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Reason for foxtails!?!


Active member
I´ve been growing many different Cannabis varieties In- and Outdoors over the last decade, and during that time came across different types of so called "foxtailing".

First of all, I think that this trait mainly depends on the genetical background of the pheno.

But I´m also sure that there a ceratin "exogen", environmental condiditons that can trigger or inhance the typical foxtail flowers.

I am currently harvesting an Indoor ZamalXSpecial Skunk that is extremely Zamal dominant, and during the last weeks of flowering, she foxtailed madly.

This is a typical trait for some tropical and subtropical Sativas.

But it´s obvious that the top bud foxtailed more on the side that wasn´t directly opposed to the bulb.

This makes two conclusions possible:

1, She responded to the lack of light and therefor foxtailed more.

2, Climate was more humid and cool aside from the bulb, and the buds developed this more airy growth to protect itself againgst the higher humidity and lower temps to prevent mold.

Talking about morphogenetics...

Many lowland strains produce foxtail buds, because of the rather humid environment.

Any other reasons or explanations?




If it's something like what I was growing back on OG days, there was a strain called Scorpians Tail - which had a floppy cola that wouldnt stand straight up to save it's life.

I posted a couple pix and had a couple readers post up and identify it as something like a South American strain both were famuliar with - it was a highland strain that grew well at elevation - don't know what the story was about the strange cola trait - just the way it grew.
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Why dont we ask G. ... ive seen GNC sell " Foxtail Sativas"at SB bred in NL..
for alooooong time. Imho its Genetic as Ive seen here in scandinavia several times outdoors. Great smoke as far as I remember
Peace. :rasta:


Active member
I took a closer look at my ZamalXSkunk Special buds, and have to say: It´s the light!

Seems like the top bud really has two sides:

The one side which was totally exposed to the light is much denser but a wee bit more leavy, the other side is obviously more foxtailing with less leaf material, but it seems that the few laves that are left have less resin content than the one on the "bright side".

My conclusion is that this pheno which is 90 % on the Zamal side needs a lot of light to reach it´s full potential.

They way I grew her(next to, not under a HPS) is not perfect, nonetheless, even quick-dried it´s great smoke.

You can pick budsites containing trichomes going from amber to completely clear, as with many Sativas that have more than just one harvest window.

And the most fresh trichomes are on the female calyxes on the more foxtails side, while the other side is simply a bit more mature.



foxtails happen naturally in tropical sativas (most likely your case since its a zamal cross) or it can also be heat-induced and occur in less pure sativa-leaning hybrids, such as sour diesel. i have seen foxtails in haze lines come about in october and november outside, when its getting a bit chilly. from what i can recall, zamal is a foxtailer so i dont think its anything out of the ordinary.

that being said, i'd love to see some pics! :yummy:


Active member
Always thought it was heat, but you make it sound like bud etoliation, which I never really thought about but it makes perfect sense.
Also, an adaptation to a humid environment would be a thinner bud to protect against mold.

Ah, trying to grow different strains from around the globe in one environement inside.
Talk about a challange.


Active member
im leaning to it being genetic but room conditions can bring it out more or less from grow to grow. In my stable i have a bigbud clone gets a mad growth burst calaxs grow outwards late into flower only if shes growing very well..

Recently grew sensi skunk had this tait in abouts 50% of the phenos from mild to extreem phenos with more yielded less but finnished faster. .



Active member
thc43 said:

Whatever thc43 said because that guy grows some serious weight. OMG. nice. :)
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Active member
first let me start w/ "I hate foxtails"

I have had clones that normally didn't foxtail. Matanuska Thunderfuck, and Blockhead. (grown them both for along time).

during one run from clones (Ive explained this on here before BTW), I accidentally gave them a pretty big "Veg. feeding" at about 3 or 4 weeks "flower" by accident.

They all pretty well stopped flowering (not totally tho) but they started shootin' out foxtails from all over the place.

I decided not to flush, and just ride it out and get them back on track (since they were super healthy).

They continued to foxtail for most the grow, and I ended w/ with way more wood than bud. The bud was great tho (nothing less than expected) , but it's had no bag appeal IMO.

Im sure sum genetics was at play, but i'd grown these clones before, in the same conditions and they never foxtailed. ...thats why I think my feeding fuk up was to blame (too much "N" and whatever else during flower)

The "Veg. feed" I gave them at 3 or 4 weeks flower was foxfarm Grow Big @ 1.5 Tablespoons /gal. and a healthy dose of seaweed. (it was meant for my yungens in veg)

I dont know if that helps any, but thats my experience

-yukon :wave:


First I'm a lil confused as to what everyone is saying foxtailing is. To me, it's the natural shape and growth pattern of many tropical strain, not when buds "run" because of excessive heat. When I say run, I'm talking about a nearly mature bud sending out new growth that is almost veg like in apprearance. Not a good thing and it's sure not pretty. Foxtail buds can be quite pretty though. I do agree that the amount of light is very important in getting sativas to reach their potential. Couple of pics, one of a Panama Red x (strawberry diesel x doubledog) dried "foxtail" bud and a pic of a panama red plant at about 12 weeks that has plenty of foxtails.

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I am getting fox tails and my plant is right under the hid and is being turned a 1/4 turn a day. I am dealing with excessive heat and low R/H


Herbal relaxation...
Òla Spicecowboy :wave:

I wouldnt think that plants create foxtails in those spots that doesnt get the most direct light. At least I have had opposite experiences..

But, I do think that too much nitrogen in flowering makes these sativas trow crazy foxtails. Of course there are strains that do that without excess nitrogen, but many sativas / sativahybrids dont foxtail badly before giving too much nitrogen..

Just my :2cents:


I've had experience with some Jamaican that was grown under fluorescents back in the 80's. It foxtailed like crazy, and I assume it was due to the sativa genetics coupled with the low light conditions.

The potency was outstanding though. It just looked wierd.


New member
IMHO it's genetics.

IMHO it's genetics.

My Super Silver Haze do it right at the end of flowering....the calyxes swell and stack nicely in last week or so. I think it looks nice. It happens in a pretty uniform manner on my ladies, so I think it's genetics.

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