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Relationship lasted for 2 years


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devilgoob said:
she left me and just said things changed.

Lot to be said for her being honest with you and herself. It's hard to come to terms with. I spent a long time blaming anyone and anything when my wife passed away. I'd gladly take a woman's honesty over a card being dealt from the bottom of the deck.
Time heals all.


guest2222999 said:
Jes Devilgob must be bummed out , he posted 9 days ago and he's not been back

Yea I understand his pains, if it wasnt for this strawberry cough and ak 47 i would probably be getting wasted via alcohol every night, not that i dont half the nights anyways...hell right now I am drinking a gin and gatorade, bombay biatches! And if i didnt have some little girls going, well actually i am pretty sure i killed the majority of them, but some still got a chance...then i'd be even more depressed.

very similar situation to his, but i moved a LONG ass way to be with this women...although we had an amazing 2 and 1/2 years, and I still see her as friend, she has moved on into another serious relationship already months ago right when we broke up...best part about the whole thing;

I got a cab going now :muahaha:

Second best part:
-still spending the night at her house sometimes, now use a condom if anything happens...in other news, I have learned over the past month that Durex ultra sensitive are the thinest/best condoms know to man kind...they are handsdown better than any other one I have tried, and i work somewhere that has tons for free....so i have tried alot :) I think this makes my breaking up with her 10x easier, or maybe it makes it worse, idk. At the time it sure is good though
although condoms suck
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stoned agin ...
gee king, i think you're livin kinda pimp now, getting the milk without having to feed the cow, even if it's all wrapped in a plastic bag :D


flubnutz said:
gee king, i think you're livin kinda pimp now, getting the milk without having to feed the cow, even if it's all wrapped in a plastic bag :D

Moving in together was the biggest mistake of my life... it was just too soon, I dont know if i would ever do it with another chic unless i was going to marry her....plus if you are living together and sharing bills/income etc like you are married, it practically is like being married... minus no court case to go to at the end.

Would I do it all over again? You betcha, like I said I had a hullva time and learned a lot. Would I do a few things differently? Of course, but I am actually starting to believe the statement "that which doesn't kill us can only make us stronger"

flub i wish... but she isn't stupid and is catching onto my ways, however I am starting to ignore her and I had totally forgot dating is just a fucking game, or rather it helps to think of it as one.


stoned agin ...
good it didn't make ya cynical ... remember if it's worth the ride its worth the fall :yes: .

i think shacking up with someone is a good thing, you know sometimes the small things can become big things, you ever have friends that were great but live with them and you wanna shoot them? :wave: same in a relationship, but only when youre pretty sure she isnt psyco (which can be interesting tho too) :rasta:

oh if you ignore her you don't be surprised if she doesn't want to fcuk you more too LOL :headbange


flubnutz said:
good it didn't make ya cynical ... remember if it's worth the ride its worth the fall :yes: .

i think shacking up with someone is a good thing, you know sometimes the small things can become big things, you ever have friends that were great but live with them and you wanna shoot them? :wave: same in a relationship, but only when youre pretty sure she isnt psyco (which can be interesting tho too) :rasta:

oh if you ignore her you don't be surprised if she doesn't want to fcuk you more too LOL :headbange

Dont get me wrong, the benefits of living together were certainly awesome, however I think as I had all the benefits of marriage without the commitment, it caused both of us to just give up like a year ago instead of trying to work our problems out...

I mean she makes nearly 2x as much money as I do, and I make a pretty decent wage for this area and no degree, but thats because its in the IT field :), However it was certainly nice like i said having all the benefits of marriage (I dont think i paid rent for the last year, i would pay most of the utilities, but she paid all the rent),

I forgot to mention I also got a ride out of the breakup :p. She bought it for me to use like a year ago and for us to use camping, and if i didn't have a car when we broke up i would of moved back home (where trouble awaits), so she gave it too me, even after i tried to refuse... :jump:

Every day just keeps getting better and better for me, even after i schorched a bunchs of little clones this past weekend :(... I still have some sad days, but most are good and the weather is getting really nice out finally.

I have always been cynical...haha so this couldnt really cause me to become any more soo...anyways i feel like i'm jackin this dudes thread, so I shall get outa here....hope your feeling better man, PM me if you want...as i have been there recently.


Active member
Thanks for the "durex ultrasensitive being the best" tip, thekingofNY.

Yes, and the dumb things like there are other fish in the sea, and you'll get over her.......those are all true.

The only way to protect myself from myself is not to fall in love I suppose. I was eager to kill myself and in the past I have wanted to do so, even when I was 6, I said to myself that I wanted to die. Philosophically, and in my own head, there is no point in life except to experience the "joys" of it. On an even more philosophical note, when I am dead I wont care.

I would lend myself to the fact that by smoking weed when in these times, it has reduced my suicidal thoughts and emotions to just a helpless wimper.

I've read 4 books over the past 12-14 days, and one of those books, I have to point out, dwarfed my helplessness, it was 1984. Basically the government silences anyone who disagrees with it's standings and it also brainwashed people. Sorry to those who haven't read it.

Another is "the Blank Slate," it defines people as being seemingly random happenings in the universe and this helps because it tells me that I was programmed to love, it's ingrained in my mind that I need another, and that I need emotional reciprocity. It describes humans in a more mechanical way, so I don't take the break-up so hard, I take it as a way of life, and an inevitable happening in the game of life.


stoned agin ...
king (btw great movie) i'm not gonna cry for you, a car too :yoinks: you will look back at this with fond memories ... better than divorce, custody battles and shit. check out somethin different next, kinda bo-ho weed smokin artsie type, you might like it :rasta:

devilgoob you gotta put away the kafka and brace up don't be talkin about that ... pick up "all the pretty horses" by cormac mccarthy, makes you think about the substance of a man, and in great language. philip roth, can he spin out a conversation ... fun, a great writer.

cmon you chumps :D its spring and da flowers are bloomin and pretty soon the clothes will be comin off :jump: do a situp or two, shave your back and get ready.


flubnutz said:
king (btw great movie) i'm not gonna cry for you, a car too :yoinks: you will look back at this with fond memories ... better than divorce, custody battles and shit. check out somethin different next, kinda bo-ho weed smokin artsie type, you might like it :rasta:

devilgoob you gotta put away the kafka and brace up don't be talkin about that ... pick up "all the pretty horses" by cormac mccarthy, makes you think about the substance of a man, and in great language. philip roth, can he spin out a conversation ... fun, a great writer.

cmon you chumps :D its spring and da flowers are bloomin and pretty soon the clothes will be comin off :jump: do a situp or two, shave your back and get ready.

Shiat i know, but my problem was this was my first serious relationship ever...so I let myself get way too attached... I feel like this should of happened to be um i dont know like 8 years ago?

I am actually writing a book about my life from the age of 12-22, and then depending on when I finish that one, possible another one just specifically about my ex, and my years of 22-now.


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ICMag Donor
flubnutz said:
... pick up "all the pretty horses" by cormac mccarthy, makes you think about the substance of a man, and in great language. philip roth, can he spin out a conversation ... fun, a great writer.
A good friend of mine produced the movie version. A loser at the box office, but a great story nonetheless.


stoned agin ...
hey, you learn when you learn. you will take chances again probably less impetuous, but hey who wants to live in a shell. watch out for pickin bad on the rebound the vultures will be circling LOL but definitely you have to get out and work off the funk meet people, your kind of people ... one new female friend leads to another, to another ... theres a good seed in one of them, and it gets yer mind off things and open new possibilities of the platonic and not-so-platonic kind :D


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hoosierdaddy said:
A good friend of mine produced the movie version. A loser at the box office, but a great story nonetheless.

Reminds me of a friend who loved watching the wild horses on the beach. Loved an obscure song by bob dylan. Duplicity in it's meaning, but the day we watched them was gorgeous. It was like yesterday. I was young.

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