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Relationship lasted for 2 years


Active member
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?

When I told this girl I would be will her forever and I had feelings that it was going to be forever, now after this promise of love forever and me feeling she was the one, how will I ever know?


If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

I dated a girl pretty much through the majority of highschool, and it ended horribly. It dragged out forever and when she finally left for college, I had never felt so relieved. I felt like me and her were supposed to be together, but as time goes on, you realize that things do change and lifes ok. I know it is probably pretty hard right now, and it sounds like you've got a pretty bumpy road ahead of you, but just hang in there and get through it.

One thing that I guess in a weird, twisted way that made me feel better was that the fact she left me. She came back a couple months later and wanted to try it out again and I realized that she just wasn't worth it anymore. Just give it time my friend!


Well-known member
Time. You have to know a person for a very long time before you really find out what they're made of. Some folks fall in love and then out of love within a few months or a few years. This is the natural patern for them. Others fall in love and continue to love for a very long time, and this is natural for them.

Just be glad you didn't marry her and have kids only to find out that she had stopped loving you but was stuck and couldn't leave. :joint:

Better luck next time.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear that man!

Orangecrush is completely right - situations like this need some time.

That said, who knows, perhaps she will in fact be the unrequited love of your life. Either way, you will have to move on.

Take some time to focus on yourself now, reassess the future and what it holds for you.

..and don't forget to cuddle up with the lady who will always be by your side - mary jane!


stone fool
Count your blessings, you are free of the oppressive witch. Get a dog, they are sooooo much better than living with a woman.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Haps said:
Count your blessings, you are free of the oppressive witch. Get a dog, they are sooooo much better than living with a woman.



devilgoob said:
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?

When I told this girl I would be will her forever and I had feelings that it was going to be forever, now after this promise of love forever and me feeling she was the one, how will I ever know?

I am in sort of a similar boat, yet I moved about 1300 miles too be with my ex, and we were together for almost 3 years, and she cheated on me :(, while she wasnt smoking hot, she was fucking awesome to hang out with. She didn't smoke, but loved to party and didnt mind me smokin...

That was over 3 months ago now, and I am still depressed as fuck sometimes, but every day it gets better and better...as for your question, i have no clue, as i had very similar feelings towards my ex. Good luck and stay strong, pm me if u want too...

Haps said:
Count your blessings, you are free of the oppressive witch. Get a dog, they are sooooo much better than living with a woman.

Depending on the breed, I am going to have to side with you on this, some are cool, mostly the ones that smoke, but others just suck and are dirty cheating whores. (this statement could probably apply to both dogs and females)

I'm not bitter, really i am not.

off to make a gin and juice :) Bombay is fucking awesome.
and its Friday man, Enjoy the weekend!! I am runnin' scarcley low on green, but its Friday so is all good.
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lol. Harsh guys. Relationships can be tough, and understanding women can be downright impossible... I don't know what you tell you man, the end of a relationship can be rough. I hope she doesn't know about your grow.
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Man, its now your time to shine, be a boss player and crush bitches hearts hahaha.
It's like when you dont want to be in a relationship, its just comes, but if you want one it never goes right.


stoned agin ...
women are better at moving on than men, men hold onto it longer. but you find that tho its tough now you will find that with time it gets better and in a year you think to yourself shit, what was all that fuss about. you move on and do right by yourself and you never know you guys might hook up again but NEVER if you're the one doin the chasin, unless you're ready to take some lumps again, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
devilgoob said:
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?

When I told this girl I would be will her forever and I had feelings that it was going to be forever, now after this promise of love forever and me feeling she was the one, how will I ever know?

I'm going to guess you're age 25 or under. I mean no disrespect by that statement I merely want to make a point.

That point is, believe me she's out there. I guessed the age range of 18 to 25 simply because "I've been there ,done that". Its not an age thing though because people rationalize at different intervals. What one man experiences at 18 another won't until well into his 30s. (No puns related to other members here please.)

Loss defininately hurts man. And I know it sounds dumb as shit, but please keep an open mind to when I say "it will come when you stop looking for it". In other words, live for yourself. Its alright to understand compassion, empathy, and all that but take care of numero uno for right now. In this, you will gain a certain confidence that will intrigue a woman and really make her want to know YOU the person. When that time comes, understand that you must still take care of numero uno. She can't be trusted FULLY for quite a while. There are limited areas of trust you can bestow upon people. You can always trust that they will take care of themselves first. Selfish thought? Yeah but believe me, thinking this way is going to help you. Those reading that disagree may have had a charmed life, or dumb luck they can't see just yet and maybe never will. (That's not an insult peeps, please stay on topic.)

What I'm sayin..... the bare roots here, is take this time to crawl inside your mind and probe your own inner workings. Learn them, accept the ones you wish, change what you like. But BE YOUR SELF.... you know that old saying "To thyne own self be true?" I'm not a Christian but that saying works for many cultures. Live for yourself with the capacity to live for another, and sooner or later another will come asking you to live for them.

One last thing.... when they come asking you to live for them.... if they don't have the ability to live for themselves, teach them quickly. Or they're just a mooch. If they can live for themselves, they can live for you too.

In closing, maybe this girl hadn't lived for herself just yet, and didn't feel she had room yet to live for you. Maybe everything I'm saying here is archaic and flowing right out the window... but I really hope you get something from this. Smoke it up for numero uno and stay strong. Confidence will come and its a trait many women greatly desire in a man. Hope this helps.

get a lot of money treat your girl like shit and she will stay loyal and swallowing until someone with more money comes along and treats her more shitty than you did...they crazy like that lol...for real not some all of them..just kidding not all dont kill me girls peace


stoned agin ...
as a woman once told me, don't treat her like a queen unless she treats you like a king. i would add, or treats you like she was one of the king's many concubines skilled in the ways of worldly pleasures.


Active member
Haps said:
Count your blessings, you are free of the oppressive witch. Get a dog, they are sooooo much better than living with a woman.
Amen bro... i got 3 loves in my life 1 women and 2 boys... my women is marijuana and the boys are my two dogs... screw girlfriends


ha..i was with a sucubus for 20 years...sure it was all sunshine and lollipops for the first 10...but then she bought a gigantic black dildo...how am i to compete with that!?

so now i stay drunk and stoned by myself and hang out on icmag...
yeah man im living the good life..lol..:joint:


upgradeshafted said:
get a lot of money treat your girl like shit and she will stay loyal and swallowing until someone with more money comes along and treats her more shitty than you did...they crazy like that lol...for real not some all of them..just kidding not all dont kill me girls peace
:yeahthats Threat them like dirt and they will stick to you like mud, the only problem I have is I don't want a girlfriend or wife been there did that so its not hard for me to play my role, But yeah my ex took off when she found more money or maybe a bigger D..., but I am cool with that now it took about 6 months of me chasing her around making a complete idiot out of my self trying to get her to come back home and be a mom, then I just said fuck it, I'll just raise my kids the best I can, me and them both are better off with out her and I have been going strong over 3 years now. women come and they go I just don't let them stay over night lol, most women in my area are looking for somebody to take care of them and I have enough dependents, not trying to down women I suppose there are some good ones out there just none that I Know, washing cloths, cooking, cleaning I can do it. And I Don't have to here all the bitching. And I am in love with Mary :rasta:


Cannabrex Formulator
Haps said:
Count your blessings, you are free of the oppressive witch. Get a dog, they are sooooo much better than living with a woman.

I dunno.....having to smear my nutsack with peanut butter to get my companion to lick it would get dull after a while.

Not to mention the fact that it's real hard to find kinky lingerie for dogs........

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