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Relief of Anxiety and Depression


I'm going to order some slow digesting Casein protein and DL-Phenylalanine in a few, I must find a reliable brand and experiment !


Even the highest quality Casein tastes like absolute shit and is hard to get down, so if you are one of those people who have picky pallets, I'd suggest Max Muscles "High 5". Its a great tasting complete protein supplement that has slow and fast acting ingredients(and has all of the essential aminos and some not so essential ones).


Active member
Interesting stuff guys !

I've also read Ashwaganda and Rhodelia are very nice for lifting the mood. There's also Sam-e, St. John's Wort, L-Tryptophan, Glutamine, Alpha GPC, etc..

I just bought Gold Standard 100% Casein protein and it's actually pretty good. Its high quality mi-cellular casein, creamy vanilla and cookies and cream I bought.

Just went to Vitamin Shoppe (they have everything btw) bought DLPA (DL-Phenylalanine) took it before a workout I feel awesome ! The D part prevents the breakdown of endorphins and has pain relieving properties, the L part increases dopamine, nor-epinephrine, and epinephrine levels.

So, currently taking the following daily:

L-Theanine (200mg, Suntheanine brand)
DL-Phenylalanine (500 mg)
5-Htp (200mg time release)
Picamilon (100-200mg)

Levels of Serotonin, Dopamine, Nor-epinephrine, and Epinephrine have been raised.

Also taking Fish Oils, a multivitamin every-other day, drinking plenty of water, exercising, sleeping adequately, just got a new job as well!

I feel like a different person I must say :jump:

These compounds are natural and much safer than traditional pharmaceuticals. I will continue to experiment and tweak dosages.


heady blunts

prescription blunts
i've been having really good luck with taking a very small amount of hash oil orally every 4 hours. i just dip a toothpick in the oil about a 1/4", and wipe it on my tongue.

if i do this once i don't get high but it effectively medicates me for 3-4 hours. if i do it twice i do get a little stoney :D


"Endorphins ("endogenous morphine") are endogenous opioid peptides that function as neurotransmitters.[1] They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise,[2] excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm,[3][4] and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being."

I'm so high from my workout right now, I feel like I railed a 15mg oxy.


Active member
No doubt Afghan Dream out of one of the seedbanks in Canada just cant remember them now I suffer from both ailments and that plant worked wonders for me, hope that helps...ndn


Active member
Valerian is high in GABA-A

I can not take anything that hammers the GABA receptors(other than booze). It makes me very moody and aggressive.

There are some nice plants out there for this.

Mulungu(especially the 90% extract. look it up, very cheap) is very nice for anxiety relief and its the closest thing to a 'benzo' I have tried in natural form that works without the shit side effects. Mulungu 90%. Excellent.

Albizia julibrissin(Silk Mimosa tree. all over usa) is nice for anxiety also. And has no strong psychoactive effects otherwise.

Some folks swear by Kanna(Sceletium tortuosum), its a natural SSRI although never did much for me.

Salvia miltiorrhiza also. And of course Magnolia's. Which are in just about every parking lot in USA it seems. LOTS of medicinal uses with that one, try HONOKIOL. Its extracted from Magnolia grandifloris and is quite nice. I would say 2nd closest natural feel to the evil synthetic benzo's.

See also: Withania somnifera, Rhodiola rosea, cacao 25x(specifically 25x) is a GREAT pick me up coffee replacement and has wonderful social lubricant qualities.

Mulungu huh ? I'm going to look into that more Any studies on it ?

i've been having really good luck with taking a very small amount of hash oil orally every 4 hours. i just dip a toothpick in the oil about a 1/4", and wipe it on my tongue.

if i do this once i don't get high but it effectively medicates me for 3-4 hours. if i do it twice i do get a little stoney :D

Dude, that would be awesome to take at work.

"Endorphins ("endogenous morphine") are endogenous opioid peptides that function as neurotransmitters.[1] They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise,[2] excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm,[3][4] and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being."

I'm so high from my workout right now, I feel like I railed a 15mg oxy.

That is awesome...


Look into SSRE's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSRE), of course not approved by the FDA as they are not addictive or damaging as SSRI's. Really good for anxiety/depression and can be imported legally through the internet. Does not have the "emotional blunting" effect I experienced with Lexapro. There is one in particular I had success with before realizing that emotional intelligence would not come in pill form.... Can't seem to remember the name at the moment only that it was an SSRE and not an SSRI.

EDIT: HA, it was right on that first link I posted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianeptine, a fucking wonderful antidepressant/anxylotic medication. Rave reviews from satisfied customers all over Europe.
I use cannabis in smaller doses for treating anxiety, I aim to get more CBD's and CBN's than THC, because they are better for this. Dried shade leaf tea does it well for me.
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I was prescribed anti-depressants while being treated by at least one pain Dr. didn't take them very long, couldn't stand side effects, pain Dr. said they are preferred, instead of opiates for pain, Bullshit!
I wold try & stick to Indica's instead of anti-depressants!
I would get off anti-depressants myself also if I was you! Don't worry about the things you can't change & change the things you can!:plant grow:


". . . before realizing that emotional intelligence would not come in pill form . . ."
Heh, the shrink told me to grow up--so I took a bunch of his pills.


OK so i usually believe the stuff people say on cannabis forums rather than other forums because people on here have the balls to talk about the truth and not twist it and generally fuck around...

I do need to get off the lexapro its doing me no favours. i can't even hold down a job at the moment because of sleeping during the day and sitting up all night. being alone all night is making me over think things again which was a fundamental factor in my anxiety/depression...

I'm going to have a look see if those 3 suppliments are affordable (i get my lexapro for free!!!! :chin:)

I'm new to this self medicating stuff it was only a year ago i even admited i was depressed after i started going grey loooool

Ghetto - taper off, and self medicate. I have been on Effexor, came off it for 2 years, and then had a major anxiety relapse. I am now taking two other meds, one is Clonazepan and the other is an SSRI. I see a psych once every three months, all he wants to do is write a prescription. I on the same path and struggle brother, went from being an executive to unemployed for the past year. I talked to my doc about sativas and he said "don't even ask me, I won't sign anything"... so I'm moving down my own path slowly.


Now in technicolor
Why'd you get off SSRIs?

Kratom, poppy tea, coca tea, and fruit help. With the exception of the latter, you can't use these daily else a tolerance develops.

For me, tripping every 1-2 months leaves me with a positive afterglow. I haven't tried ketamine yet but it sounds interesting for this purpose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketamine#Experimental_antidepressant_use

as well as MMAI. This one is an RC by Dr. David Nichols:
MMAI has been shown to relieve stress-induced depression in rats more robustly than sertraline,[5] and as a result it has been suggested that SSRAs like MMAI and 4-MTA could be developed as novel antidepressants with a faster onset of therapeutic action and superior efficacy to current antidepressants such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Additionally it may relive symptoms for up to one year, or an entire lifetime of the user

There's a russian non-benzo anxiolytic med called Afobazol that looks interesting.

I have not found anything as effective as an SSRI with a stimulant or an SNRI.

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