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Rebirth of a pc grow case


I don't know if anyone can see this post, but regardless. If you have the resources, build a box the same size with an in and exhaust fan, toss in the hps, then record it's temps.

Something tells me it'll be blistering hot. Good luck my man. You'll probably want to add an enclosure around the bulb to help with exhausting of the heat.
(The obvious) I'd do something like so:

Passive intake, and exhaust out the top, and exhaust from the grow chamber via a scrubber. The light sheilded 360*, etc. You'll probably want to have some sort of air circulation in the grow chamber as well. Personally, I'd do it if I had the bulb and ballast. If it's still too hot in there, add another layer of plexiglass between the bulb and the first layer of plexi/acryllic. Don't seal it off though, you'll still want some air flow between the layers, it'll cool it down astronomically.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Scrub! Thanks microgram and Paranoid one too!
here are some pics..buds are getting huge and here is the lighter beside them ...love to see how much I get...
161 watts all the way too!
I am germinating 1 Trainwreck seed too..Its a female..I'd do 2 plants but my daughter and I are growing a snap dragon plant for her teacher! So the both of them will be in the next grow...
I made a killer pot for this next plant too out of a plastic garbage can I saw at wally world! It was cheap...
I cut it in half so the dimensions are 7 inches by 6.5 inches..just over a gallon of soil..
Hope you like


i'd love to see the set up with the 150 hps. You'll need some mad freaking cooling though dude. but damn it'd be dope! danker than dank!



Grow like nobody is watching
F*ck yeah! That main cola is rockin' my world, dude. I hate to be a stick in the mud, but I would be wary of sharing your growspace with your daughter. Isn't there a chance she'd say something at the wrong time? ("Daddy grows plants under a light" etc) Or do you have plans around this or what? Sorry, just thinking of safety cos I know my friends with kids had biiiig troubles with their boy saying stuff at school. Peace.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks b00m, #1Cheesebuds,microgram and Scrub!! Nice to hear from you all..
You are absolutely right Scrub..I think it was a drug induced coma writing or even thinking that..sheeesh...my daughter is way smart too..plus I live in a town where if you spit on the sidewalk, everyone would know...I am bringing this pc to a friends house for the next grow but as chance would have it, I was building a different pc before I got this killer case, so my little one and I will use that one just for her and her plant..what was I thinking!
thank you bigtime Scrubs..I'll be visiting your thread tonight bro...
150 watt hps would be kinda cool huh!
Does anyone else think it can work in a pc?
i broke the fins on my 80mm fan trying to fix something with it running..UGH...why would I think I could put my fingers close anways?! toooo much herb this holiday season BC...
Anyways,I have another stronger 80mm sitting around so maybe this 150 could work..16,00 lumens compared to the 11,00 I have now...sweeeet..
Thanks everyone


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Watch those fingers and fan blades bro ouch. :faint: :yoinks:
Putting a 150 hps in a computer is a brave move my friend, but you are on the best site in the world, so I'm positive with some good advice and planning you will pull it off BC, I personally have no experience in that area of growing. Keep up the great work.
Peace an Gardening Bro.


I'm in planning stage of a growbox. While the scale is slightly off from this one I was wondering a bit on the scrubber/filter setup. Did you have a scale for the watt/cfm as a guide or find the info elsewhere? My box would be (18" D, 23.5" W, 32" H) and I'm having a problem finding exactly what size fan would be needed inside a small scrubber/filter. While odor control is important I do have some concerns with overkill (that is too big a fan for size grow) and noise.

If you, or others, have some information on finding the right watt/cfm for these micro grow boxes I'd appreciate the help A LOT! I'm almost ready to build but this topic is kicking my a--.



No problem BC! Glad to give a hand, karma is always on your side my bro, or so I have found. The more information I can accurately give someone (be it simple or complex), the better for me! Call it selfish, but karma rewards!)

In regards to mdjscdhl, This Link (By ScrubNinja) Has almost all the info on it that you need to set up a scrubber. It is important how ever, to restrict the airflow as little as possible when it comes to exhausting heat. If you can bend your way around doing that, you'll thank yourself in the long run (Two conflicting 90* angles block 90% of light). Try to build your case with the two exhausts if necessary, one for the sealed light(s), and one that's scrubbed for the smell. But if you cant, try to make it so that the exhaust on the light is still amost-free of restrictions. Like as you see in my above pic that I posted, have a smaller CFM fan for the intake on that light on the top right, and a bigger CFM fan for exhaust, that way, you'll get draw from both places, more-so the intake for the light compartment than the scrubbed grow chamber (due to physics). Backup fans are almost as godly as chronic.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks b00m, micro and mgjscdhl !
Yeah my fingers were spared a brutal massacre! gives me a reason to put in a better one I guess! i think the reason I have been able to pull off this many watts in a pc is because I have been running 2 exhaust fans. 1 an 80mm and the other the Delta 151 cfm fan. Both with scrubbers of course!
I think I could pull off the 150 hps for that reason. Its a steady 77-79 all the time in my box and there are 161 watts of cfl's so if my exhaust can handle it now, why not with the 150hps?
what do you all think??
The girl is coming along nicely..I'll post pics later tonight..I've flushed/watered twice now so thats every 3 days the planter completely dries out..
I am also making a DYI drying box so I'll post pics of that work in progess..
thanks all for all your help.
look forward to hearing from you all.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey all..
Here are some pics of my girl, who is filling out nicely, and the DYI drying box..
1 fan for intake and one for exhaust, with a small filter of some sort..
I'll cover it later when the fans are installed but I'd better get on it cause there is only a few days to go..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
The 1 main cola goes almost all the way down to the soil! Crazy! She is only 14 inches tall too! So thats a big cola...sweeeet...
I used Big Bud and Carbo-Load for 3 weeks of flowering, after I straightened out the nute problem( with all your help thanks) and it seems to have helped..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Its Minnie not Micky!! lol..Finally someone noticed..Good job Scrub!!
I keep taking pics with that behind the plant to see if anyone would see it! ha-ha
my daughter was going to throw it away because its all messed up but I put it on the wall instead!
I have a Trainwreck seed in soil or soiless I guess it is...hope its a female, if not I'll throw another in..
Thanks all

Paranoid one

Hey BC!:wave:
Plant looks really nice!!

About your daughter, does she know about it or no?

Crossed fingers for a female seedling for ya :)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Scrub! I bought it at a bargain store and I found out why it was so cheap when I got home..UGH... thats why my daughter gave it back to me..it was a knock off made by insane elves somewhere...sheeesh..
thanks Paranoid one!!! she is 18 and only comes here every other week..She knows I smoke it as a medicine so its all good..I'd be a fool to pull this off if she was young and here all the time..
The main cola is starting to go sideways like its gettibg very heavy..yay!
Here are pics of my drying box I just made..still have to cover the outside but its looking okay..
I have a question or maybe 2..
I got some Shultz organic soil with NO slow release pellets and the nutes in it are .06-.09-.06
Is that good ? and how long till I start real food?For the plant of course!
The seed germed and its in that soil now..
It seems good though..no ferts, just natural ones from the microbes in the ingredients..it has yucca for moisture too..
Please someone let me know!
Thanks everyone..