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Remote Neural Monitoring - NOBODY is safe

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I tried to explain a little more in depth about what types of systems are currently in place.

The most disturbing is something called "Remote Neural Monitoring," or RNM for short. Basically, in the 60's and 70's NSA and CIA developed technology that encompassed work with the human brain, radiation, electronic frequencies and satellites.

They figured out that every human has a distinct bio-electric field. Using satellites, they can locate that person by their bio-electric field via satellite. They can monitor them 24/7.

What's really scary is Remote Neural Monitoring gives them the ability to actually "get in your head" - the brain uses certain frequencies, and the satellites and other equipment use those same frequencies. They can also use something called "skull-to-brain communication," which was initially used as the clandestine services new communication system - RNM and skull-to-brain allows them to talk directly to you, hear your thoughts, and since the're remotely hooked right up to your brain and CNS, they can SEE WHAT YOU SEE. So no wires to conceal and be caught spying with.
The technology, like I said, came out in the 70's, and by now many criminal organizations and foreign intelligence services have access to the technology.
Forget turning your phone off and living off the grid, if you are targeted for some reason, they have access to your brain/CNS at any time, and can record you speaking, what you hear, and what you see.
In most cases it is either a criminal organization or foreign intelligence service doing the work.
Case in point - just a few hours earlier I walked to the park. Within seconds a police car drove over the grass and to my location. I left before they could get out. Other times people have been busted just minutes after I've left them (many times this has happened), or the police will drive past me just as I leave the house or while I'm standing somewhere. Usually this is because local police and fire etc. are involved in the stalking/harassment.
It's pretty fucked up.
I'm almost certain this all began because I wouldn't marry an ugly woman. Here's some of the gang stalking tactics they use on me (In addition to the police and remote neural monitoring bullshit) -
convoys of cars going past my house or me while I'm out on foot
cars revving their engines or blasting music as they pass my house
"direct conversation" - total strangers talking about my personal business as I walk past them
"color harassment" - members of the stalking group wearing a certain color - in my case they wear teal/aquagreen.
They stalk/follow/harass me 24/7. I really couldn't give a fuck, I just get high and live my life.
I'm positive it's not "big brother," but actually a criminal organization.

Do your research people.


Active member
I read about and watched some discovery channel programs about the militaries remote reading programs in the early 90s , Was pretty intresting stuff . They were making some far fetched but possible claims .


Active member


Active member
what are you smokin? did you hit your head when you jumped out that plane? according to the old lady i have no brain to scan anyhow.


ICMag Donor
I'm afraid to post in this thread...when DB reads it, "they" will see my handle, via his eyes and think me a cohort..

gilbert.grape ;)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

okay, 107 posts and so maybe the internet is new to you, beware of nigerian scammers and other mass neural bullshit spectrometer theories; oh yeah! and that's really her picture.......




Game Bred
hey now dont blame the doses...
ive eaten more doses than any human being ever should and this aint a result!