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My Bears looked helpless against the Vikes, Gr8shoe's 49er's got a win (Singletary listened to his players and threw it around more), the Titans look rejuvenated, and the playoff picture is starting to come into focus.
God I love football....

My Niners won and the Titans beat the Cards....this week my niners play the hawks and the cards play the Vikes....if my niners win and the Cards lose we will only be 1 game down going into the monday night game vs the Cards....the last five weeks are gonna be good for my nfc west.....

good luck to all yall teams....

hey bababooey, I think Cutler just threw another pick! just kidding...


there are some good games today .... I am really looking forward 2 today's games...GO NINERS and Screw the Seachickens.....

Big D

Good luck to your 49ers GR8!

And as always

GOOOOO Saints!!!!!! WHO DAT?!?!?!!!!

Big D

OMG!!!! What a fucking game.... I thought it was gonna be rough and it was. Washington came to play today! 12-0 baby!!!!! Y'all show some love to the Saints!

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


Active member
No doubt that the redskins brought it.....tough game, but I'll take it!

Still undefeated!!! WOOT!!!



Horse-toothed Jackass
The Saints prove they can win even in cold weather games against tough teams (the Skins have been playing better after their horrendous start).
Giants played impressive at home.
The Niners lost a winnable game; questionable officiating and questionable coaching decisions came into play.
The Bears prove they are marginally better than the worst teams in the league.
The defending champion Steelers look to be in danger of not making the playoffs.

Won today in my fantasy football league and have a first round bye. Thank you, Vernon Davis (the best TE in the league) and Knowshon Moreno (Denver ran roughshod over KC). Not as helpful: Brett Favre (who looked every bit 40 years old; NO can breathe easy for homefield through the playoffs) and John Carney (who also looks old and lost his kicking job this week).

heavy dank nugg

the steelers corner backs are right up there with the worst in the league.......
no wait......they are the worst in the league....I wonder if Ike Taylor will stop saying swagger when he introduces himself on mnf......I wonder if the defence will ever be able to stop anybody.I say loose all 5 of the games left......take a stud corner back with your nice early draft selection. then in rounds 2 and 3 take 2 more corner backs.cause William Gay is well gay. and Ike Taylor is a choke artist bum..townsend is old Joe Burnett is a bust.Steeler nation is angry, hurt, and fed up with these shitty cornerbacks who wouldnt even make most teams practice squad.


Stinkin LIONS. People call the players names in public,everybody hates them. Whats it like to have a winning NFL team? Thank Jebus for HOCKEY:smokeit:


Horse-toothed Jackass
Mary: I think Stafford can be a cornerstone to build upon. He's tough and showed he can be a legit QB at times.

HDN: I dont know if the Steelers have even the worst corners in their division; the Ravens corners might be worse.
The recent play of the secondary means that Polamalu meant more to that defense than anyone knew; he makes everything go in that defensive backfield.

Steelers and Browns tonite. With wind chill in the negative, i dont expect a pretty game, but if the Steelers want to grab that wildcard, they have to start with what should be an easy win tonite...

heavy dank nugg

I would like to be the 1st to cogradulate the 09 pittsburgh steelers on their monumental historic 1st to worst season.......I see no heart on this pathetic team. Ive been calling for bruce arians job for 3 years gave him a pass after last year. but this guys a bonehead.he needs to gtfo of pittsburgh.Tomlin is a arrogant head coach who believes he lives up to his hype......we need a revamped o line and 2 new starting corners...We need Troy to fucking stay healthy hes missed at least 3 games every year since being drafted many seasons 5 or more games......The special teams coach...i have to laugh at how much he gets paid to not understand how to coach special teams, his incompetence is the stuff of ledgend...really the only things i like about this steelers team is the offensive players minus the o line and the line backers except for farrior who needs to retire hes too old too slow and cant tackle anymore like he got weaker or something..see ya james.every single corner back on the roster needs to get replaced every one of them is awefull.It breaks my heart to say this but its finally offical.the steelers are one of the worst teams in football.I am ashamed to call myself a fan and im disgusted at the lack of heart they have shown this year........mabey they just dont want to play for bruce arians....sometimes its funny they show the sidelines and you can see ben and hines looking at him like wtf ? he is by far the most arrogant and ignorant o. c. in the game.....his game plans are a failure every single week...the few games we won this year was cause of ben in the no huddle calling his own plays. just about every touchdown we scored this year was the same way.....Im starting to believe that last year was a fluke.Its time to rebuild in pittsburgh.....new coachs and new players.there are alot of holes to fill.woo hoo heres to losing out...I love the pittsburgh steelers but they are making me sick.Any room on the Saints Bandwagon ?


HDN, at least you've had winning seasons in the last 10 years... the last good season my niners had was in 2002....our last super bowl win was in 94!!!!! you've guys gotten a couple of super bowl rings during that time....its gonna get bad before it gets better look how long it has taken us...and we still haven't turned that corner....your guys Oline is pretty up there in age...and corners are wack...I heard Casey Hampton is a free agent after this year....he is a good 34 nose tackle, I'd take him....

O-yea I said screw it, even tho my niners are most likely out of the playoffs im still going to the last 2 home games, First one up is against the Cardinals on Monday night!

heavy dank nugg

at least the niners wouldnt loose to the raiders cheifs and browns and play hard every week........

heavy dank nugg

ouch ? win ? i think you misunderstood me. i was actually paying the 9ers a compliment.

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