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REAL reasons weed is so terrible and therefore SHOULD be illegal


Active member
don't you know?? marijuana is a gateway drug!!! it leads to crack heroin, meth, and child molesting; so obviously they HAVE to go after marijuana users first and get them behind bars BEFORE they turn into a horrible menace to society with their dangerous plants!!!


i can just picture a room full of fat fools in suits with red faces and cigars.. going

"puff, soo, marijuana is a gateway to all these things right? soo, we just eliminate marijuana and the problems solved! right?"

.. though ´d be foolish to attribute these thoughts to real life politicians, they are not the "common" man, they are the folks that Manipulate the "common" man..

the "common" man (thankfully dying out)

is not a very rational being, easily manipulated through emotions and with carrots on a stick.

which lead to the rise of demagogues like hitler (basically the teacher for all the politicians of the 20th century (what to do and what no do to (well, the latter only for a select few with a few more braincells than the rest))


Active member
Cannabis is an easy scapegoat. Unlike alcohol, which has always enjoyed a large following (it is ingrained in our culture).

Cannabis NOT ingrained in our culture?

Here's a great comic strip that follows the progressive change of the public towards cannabis.

Cannabis hemp, sativa and indica were cloth, rope and medicine for everyone..... way back when.

The current mindset that people have is a result of massive misinformation campaigns targeted at people who feel it their duty to control others. (Whatever their reasons may be.) Well intentioned people spewing lies and disinformation.... thinking they're helping their fellow man.

Helping their fellow man all right... right in to disease, poverty and decay. But they wouldn't know anything about that.

Check out the link... it does a good job (with references) at what it was designed for. :D

Stay Safe!


One thing is for sure, as the baby boom generation ages they are finding cannabis to be a very helpfull companion in old age.90% of the people I give weed to are over 55 and they are very thankfull.Growing old and lonely can really suck and I'm seeing people completely change their minds when they see their outlook change from just a few puffs...Weed is only harmfull to me , as an older mid forties guy, when I smoke and go skateboarding with my kids.I turn into a devil in the concrete pool and injure myself quite often, good thing cannabis helps with the pain in my ankles, back, neck, shoulders and head...anyway the point is that I've met and talked with older folks who look at all the scripts on the counter and say the only thing that helps in their life is the script in the clear glass jar.Damn, I wouldn't wish the pains of old age on anybody! I hope I wasn't too far off topic.:)


Don't bet on it

Don't bet on it

the "common" man (thankfully dying out)

is not a very rational being, easily manipulated through emotions and with carrots on a stick.

which lead to the rise of demagogues like hitler (basically the teacher for all the politicians of the 20th century (what to do and what no do to (well, the latter only for a select few with a few more braincells than the rest))
There are more under educated common man type people out there than ever before. Why do you think our education system has been under attack for the last 40 or so years? An educated and informed person is a lot harder to fool than someone that thinks they are smart. My son graduated HS on the honor roll and has less education that I have who flunked out at the 9th grade. And the powers that be are still cutting education budgets and building prisons as fast as they can. Fighting for good education is fighting for right and decentcy and the only way to beat the prohibitionists and their likes.:ying:


Active member
In response to the false propaganda claims that Cannabis is a gateway drug to watch out for:

Alcohol is definitely a greater Gateway drug than cannabis. Matter afact if many opioid users had access to OG Kush and top end Headsmoke when they were younger, I doubt many of them would have felt the need to go further than that. In non medical states, many people binge drink a lot more when all they have is commercial weed or regs - because alone the effects doesn't do it for them. When a lot of them get ECSD, OG Kush, or Chem D when they make the rounds. They drink much less, and some not at all - to preserve as much of the pure cannabis effects as possible. High end strains can be pure bliss.

I've heard many more stories of people trying hard drugs when they were really drunk, not as a result of smoking weed... With cannabis you can actually make decent judgements, maybe outside of depth in some situations, and not engage in things you don't even remember doing or had no thought going into why or why not to try or do something.

Not that I support the BS drug war in any sense, or the unreasonable pressures by authorities - but ask any cop who they would rather deal with, someone who smoked a joint or someone belligerently drunk - I think they would choose the pot smoker who wasn't completely inhibited to the point of not knowing what they were doing to others.

my 2cents