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Renting a house?


my nearest neighbor was over a mile away...lol

Perfect situation.. :tiphat:

Well, I know I've learned a thing or two. :)

Who hasn't!?!
This thread has been a HUGE wealth of information.

:thank you:

Let's assume you find a absentee landlord you never see and a perfect rental house. You do all the right things and no one knows a thing.

Now you have to keep an eye on your landlord i.e, making sure he pays his mortgage, taxes on the house, and homeowner association fees, insurances, his last utility bills lawn care, and any and all other financial obligations on the house.

Especially if he defaults on his mortgage, in 90 days or so you could have the local law show up with am immediate evicxtion notice. Like, NOW.

This is by far your WORST case scenario. The local law showing up without notice and with a evict now decree.

Solution? Watch the foreclosures in public notices, get a foreclosure notice website and pay them to hunt preforeclosures (Lis Pendens Notice), tax liens, workmen's liens, etc and notify you by email.

Remember, 1 in 5 homes is or will be foreclosed. Of those, 1 in 5 will be people who can easily pay their household expenses but refuse to do so. A wealthy landlord iis no guarantee of continued ownership.

Hmm that sounds like good backup for sure! I'd definetrly be worried about a shitty landlord. That why a PMC could be better possibly.

Where did those stats come from btw?
Thanks for stoppin through!

Listen to this!!!

A friend of mine recently bought a trailer for 3000 dollars, in canada. I went looking and in the many trailer parks around here there were dozens of trailers for $8000 or less.

Think about that. A house is going to cost you at least $800 a month, so that is only 10 months rent, and a trailer of $3200 is only 4 months rent.

Granted, if you live in a park you have to pay lot fees, like $200 a month, but the good thing about it all is that when you are done you can either sell it or rent it out to pay you lot rent and make a few bucks. Worst case sell it for scrap or tear it down. In a year you will easily make the money you invested.

Edit - I forgot to mention that those big rental companies usually have inspections at least once a year if not twice, to check out fire alarms, sprinklers, etc. The trailer is the way to go, and the best thing is to look for one on it's own land so you don't have to pay lot rent.

I already thought of this actually :dance013:
Heres my thread on it..
It didn't get much love though, and I kind of decided against living in a trailer park. This is due to crime, and lots of late night police calls into trailer parks.. I'd be scared shitless haha

I think it MAY work alot better if I had this trailer on my own private property though.

How big was the one your buddy bought?
How many lights?
How many amp panels did he get?

Are the right of owning a trailer/mobile home the same as the rights for a house?
If so this could be a VERY good option.
That's what I'm lookin for.. RIGHTS.

The rental companies will give you notice if they are coming. If you can't afford to chop a round early you need to rethink your plan. And how much can you feasibly do in a trailer. My grow room is bigger than a trailer(I don't use it all). I don't know how you could grow any substantial amount in a trailer?

Check out his post :D These things are pretty damn big.. If you could gut one but make it look good from the outside it could be one HUGE growroom! I'd rather have a living room though as cover at the entrance. Then back rooms for the grow.

The companies only need to give 24 hours notice around here, and in fact the law enforcement have been cheating by bringing in the fire inspectors and doing inspections on the spot, with no warning. Now I have read an article that said some judge ruled this was wrong and they couldnt do it it, but it did not stop the BC police from doing it for the past 5 years or so.

Anyways when I say trailer I don't mean something like this:

I mean something that is 15+ feet wide and 40+ feet long, I guess mobile home is the more accurate term:

If you can't get any kind of quantity from that, well i think you're doing it wrong, or you grow soooo big, well wanna be my friend? :dance013::dance013::dance013: . You could easily light that up with 10K in lights.


Yea, you could EASILY grow alot with that square footage.. What does the electricity look like though? Think you could really do 10k in lights + extra equipment?
I'd like to run 6-8k most likely.

I like the trailer idea

Me too :D If it's on my own property.. or possibly in an ederly or very nice trailer park? They do exist right? :)

Any scenario is risky and it gets deeper if your not around, You must factor in the risk and the rewards & think which is greater your Freedom or line your pockets with cash.

It's true.. There is definitely alot of risk here. I think I can minimize it alot though, I feel that growing is as safe as buying large amounts of weed to sell or even smoke.. As long as you are very cautious.


absolutely, yes. (unless it is traveling down the road at the moment)

Hmm this may be a very good option for a grower on a budget :tiphat:

Anyone else got input?
Do you have anything "legal" to back up that it does have the same rights? I'll probably have to check it out with an attorney.

what the

Yeah, you can check the Constitution.

Roads are different, because it is public space. A trailer is the same thing as a house when it is sitting on your land. It doesn't matter if your house was built in a factory and rolled there, or the materials were rolled there and built on site. They can't search your car on your property either without a warrant. It's the private property, not what's sitting on it. Renting property gives you those same rights minus the entry provisions you give your landlord in the lease. Those do not apply to the police, and the landlord cannot let the police in without a warrant.
I can't imagine there is any right of entry in a trailer park for the landlord as you are only renting the patch of ground. They have no legitimate reason to enter your trailer.


Thanks what the!

That's what I'm worried about though.. Renting the land. Doesn't that take away rights? Or am I just renting my access into the park?

Anyone got any advice on this?

what the

Renting is almost the same as owning in terms of your rights. Your landlord needs a good reason to enter your unit or even be on your land if you're renting land with or without something on it. You are paying the landlord for you to have all the rights of ownership. The lease spells out the limitations, but those do not apply to law enforcement. They still need a warrant.

Most people think of renting means some lesser rights to privacy. It does not. The only difference is that the landlord can enter in case of emergency (say to shut off the water if he sees a flood from outside) or after he has given proper notice (usually 24 hours) with good cause. A yearly inspection to verify you are maintaining the property per the lease provisions is typically allowed, but rarely done in practice if there is no reason for concern. AKA, keep your shit clean and pay your rent on time. Landlords don't want to do anything except pick up checks, everything else is an expense. If you don't give them reason for concern they won't be concerned.

Another good tip, find a landlord who you don't think would call the police, only ask you to leave and forfeit your deposit. Remember getting the police involved is more hassle and more expense. Many people will just want you to go away. (and then miss the steady income and no hassle)

True story. I once had a hooker as a tenant. She paid in stacks of $20's (I later asked her to get money orders, didn't want to get robbed on my way out!) I kinda knew what she was doing, but she kept everything clean and paid on time every month like clockwork. What she does is her business. She later disappeared (she was fine, just took off for some reason not to be heard form for 6 months, who knows why) and I had to empty the unit of her stuff. It became very clear what she was doing. I don't care. The stuff went in boxes and I rented to unit to someone else. Way too much hassle for me to get involved for no gain, only lost time.

As in any endeavor it's a good idea to try to think through the lens of who you're dealing with and what their motives are. Landlords don't want to catch you, they're not really looking for you. They want to collect rents.
Originally Posted by Sheep In Shoes

Remember, 1 in 5 homes is or will be foreclosed. Of those, 1 in 5 will be people who can easily pay their household expenses but refuse to do so. A wealthy landlord iis no guarantee of continued ownership.

Hmm that sounds like good backup for sure! I'd definetrly be worried about a shitty landlord. That why a PMC could be better possibly.

Where did those stats come from btw?

National Association of Realtors and the Mortgage Banking Association.
Get a fake id . my last landlord didnt even ask for ID, hell i didnt ever even meet the guy. it is worth your while to find a good setup like that. id never rent a property for an illegal grow in my name. if u cant source a fake ID how do u intend to make connects to move product?

$10k aint much and equipment will take up a big chunk of that. why don't you live in the same house you are growing in and when u make some cash u can think about a second place? its not like not being there if u get busted when everythings in ur name will help that much.

please don't fuck up the house. its a big heat draw for growers when people want to make a quick buck and dont keep things clean. patch and repair all holes, dont leave tape shit and staple holes when you leave, etc. plus its just rude wrecking someones property.

what the

Get a fake id . my last landlord didnt even ask for ID, hell i didnt ever even meet the guy. it is worth your while to find a good setup like that. id never rent a property for an illegal grow in my name.
Thought about this. What's the difference? If you're busted, you're busted no matter what name is on the lease. It's not like you'll go there one day and it will be gone. They will be waiting for you. Why add the extra layer of risk involved with someone checking that ID with a screening company?

I guess I don't see the point.

what the

It's really easy to setup a wireless camera that sends you a text when it senses motion. Then you can check the on-line feed to see if it's rippers, cops or a false alarm. You just have to be ten steps ahead all the way around the track.

Now that makes sense.

Do you have any recommendations for these systems?


New member
Now that makes sense.

Do you have any recommendations for these systems?

check out the sms alarm

Product DescriptionThe SMS Alarm keeps you silently informed by sending an SMS text alert to up to four different telephone numbers should one or more of your detectors be activated.The SMS Alarm will notify you instantly upon activation of a
detector(s) and also which detector(s) have been activated. This kit includes the SMS Alarm, a door open /window open detector and motion detector. Smoke detector and water detector are available separately
Thought about this. What's the difference? If you're busted, you're busted no matter what name is on the lease. It's not like you'll go there one day and it will be gone. They will be waiting for you. Why add the extra layer of risk involved with someone checking that ID with a screening company?

I guess I don't see the point.

That's b/c there isn't one. :)

With a fake ID, you now have potentially committed several other felonies.

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