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Horse-toothed Jackass
Interesting slate of games yesterday.
The Saints look unstoppable. Even when their D is not quite up to par, their O can still win games for them.
The Vikings hung tough with the Steelers but two huge plays by the Steelers defense proved the difference.
The Niners lost again but maybe they've found their QB of the future? Alex Smith got a chance to play and almost delivered a win...
Miles Austin looks like a star, making Dallas fans wondering why have the coaches been hiding him these past few years?
My Bears laid an egg against the Bengals. Quite disappointing. The O-line frankly looks old and overmatched; I'm wondering if they would have better results if they put some young legs in there. It feels like Olin Kreutz (the center) has been starting since I was in high school; I think he's a tire that has lost its thread. The D just got taken advantage of; no pass rush, couldn't stop the run, couldnt stop the pass, ugh. I had high hopes for this season but if they keep playing like this they'll be lucky to finish with 6 or 7 wins...

HDN, do you have the NFL Direct Ticket package?
As far as the pics, no offense taken, but you should really let your anger go. I'm actually pretty sure that the Steelers are going to lose another game sometime in the future (ie they're not going to go 190-0 over the next ten years). It's just one loss and it happens. Teams, even very good ones, lose games. It's just the nature of the beast. Doesnt make sense to get so worked up over one loss, even a very cheap one. You should be happy that the Steelers are playing well right now; better they play poorly early in the season rather than in the playoffs, right?


in the thick of it
my darn panthers got their buts handed to 'em by the lousy bills.....ugggg. I can't believe that those saints came back! what a game. Monday looks to be a sleeper.

heavy dank nugg

baba booey i dont know wtf your talking about.......i dont have any anger.my issues are anxiety based and im starting meds for them so i dont have another heart attack.
each year i pick a new team to hate on that i want to see loose. last year it was tenn. this year its the bears... just a little ribbing man. yes the steelers will loose again and it will be this year. and when they do i will get my nuts crushed for it....its like ya say the nature of the beast....I love football....I get excited when things go my way i get bummed when they dont. so i get why your bummed. but dont get subversivly hostill with me just for a little ribbing.ok bro truce ? and yes its sunday ticket superfan.


Horse-toothed Jackass

I think the Phillies are one of baseball's feel good stories. They've brought pride to a sports crazed city that hadn't had a champion in a while. And the way they're rolling, they could very well repeat against the Yanks, who are playing some inspired baseball of their own...

HDN: Hey it's all love, man. I don't really get the whole "I pick one team to hate every year" but whatever, if that's your thing... i may not agree with what you say but i will defend your right to say it.
I just hope that you wont derive more pleasure from a Bears loss than you do from a Steelers victory. Cause that would be perverse imo. Life should be filled with love not hate. You should be posting pics of the Steelers win - Lamarr Woodley huffing and puffing for a TD. BTW, it looked like Brett Favre could have just reached out and grabbed Woodley but he didnt even stick his arm out to attempt a tackle. He's really taking care of his 40 year old body, isnt he? Hopefully if they get to the playoffs Brett will be more willing to put his body into harm's way.

Anyway, I know you didnt like people posting pics of the Bears -Steelers game. The only reason I did so was because this thread said: "Post your pics..." so I and some others posted pics of a very big victory for the Bears. A win over the defending Super Bowl champs made us think the Bears had arrived; after the last two games that's looking premature...
Oh well, I'm still enjoying the season and enjoying all the good football being played across the league.


Color me gone
I believe it's the yanks year don't get me wrong the phils have a AL line up but the big difference in this series will be the best closer of all time, the one and only:


GO YANKS!!!!!!!!!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Kalas is the Phillies longtime radio voice who passed away earlier this year. That would be a nice story if the Phillies repeated. At least he got to see them win one last year.

The Sandman will go down as the greatest closer of all time but he's not untouchable. I was shocked when he let the Diamondbacks win a Series. But he's been automatic even at the tail end of his career. Who has been more valuable to the Yankees organization, Rivera or Jeter? I'd say they're equal.

Should be an epic matchup.

heavy dank nugg

I think the Phillies are one of baseball's feel good stories. They've brought pride to a sports crazed city that hadn't had a champion in a while. And the way they're rolling, they could very well repeat against the Yanks, who are playing some inspired baseball of their own...

HDN: Hey it's all love, man. I don't really get the whole "I pick one team to hate every year" but whatever, if that's your thing... i may not agree with what you say but i will defend your right to say it.
I just hope that you wont derive more pleasure from a Bears loss than you do from a Steelers victory. Cause that would be perverse imo. Life should be filled with love not hate. You should be posting pics of the Steelers win - Lamarr Woodley huffing and puffing for a TD. BTW, it looked like Brett Favre could have just reached out and grabbed Woodley but he didnt even stick his arm out to attempt a tackle. He's really taking care of his 40 year old body, isnt he? Hopefully if they get to the playoffs Brett will be more willing to put his body into harm's way.

Anyway, I know you didnt like people posting pics of the Bears -Steelers game. The only reason I did so was because this thread said: "Post your pics..." so I and some others posted pics of a very big victory for the Bears. A win over the defending Super Bowl champs made us think the Bears had arrived; after the last two games that's looking premature...
Oh well, I'm still enjoying the season and enjoying all the good football being played across the league.

i see your points.and agree love is the way....never will i feel better about a bears loss than a steeler win...And the pics would have been all stee3lers but the game was allready over when i got the idea...i was watching the bengals.the reason i choose a team to root against is simple...i get tired of hearing about them....the pats the last few years Tenn last year, this year it was the bears getting all the love for a min.after they beat us.....
The steelers are every year underestimated, big ben still gets no respect.just once id like to see sports center concentrate on the steelers...but they arent sexy enough.anyway be well. and go yankees.


Color me gone

I have to strongly disagree with your post, Big Mo did not let the Dbacks "win the series" we all know that Brosius should have gone 3rd to 1st for the double play and it's not exactly like Luis Gonazales hit a rip into the gap, a little weak fly ball between ss and 2nd if I remember, if the infield wasn't in jeter would've had a chance. It got the job done yes, but I don't think you can say big Mo handed them that world series.

I do believe Big Mo is untouchable when it comes to the post season even at his current age. If you looks at his post season numbers they're incredible and at a position so little pitchers can succeed at; and o yeah i forgot to mention all with just 1 PITCH!!!!!!!!!!!! (THE CUTTER).

Styles P

Hey Styles P,

I would be more worried about your team and that closer you got than CC.


oh our team which is great defensively and offensively. oh and our closer who didnt blow a save all last year and has been lights out this postseason. im not worried about a damn thing the pieces seem to fall in place for us.


Color me gone
Oh, i forgot since he was perfect last year that means we forget the awful year he had this year and how he almost wasn't even the closer this postseason.

Our line ups match up equally offensively, You have an advantage on defense in the outfield, and be have an advantage on defense in the infield. Starting pitching is equal, our bullpen is better, and we obviously have the better closer.

All I know it's going to be one hell of a series with nice players and big sluggers, should be some great baseball!

Styles P

all im saying is even tho he blew like 11 saves he also had 35 this year. and the post season is a fresh start for him he has confidence and his slider is looking like it did last year. best of luck to the your team tho. this is a well deserved world series in my family. my moms side is yankees fans from ny and dads side is phillies fans. there are gonna be alot of long balls in this both parks are very hitter friendly.

heavy dank nugg

im with gr8shoe i thought it was a football thread....but im a yankee fan too..jus dont really care about baseball once september comes around yankees allready got 26 world championships......so i dont even care if they loose.


Howzit football fans..?? I hope this thread dont get throw and mixed with another one.. But this thread is for repping your NFL team start by adding your logo or pic of your favorite player.. I would like to discuss football and games that have been played or about to be played.. Lets talk predictions, wins & losses, As well as injuries and the whole ball of wax.. Basically lets talk about anything that has to do with football... College ball can be included as well.. Ok that being said lets please not dog people for their teams friendly taunting is ok, Lets not be mean or rude and name call please lets be civil and have fun.. Thanx for posting... peace..

Well i am a RAIDERS fan.. We beat one of our division and a big rival teams the chiefs today 13-10 i am happy as a clown, i didnt think we would win a game for a bit since we have sucked for a long ass time.. Bu,t i must say by almost beating the chargers i did get some hope.. lol.

Anyhow lots of surprises this week in football and what i would call some upsets.. jets beating the patriots 16-9 and only holding them to 9 pts... Mark sanchez nice pickup for the jets.. Bengals beating the packers 31-24... bears beating the steelers 17-14 and the saints beating the eagles 48-22 wowzerZ it is going to be an interesting season.. Good luck to everyone...



Darren Mcfadden

1st post.....btw.... anyone heard from sack?