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Remote Neural Monitoring - NOBODY is safe


Game Bred
maybe he is the uggo?
maybe this rich,hot piece of tail had him nurowhatsited to think she was an uggo to get rid of his troglodite ass?


Active member
hey now dont blame the doses...
ive eaten more doses than any human being ever should and this aint a result!

Doses, lol, this guy is fucking nuts
ever get thumbprinted by the Fam, I don't think you have, maybe you'd understand, eat more than 2 vials, split some gramage.
I don't doubt you, but you can't match what I've done. since 76, on the road with the Fam. fluff bro.
just saying every head is dif.
his got fucked

the wrecking crew

Also, this post was created with the intent to let people know this is going on, not to ask for help or vent. It's happening to more and more people. Most victims don't realize they're the target of gang stalking until years after it has already started.
If anyone is interested on the subject, just google -
gang stalking
remote neural monitoring

There is a vast amount of data out there on the web about it, and oddly, most victims all have the SAME exact stories. Apparently the tactics the gangstalkers use have been passed down from the FBI's "COINTELPRO." This shit is actually going on.
Do I care? As long as I have weed, no.

and those who don't believe...fucking BS

Reptilians for sure.


Game Bred
his got fucked from birth....

if what you say is true(and i have no doubt)you probably know a spunion or two...
this cat is displaying classic signs of schizophrenia.
i've had my share of the fluff.
to get any further into it would be a TOU breach and a teenage pissing match.
sufice it to say this kids problem aint with the doses.
but lets ask?

hey DB how much LSD have ya eaten?


Kiss My Ring
cannabis induced neuropathy.
blame the NSA and CIA for turning your car into the oneway street...
flashback! not fricken LSD!
insanity manifests...

be cool.

Space Toker

Active member
Damn! At first, I was totally into this, thinking you nailed something right on the head. After all, I am the one who started the "anti-surveillance" thread and talked about/theorized about many of the same things.

And lately, there seems to be an increase in air activity when there had been a long lull, and these high/low activity periods seem to coincide with certain personal events. Cars seem to frequently go up the road very slowly, sit and rev the engines, and if I go try to see what's up they go just out of sight only to come back and start harassing again as soon as I am back in the house. so at first, I thought you were on to something.

The further I read and read, the more I realized either this is a gag thread or I finally found someone more paranoid than me! It made me realize that either I am way too paranoid and do not want to get as bad as you, or even if something is going on there is nothing I can do so either way I should just chill out and not let anything bother me! Thanks for the cold water to the face man!


Well-known member
By the sounds of it Lucy is surely innocent. Db, one man to another, seek professional assistance before your paranoia symptoms intensify and something unfortunate happens. No judgement, just my 2c, and I do actually know a little about human psychology. Seriously, all the best, hope things work themselves out. Over and out
LOL The dream police. Did you dose while listening to Cheap Trick.

If it's true you and Hydro-Soil have nothing to worry about. You can't squeeze blood from a turnip.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
EMF Brain stimulation works by sending a completely coded and pulsed
electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brains' neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-states and affect motor control.

Two-way electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural
audiovisual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex
(bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex
(bypassing the optic nerves and eyes). The images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain.

Two-way electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote neural monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in that specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz. to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band.

An example of EMF Brain Stimulation

Brain Area

Motor Control Cortex

Auditory Cortex

Visual Cortex

Somatosensory Cortex

Thought Center

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency

10 Hz

15 Hz

25 Hz

9 Hz

20 Hz

Information Induced Through Modulation

Motor impulse coordination

Sound which bypasses the ears

Images in the brain bypassing the eyes

Phantom touch sense

Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible.

goddamn reptilians!

and finally someone actually looks into it. Thanks Dag! Scary shit, huh?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Damn! At first, I was totally into this, thinking you nailed something right on the head. After all, I am the one who started the "anti-surveillance" thread and talked about/theorized about many of the same things.

And lately, there seems to be an increase in air activity when there had been a long lull, and these high/low activity periods seem to coincide with certain personal events. Cars seem to frequently go up the road very slowly, sit and rev the engines, and if I go try to see what's up they go just out of sight only to come back and start harassing again as soon as I am back in the house. so at first, I thought you were on to something.

The further I read and read, the more I realized either this is a gag thread or I finally found someone more paranoid than me! It made me realize that either I am way too paranoid and do not want to get as bad as you, or even if something is going on there is nothing I can do so either way I should just chill out and not let anything bother me! Thanks for the cold water to the face man!
no worries man! As dagnabit posted, there is information out there on the subject and it has been happening to Americans for DECADES. People have actually filed court claims against NSA because of this.
Either believe it or don't believe it, it's up to you. The fact remains, NSA and organized crime does and can identify and access any human from satellite technology and use RNM at a whim.
This is probably something people on here don't want to know even exists...you can see how much of a storm was created. Seems like only 1 or 2 people actually Googled this stuff, the rest panicked and shouted "crazy." That's a pretty good idea of how all Americans would deal with this technology - "oh it doesn't exist," "oh he's crazy."
Not trying to PROVE anything, just letting you people know how it is. Use the information as you like.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
By the sounds of it Lucy is surely innocent. Db, one man to another, seek professional assistance before your paranoia symptoms intensify and something unfortunate happens. No judgement, just my 2c, and I do actually know a little about human psychology. Seriously, all the best, hope things work themselves out. Over and out

hi Milde - well if you know psychology, you understand how the human brain works - that it is in fact bio-electric and responds to and can be manipulated by certain frequencies.
The US government as well as foreign intelligence services have been cashing in on this fact for DECADES

I bet some people here think MK-ULTRA never really happened either. The technology I'm talking about is what MK-ULTRA led to.


Active member
Dear Mr T, what did you do to me?
Ketamine Kids, same symptoms from to much K, X, Deems, and L
it will cause the short circuit.
anybody go to the latest Acid Tests that have been going on,
so many get stuck in the Loop, try to run, tossed back into the frying pan.
ever go back and forth in time see your current moment, rewind, fast forward.
it's like the matrix, stuck in a box.
the crystal cathedral, elves, living zombie skeletons, total utter destruction of the world around us, we live in a dream.
Yet our Cannabis keeps us alert, awake, and Alive to fight this madness all at the same time.
In Sedona AZ, I know several Vietnam Vets that talk about this shit, except deeper.
I still believe it's an Alien technology, not outer space green men, but real Cthulhu type squids. They've been here for millennium, just outside the realm of this physical octave we exist within.
to much to comprehend atm...
When I went to the Amazon for my Ayahuasca healing, they believe in this shit. There I saw this stuff first hand
There's a hunger to devour the Souls of Light.
I've seen the home of the true Emperor in the Peruvian Jungle in Iquitos
I fought the dark ones and beat them. I wait night and day for them, but it's alla fucking fantasy to deceive the Children of Light
I'm a fucking nut
no MKUltra is real and is still going on to this day

my wife kids, cannabis, magic keeps me sane now, not Magick.
peace kiddies
back to my Family, cannabis, deck of cards, stack of coins, and guitar

Reptilians dude it's the Reps
why do you think they call themselves Republicans


Active member
only problem with your being RNM is you don't say you are or when you were implanted.
I've studied this shit for years
how much special K have you done?
maybe you should post links backing up your hypothesis's
I don't dis believe.
ever notice how it gets crazier on the night of the full moon


LOL..this thread is damn funny.I gotta agree man,if Im ever important enoguh,that the damn CIA is reading my damn mind,Ill throw myself a huge party and invite the bastards over lol.Mighth as well,if theyr in my head,we mighth as well be pals haha.

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