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Best ways to dry weed

Alright, I know I could have googled and it would be wayyyy faster but I really like this community and trust you guys so...

You methods with quick or extensive explanations.

Also, gratz to me, just came from 11 days of vacation and my buds are HUGE! Just cut one to try it out so that's the other reason why I'm writing this post. (Mind that it's my first time growing, providing pics later :) )

edit: hmmm think I'm not providing pics soon, my phone camera sucks :|

daddy fingaz

Active member
no problem with askin this question but you would be better to post it in the 'Harvesting and processing' forum which is a subforum of the growers forum above!!:joint:
no problem with askin this question but you would be better to post it in the 'Harvesting and processing' forum which is a subforum of the growers forum above!!:joint:

Post was moved, thank you for moving it and also sorry, I didnt knew this sub-forum existed, I usually hang around the 'Tokers Den', 'MMJ Corner' and the 'Cannabis Laws & Legislation'. :joint:
Just hang it under your light nearish to the bulb. If you have a T5, you can leave it almost touching the bulb for a few hours and it should be done.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Oh the Humanity! Don't flash dry a HUGE bud! Let the popcorn satisfy your immediate urges. The HUGE buds should be slow dried, if not stuck in jars for 6 months.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, bud should take about a week to dry, light, heat and oxygen degrade THC. 60-70*F and 50% humidity are the best.


Hang your buds upside down in a cool, dry, dark place for a few days, or until the stems "snap" when you bend them. Then transfer to jars, opening the jars once or twice a day for 15 minutes or so during the first week. After the first week in jars, you should be able to let them go several days before "burping" them and releasing the moisture. After the second week, they should be good to go to continue to cure without needing to be burped, at least in my experience. For optimal smoke, let the buds cure a minimum of four weeks in the jar.
Hopefully you ignored everyone but me and are getting high off it now. You can save the slow drying and curing for the rest of the crop...


Hopefully you ignored everyone but me and are getting high off it now. You can save the slow drying and curing for the rest of the crop...

No, if he really wanted a quick and shitty way to dry a bud, he'd use a blow dryer. It'll be done in minutes, rather than hours.
Unless he has a wall mounted dryer, that's too much effort, but good suggestion otherwise.
Whatever degradation takes place in a quick T5 dry is so slight that nobody has ever noticed it, so snobbery aside, I think you're safe with whatever you want to do with that 'sample' you cut. Put it under a big magnifying glass in the hot sun... :)
WOW, thanks for all the replies, they made my day (again)!
I'm doing the slower way, thank you again for all the replies, especially digital who made it really clear to me in 4 simple lines :)