use it,(unlikje the 21 times the repub's used it in the last 8 years. I find it amazing that the repressive side of the govenment, push so hard for the corptocracy. The unfortunate thing is the liberal side of the government isn't any better. It seem to me there is really only one party in the country and it has a conservative side and a liberal. Both side work for the betterment of the corptocracy that really runs the country. Look at the recent Supreme court dec. giving corps the right to give unlimited funds in campaigns. we are so screwed!!!:wtf::bashhead:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Conservatism is not about personal freedom at all.

Please go read about Constitutional Conservatism. You know not what you speak. Your are stuck in the same two party narrative that has brainwashed this country for decades.


This is nothing more than your opinion, and you have nothing to back it up with. You making the blanket statement and blaming "conservatives" is nothing more than your ignorance and unfounded rage.
I suggest you take a look and see who is on the side of "big pharma" these days. Hint..it will be the group who is also beholding to the "trial lawyers" and their money.

Your perception, nothing more.

Sorry, but it is more than my perception. I live in Southern California and every morning I read all the national news articles related to MMJ. It is evident that Republicans are driving the prohibition behind MMJ dispensaries. They either want to (1) ban dispensaries outright and require MMJ patients to grow their own or (2) limit the number of dispensaries and propose other overly strict regulations.

If you don't see the correlation between Republican politicians and the MMJ prohibitions then you are simply in denial. The District Attorney raiding the dispensaries in San Diego is a Republican. The D.A. raiding the dispensaries in L.A. is a Republican. Both of them are screaming bloody murder because dispensaries are operating at a profit. This fact alone should be troubling if you are a Republican. But it is even more egregious when you consider that most of these dispensaries are non-profit and religiously following state guidelines, but they are still being targeted by these Republican politicians.

My advice is that you start reading news articles related to MMJ law and pay attention to which politicians are calling for what. You will quickly see that it is Republicans that are trying to either ban or restrict the MMJ dispensaries.


Please go read about Constitutional Conservatism. You know not what you speak. Your are stuck in the same two party narrative that has brainwashed this country for decades.

This made me lol. Constitutional conservatism is all about preserving the status quo. Look, the U.S. Supreme Court recently delivered one of the worst opinions of all time and it related to MMJ law. The Federal gov't can only regulate commerce among the states, not commerce confined within one state. Yet the Supreme Court (a CONSERVATIVE court) recently ruled that someone growing a pot plant within the privacy of their own home affects interstate commerce. Hard to believe isn't it? But this conservative Supreme Court reverse-engineered their decision to get the result they wanted. It was clearly an anti-MMJ decision. And instead of denying what is going on and pointing the finger at me, telling me I don't know my history or whatever, you should be questioning the integrity of your party affiliation and ask why is this happening?


Active member
ICMag Donor
If you don't see the correlation between Republican politicians and the MMJ prohibitions then you are simply in denial.
You cite a couple anecdotes listing a couple of individuals. Then you try to tie a SC decision to the Republicans. when we are talking about what, half dozen folks?
Your perception allows you to see things this clearly. It is obvious you feel that anyone who sees what you do feels it's cut and dried and Reps are the enemy. What you are missing is, it isn't a political party that has constructed and continued this debacle.
And for a lawyer, you don't seem to make very convincing arguments. I suspect you don't see too many courtrooms.

And the reason I take such issue with you, is you came out right off with the assumption that Republicans and conservatives are the ones who this fight is with. Fuck that. Look outside your own world and realize that all don't do and see what you do. Throwing your charges at people is offensive. And if you don't care about being offensive to folks, just because of your fucked up perception of things..then yuck foo, counselor.


weed fiend
I don't think he's talking about your personal political leanings. In fact, the part you quoted clearly states "politicians." Is acknowledging news offensive? Did he curse? Did he insult you personally like you did him, even if you misspelled the words?


Active member
ICMag Donor
This has been bothering me for awhile now so I'm gonna rant, please forgive me.

Medical marijuana is a partisan issue. If Republicans are not outright against medical marijuana, they are at best in favor of overly strict regulations on dispensaries, especially if they operate at profit.

This is a very curious position for Republicans if you have at least a general knowledge of world history and politics. There has always been a "conservative" vs. "liberal" political debate, no matter what country or what century you are talking about. In America, we have Republicans vs. Democrats, so that's what I'm focusing on right now.

Republicans, or political "conservatives" are usually heard defending States' rights (as opposed to Federal gov't) and "laissez-faire" economics. Curiously, they abandon, no less betray, these two cornerstones of their political philosophy to attack medical marijuana.

In San Diego, the Republican District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis, continues to raid medical marijuana dispensaries despite the Federal "truce" since President Obama's election. This is in spite of budget cuts when tax revenue from medical marijuana could help both the county and the state.

So why do Republicans hate marijuana so much? Think about Woodstock and the 1960s. How many pot-smoking Republicans have you ever met? Not many, if any. And THAT, my friends, is why Republicans really fear marijuana, whether it be legalized for medical reasons or not. Because they fear it 'liberalizes' the conscience. I'd be surprised if any Republicans even realize why they are against medical marijuana. Political conservatives are typically angry, bitter people. They don't like to admit it though. But if you have been perplexed as to why this seems to be a partisan issue, now you know. At least I think I have figured it out. :p

Fail again, Disco. (shaking head in disgust)

This was a particularly interesting tid-bit...
I'd be surprised if any Republicans even realize why they are against medical marijuana.

I'm sorry if I offend, but this is just one fucked up perception, and it IS offensive.
More divisive shit from one who probably throws that charge at others.
Very immature, as well as unfounded. (albeit typical)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This made me lol.

I'm sorry dude, but anyone with a half decent understanding of political science and the Constitution is :biglaugh: at you.

Again, you are stuck in the two part narritive that has been fed to you and your parents by our failed system for decades. It's all you know. You are not bringing any sort of academic understanding to this conversation, but are polluting it indocrinated party propaganda.

You fail to understand the philosophical framework from which your own point of view is derived, but are instead satisfied to regurgitate party lines as if they were actually philosophical stances. That's called brainwashed.

Kept in the dark and fed shit as I've heard Mr. Casey Jones say before on here. ;)

I'm not trying to be harsh. Simply pointing out flaws in your understanding of political science. Constitutional Conservatism died after WWII.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
But, Strict Constructionalism didn't, see any opinion by Scalia.:fsu:
100% agree brother. The ruling ushered us into legalized corruption of the highest magnitude.

Again, Scalia is a product of the failed system in which we exist. He is another robot puppet of the financial elite. It's all about paybacks and money now.

We idolize celebrity and corruption vs virtue and achievement. Ex-Governor Blagobitch has a reality show for fuck's sake. We judge people by how they look on TV rather than the philosophical stances they take because true philosophy is a lost concept in American education. The truth always loses out to propaganda when faced with insufferable apathy.

It's is fucked up indeed bro. A mess indeed.

EDIT: I know I come off as bitter in my little rants, but I have faith that the real American dream of freedom still exists.

The founders were not perfect men and neither are we which is why the Constitution was written. I believe it is a breathing document as Progressive's believe.

I get that, but the fundamental philosophy of enlightenment of the individual has all but been lost.

I feel we have let men, through
Religious Institutions or Government enslave our minds, when Mother Nature is the one we should always be looking to for solutions. Math, physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy.

It's what makes you, you.

It's there in front of us, we just have to decipher it and not rely on others to tell us what is what.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Re-reading what I've wrote I probably come off as a bit condensing. I was lucky enough to have an "elitist" education. What I learned most was that they play the same game we do, but on a macro level.

Government is a reflection of what you see in the mirror. That piece of candy you stole when you were a kid is extrapolated to a billion $$ scale.

When nations are made of men and art rather than laws, based on philosophy, we all fail.

It happens. We are only human.
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