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Really Small grow.


2 out of 4 seeds came out of the dirt, still waiting for the other 2. I wasn't home when they sprouted so one of them is a little bit stretched, but I think it will be okay. I'm going to veg it until it gets to it's 3rd node, then top it, and put it into flower. I'll post pics when I can.


Active member
Welcome to icmag :)
Could you give some specs on your setup (light, area ...) - is this your first grow?


My grow space is 14 inches high, and around 14 inches across, a cylinder container. Around 1 sq. foot. The are 3 cfl lights on them, 2 blue spectrum, and 1 red spectrum, for a total of about 6000 lumens. I have a few more seeds I'm going to germ, and add to this grow, and see which grow method is the best, by doing a SOG this grow, and next grow a SCROG, with 2 plants.



Active member
Looks interesting - do you have any ventilation? You really need to change the air and get some cooling in such a small and closed container.


the first grow I started was in (2) 5 gal.buckets inverted. worked fine but i had to stop the grow due to it being wicked cold in my shed :badday:

still I think next time I would use some sort of box because you can fit more crap in it.

you need some sort of vent if you don't want to bake yor plants. Still looks like a nice rig, best of luck! :joint:


When I can get to the store I'm going to buy a computer fan, and have it up by the lights sucking air out, and maybe one blowing in. But for now, since it is on 24/7 lights I can just leave the top open, so it vents.


Sneak attack critical
What are your temps in the barrel?
I'm talking towards the bottom, where less air is moving...


The Temps are about 85-ish, later when I can get an extension cord, I can put a fan blowing on/in the container.


All 4 of my plants are out of the soil, I'll post pics in a few hours, it's 3:30, and they are in their dark cycle ( I decided to go with 18/6, because of heat issues, for now. ) One of them has a little bit of brown on the leaves, but I'm hoping it will fix itself. The stretched one is a little farther along than the rest of them, and you can tell it's spreading it's leaves already. If my camera works well enough I'll try to get betters pictures then last time.



Here's all of them

The best looking one.

The 2nd best one.

The stretched one.

The dead/dying one, I think. Is this one just retarded ?


looks fine to me, thats NOT streched (trust me on this)

the other looks like the (heat?) got to it or nute burn. Have you fed them yet because its still very early for it.
Drill a ring of 1/2" holes around the bottom of the container (like 8 of them). They will be the passive air intakes. Then mount the computer fan in the top sucking warm air out of the container.

I think your system is a model of simplicity. It's not over-engineered and it's going to work. Now lets see what kinda buds you get.

Great Job!

Happy New Year!
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Active member
Word on that Tarzan!
K.I.S.S. Keep.It.Simple.Stupid. An Occum's Razor of bud boxes ya got there:)
ZO, I am not sure if you have gone over this as of yet, but what kind of seeds are you growing out?


Yeah, these are some seeds from a bag of decent weed I got, but I think if it's grow properly it should be really good stuff. I'm most likely not going to use nutes, and it I do it wont be until they are almost done with flowering. I don't think the messed up plant is that way because of heat, because none of the other ones look like that. When should I have to transplant them ? The next pots I put them in a going to be the ones they flower in. So far I'm thinking about using 5"x5" pots. I'm not sure yet because I have very little vertical space.

Edit: does anyone have any ideas on how I can keep these plants short ? If I have to I'll probably just top them, after the 3rd node. That will stop the vertical growing, right ? If topping them stops vertical growth then could I just top them when they get near the top of my container, so they bush out ?

Sorry about all the questions.
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you could put a scrog screen down there, or gust tie them down. If I were you I would top them like twice then LST them. Btw how many plants do you plan on flowering?


I'm planing on adding 2 more plants to the 2 I keep. But I'm just going to flower them from seed. I could try to SCROG them, but I don't want to have to remove the males, when I flower them. So I'll probably try to LST them, I've been reading up on that.

When I start the flowering should I keep the blue spectrum CFLs in the box, to keep them from stretching in the red lights ? Would it be better to just add 2 more red spectrum lights ?

Also, does topping stop vertical growth, or just slow it ?
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Topping--not shure I think if you top a node the main branch splits in 2 and continues to grow up however it will be shorter than 1 stem.

Blue/Red cfl--blue for v and red for flowering. However with such a small setup mixed might be a good idea.


seems like 4 plants in there LST'd would be quite a lot. You'd prolly be dealing with a lot of foilage that would block a lot of your light. :puppydoge