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REAL reasons weed is so terrible and therefore SHOULD be illegal



Big news here in CO, front page stuff at least 2-3 times a week. BIG ASS controversy; the pillars of the community decry pot as the devil weed.
of course there are NO studies, no facts that they base their arguments on... just the hysteria. POT IS EVIL. POT IS ADDICTIVE.

if somebody ever comes up with a REAL reason to schedule this as a FUCKING narcotic, or to in any way show the HORROR that it inflicts upon society (i'm NOT talking about the harmful effect of the drug war - that's another subject) i sure haven't heard or read it.


and still we continue to imprison thousands. how fucked up this is.

we can quantify the harm with alcohol, crank, oxycontin, etc.



High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Damn...I better do an immediate trial and smoke some...for experimental purposes of course.


yeah, him and others...

that was then.

that is now ....... they have not made a new "reefer madness" because we know how stupid the first one was, that does not stop them from spewing the same shit today that they were preaching then. i am amazed at the level of ignorance that the people in power display on a daily basis, but i am not surprised.


yeah yeah

i'ts time to start living in the present. time to start calling out the shadow demons into the light of day...

addictive? please show the science!

unhealthy? please show the science!

destroys lives? quantify it please!

otherwise shut it up.


Well-known member
Cannabis is an easy scapegoat. Unlike alcohol, which has always enjoyed a large following (it is ingrained in our culture), cannabis does not have a huge lobby to forward it into mainstream acceptability. Alcohol was once safer to drink than water because mankind did not know it was a bad idea to shit and piss in your water supply until less than 200 years ago. We were not aware that the boiling of the mash and the alcohol itself killed the pathogens in the water until Louis Pasteur came along.

Cannabis was scapegoated by unscrupulous people to forward their own political, business and social agenda, and it has not been able to shake that stigma. Politicians won't do anything about it because it's an easy target for the "tough on crime" crowd.

Unless a significant percentage of people rise up and demand changes, it will remain illegal as part of the status quo. Unfortunately, trying to change this makes you a target of the powers that be and you will be quickly shouted down, ostracized and labeled a slacker stoner.

Stand up and get slapped down, or go about your business on the down low. Most people choose the latter.


start demanding more from the morons of opinion...

after someone says something stupid we might say, "And on what science, social or otherwise, do you base your opinion?"

if nothing else, the other morons will take note and stifle in the future...

i'ts gotta start somewhere, and it's on a case by case basis. it will go one person at a time very slowly until a tipping point is reached.

i will add my voice whenever possible. in a discrete way of course...


Kiss My Ring
Yea but a large portion of the voting demographic is from back "then".

yes we are!
but we share obvious cultural similarities, suffer the same indignities, and wish we had finished what we started!

each of you younger ones inherit our problems with the 'powers that be', sorry we weren't able to clear that up already, but this grand plan of theirs was well thought out and executed...it's kind of like rolling back taxes now...

with the 'powers that be' so firmly entrenched economically (fiscally) over our existence, it may take a global solution to rid us of their ilk. it won't be pretty.

so instead of blaming some old longhairs for their inability to quash this crap, let's all get on the same page and fight with every fiber to defeat this tyranical abomination.


sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Same shit here too....Our Prime Minister David Cameron went on youtube to say how toxic skunk is.......when a few weeks before scientists were saying cannabis is 1,000 times less toxic than alcohol and 100 times safer.

World needs to wake up.....this is now global bullshit.

Anyone with idea's on how we can stop the corrupt properganda from going on?

We need the truth to get out there.......somehow !!


Well-known member
if you believe in karma and its corrollary reincarnation, that poor bastard will owe for people not born yet who will go to jail.

karma (if it exists) is a bitch...

"By 1973, Anslinger was completely blind, had a debilitatingly enlarged prostate gland, and suffered from angina.
On November 14, 1975, at 1 pm, Anslinger died of heart failure at Mercy Hospital"

He did live to the ripe old age of 83, though his last years were pretty miserable


Doctor Group Wants Marijuana Legalized

Doctor Group Wants Marijuana Legalized


California Medical Association Develops Policy In Support Of Marijuana

POSTED: 7:54 pm PDT October 16, 2011
UPDATED: 8:09 pm PDT October 16, 2011

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California's largest doctor association is now calling for the legalization of marijuana.
The California Medical Association adopted the position at its annual meeting taking place in Anaheim.
CMA board member and Sacramento pediatrician, Dr. Paul Phinney said the federal government's position that all marijuana, including medical marijuana, is illegal puts doctors in a tough legal spot and prevents them from truly studying the benefits and side effects of the drug.
"Doctors are in a difficult legal position," Phinney said. "In order for physicians to safely recommend medical cannabis it has to be legalized and regulated so it can be studied. The schedule one classification severely restricts our ability to do good research on the substance."
Ron Mullins is a supporter of Americans For Safe Access, an advocacy group for medical marijuana users, and an employee of a Sacramento medical marijuana dispensary. He said the news has him breathing a sigh of relief.
"It's about time common sense prevailed," Mullins said. "I was like, 'Oh good, something positive.'"
Just over a week ago the US Attorney's Office promised to crackdown on large dispensaries selling medical marijuana.
"You know, in our movement the public opinion is wavering back and forth," Mullins said.
Bishop Ron Allen is the founder of the International Faith Based Coalition and a strong opponent of legalizing marijuana. He disagrees with the CMA's new policy.
"It's ridiculous. It's crazy for the medical field to come out and say let's legalize a schedule one drug. Somebody help me get my mind wrapped around that," Allen said.
Allen said legalizing a substance to better understand its effects is the wrong approach.
"If there is a health benefit for it, than why hasn't the FDA found a health benefit," Allen said.
The CMA said that because marijuana is illegal, it has been hard to properly study its effects and potential benefits.
The organization proposes strict regulations for marijuana similar to the rules regarding alcohol and tobacco.

Read more: http://www.kcra.com/news/29503489/detail.html#ixzz1b3GdkEcs


if they allowed study on canna they would have to admit that it is non toxic.

this they cannot allow. it would ruin their lies.


if they allowed study on canna they would have to admit that it is non toxic.

this they cannot allow. it would ruin their lies.

Yes your completely correct, now I want to know what we are going to do about it!?
I signed up & signed petitions on the white house website! Also I emailed the President & I'm slow but I'm working on a letter, if I had a printer I already would of sent it!
So again I ask what are you going to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rtfo:

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