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This talk of the recession is scaring the fuck out of me.

The reason is I'm a few years out of college...with 25,000 in debt.

Should I be scared?? What should I do?? Will we enter a great depression? Will I be able to eat? Does this thing have anything to do with 2012???


Settle down dude
Recession, mecession I've been through 3 or 4 most everything goes merrily along. Jobs are harder to get and much more difficult if your unskilled, sounds like you have a ticket are you living at home? Depression isn't likely now is it.WTF is 2012 ?? You'll be fine just don't buy that Cadillac you've got your eye on LOL
Don't be scared, that won't help it at all. I'm still in college, but if things get worse when I graduate I plan on moving somewhere else with a more stable economy and more progressive laws, I suggest you do the same. We won't enter a depression like the one in the early 20th century, but we may see a high amount of inflation and the dollar become less valuable. You will be able to eat, although it may not be fresh lobster.

The whole 2012 thing is supported by a bunch of idiots, if you read into it you'll see that the whole backbone of their theory, the Mayan calendar, doesn't really end in 2012, it just resets, not that it really matters anyway. This has nothing to do with 2012, the whole rest of the world is doing great, look at europe. Sure they're being hurt a little by the lack of american tourism, but they're still on track. It's possible that when the next election is over the whole thing could turn around. If America falls to its knees, which it inevitably will do some day, just relocate. The whole world is in dire need of educated people and some countries will even offer you monetary incentives to immigrate to them.


Active member
2012 is bogus just like y2k....

recession is real, its not going to kill you, you will eat, just dont spend all your cash, and hold onto some 'just incase'

your worried? i work for a mortgage broker....im not going to have a job much longer...


Well-known member
EatCannabisRaw said:
This talk of the recession is scaring the fuck out of me.

The reason is I'm a few years out of college...with 25,000 in debt.

Should I be scared?? What should I do?? Will we enter a great depression? Will I be able to eat? Does this thing have anything to do with 2012???

"Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to go through life, son."........Dean Wormer Animal House.

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Unfortunately college has become the new high school, unless you're at any ivy league school

I've been out two years and just shit my pants with joy to get a $12/hr job with benefits and no weekends

Just make sure to get something lined up before you leave school. Also, its not what you know but who =) But you probably already knew that by now


Name call me all you want but I think it will be worse than the 30s great depression. Just try to keep a job and save all the money you could, you wont be the only one.


I don't care if anyone believes it or not, but I've been writing about what's going down right now for about 10 years. This is the last recession (long story short, it's due to peak fossil fuel availability).

Save money? For what? To start a fire? That's all it will be good for shortly. One of the few things I remember from high school was a picture in a history textbook of a German woman burning a wheelbarrow full of German marks to keep warm (our great depression was part of a larger global crisis in capitalism that was temporarily stemmed by World War II and increases in fossil fuel production).

Want advice? Become fully self-sufficient ASAP. No one will, but that's what you need to do.
Green W. Bush said:
I've been out two years and just shit my pants with joy to get a $12/hr job with benefits and no weekends

what's your degree in if you don't mind telling?

I highly doubt we will end up in an all-out depression, there's so many checks in place to prevent it and people are much more aware today than they were in the past. If we get close to losing all oil we easily have the technology to convert over to alternative fuel sources and tell OPEC to go to hell, it just takes the cooperation of the automotive industry. It might come close, but with the internet and media as advanced as they are today the public would never let the government run us completely into the ground.


Im with socioecologist and KINGPIFF. This shit is UGLY. Our dollar has never been this devalued, not even in the 30's! As everyone here has probably seen, Amsterdam wont even exchange our money, http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSL1758265520080319
Mortgage companies are finished, they are just as big a lame duck as the president is, they are circling the drain. The FED has the borrowing rate at ~2% how much lower can it go?! Seriously. Big financial companies are loosing their asses, Bear - Sterns anyone? And the ABSOLUTE WORST part of this, take a good hard look at our Presidential candidates, NON OF THEM HAVE A PLAN FOR THIS, and the plans they do have are just going to sink us even further! Call me a conspirator all you want but this is serious, I have been through a few of these me self but none have these signs this early. And how can anyone forget GAS, not only is it expensive beyond belief, but its almost all gone and NO ONE has come up with an alternate fuel/power source. So prepare however you feel like, but its going to be NASTY, good luck to you man. This next statement is not intended to scare you, but it is intended to not take your degree for granted... I have three friends 2 graduate from UF in Engineering and 1 from Tulane with a MASTERS in Business. They have all lost there respective jobs and cannot find ANYTHING for more than 35k. That is shit money for such hefty degrees, and they have wayyyyy more than 25k of school debts. Good luck chief, stay smart. KINGPIFF and socioecologist are on the right note, i hope you learned something in school during your economics classes, I did. Cheers

Money Shot


And by the way, during the 30's the only thing that brought us out was the war which created jobs and got us moving again. Guess waht, we are already at war and it is a black hole for money, there isnt much in way of a bail out strategy. Dont be so nieve (SP?) that the government wont let it happen, recession/depressions are cyclical and no one can stop them, they happen every 4-7 years no matter what, its the "economies" way of balancing itself. It is how you fatten up to burn through the winter. We really needed Ron Paul, he wouldnt have stopped it but he would have made this shorter and hurt a lot less. By the way, what does 2012 mean? Cheers



thanks for the added input. 2012 is the whole end-of-the-world mayan calendar thing...


Learn how to grow some turnips lol just kidding but really if a depression comes it will be the rich ceo's that are jumping out windows not me a country boy can survive.


socioecologist said:
I don't care if anyone believes it or not, but I've been writing about what's going down right now for about 10 years. This is the last recession (long story short, it's due to peak fossil fuel availability).

What makes you think its due to peak fossil fuel. I don't think so


moneyshot said:
Dont be so nieve (SP?) that the government wont let it happen, recession/depressions are cyclical and no one can stop them, they happen every 4-7 years no matter what, its the "economies" way of balancing itself. It is how you fatten up to burn through the winter. We really needed Ron Paul, he wouldnt have stopped it but he would have made this shorter and hurt a lot less.

we might have a minor recession every 4-7 years, but not a depression comparable to the one in the 30s. the government won't let that whole mess happen again because then they lose money too and funding for wars, social security, etc. not to mention it would be REALLY embarrassing.

IF it comes down to it, they have many tools in place to shut down the stock market, regulate the economy, and prevent a depression again. yes, the government may not be our friend some of the time, but they won't let it get anywhere near as bad as it was in the 30s.


New member
Just to clarify: America technically hasn't even experienced a recession yet. A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth in GDP. The American economy hasn't seen any quarters of negative growth yet, let alone two consecutive ones. Though it has slowed, it is still a growing economy. The media and Americans are quick to exaggerate the severity of our economic condition over issues like gas prices and sub-prime loans, when in reality, they are very, very small ripples in the our $14 trillion economy.

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