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Recommend A Movie Thread



Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Jim Carrey undergoes a process to erase memories of ex-girlfiend who did the same procedure to erase him from her memory. Pretty trippy stuff.

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Thanks for the recommendation on Touching the Void. Really good watch.


I've had a good run recently with DVD movies that I expected to be absolute crap ... hence why I waited for them to come out on Netflix. A few I've been surprised that I actually enjoyed them... turned out to be better then I thought. Which probably wasn't that hard considering the low expectations I had.

Clash of the Titans : was a decent adaptation - I loved the classic but that was made way to soon in special effects technology terms. This new one does a decent job of filling the viewer in on any needed background mythology. The classic assumed a certain knowledge of mythology so some viewers were lost.

Kick-Ass : I totally had the wrong idea about this movie from the previews while it was out in the theater. I thought it was going to be a campy kids cornball comic hero movie ..... and even purposely, it seems, it starts this way ... until the blood and guts start flying. It's comic book funny mixed with Kill Bill , or even more so, blood and guts action. The Hit Girl character is hysterical.


Kick-Ass : I totally had the wrong idea about this movie from the previews while it was out in the theater. I thought it was going to be a campy kids cornball comic hero movie ..... and even purposely, it seems, it starts this way ... until the blood and guts start flying. It's comic book funny mixed with Kill Bill , or even more so, blood and guts action. The Hit Girl character is hysterical.
Saw that last night and was way better than I thought it would be. Lots of fun and yeah Hit Girl rocks :)

el dub

"Dead Man," with Johnny Depp. The director called it an "acid western." (1995)

Great flick, imo.



the Warriors
There was this kind of cool movie called Once Were Warriors about modern day Maori living inner city in either Australia or New Zealand. Pretty much B grade though but still worth a watch if you've got nothing better to do.